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Last active March 20, 2018 21:03
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# ____ _ _ __ __ __ __ _ ______ __ #
#/ ___|| | | | \/ | \/ | / \ | _ \ \ / / #
#\___ \| | | | |\/| | |\/| | / _ \ | |_) \ V / #
# ___) | |_| | | | | | | |/ ___ \| _ < | | #
#|____/ \___/|_| |_|_| |_/_/ \_\_| \_\|_| #
# #
# _ ____ ____ _____ #
# / \ / ___/ ___|_ _| #
# / _ \| | | | | | #
# / ___ \ |__| |___ | | #
#V1.2 /_/ \_\____\____| |_| #
#Script was adjusted from Summary-Acct
#1.1 Igor A 14/03/2018
#1.2 Igor A 20/03/2018
# Barra de rolagem implementada
# Soma de todas as contas no arquivo /home/contasUSO.txt
temp_txt=$(date +%N)
printf "\n A mente Brasileira está pensando...\n";
echo -ne ' ##### (33%)\r'
sleep 1
for i in $(cat /etc/trueuserdomains | cut -d" " -f2); do
limit=$(whmapi1 accountsummary user=$i | grep disklimit);
used=$(whmapi1 accountsummary user=$i | grep diskused | cut -d":" -f2);
printf "$used - $i\t$limit\n" >> $temp_txt;
echo -ne ' ############# (66%)\r'
sleep 1
cat $temp_txt | sort -n | awk {'print $3'} > /home/contas.txt;
cat $temp_txt | sort -n -r | awk {'print $1,$2,$3'} > /home/contasUSO.txt;
cat $temp_txt | sort -n -r | awk {'print $1,$2,$3'} | awk -F "M" '{n+=$1} END {print n}' | awk '{ foo = $1 / 1024 ; print foo "GB" }'>> /home/contasUSO.txt;
echo -ne ' ####################### (100%)\r'
echo -ne '\n'
printf "\n Salvo em /home/contas.txt apenas a lista da menor para maior";
printf "\n Salvo em /home/contasUSO.txt a lista e o uso das respectivas contas\n\n";
rm -f $temp_txt;
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