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Last active November 2, 2020 10:05
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  • Save igotit-anything/8bd730509bf15049cf6c985d49130ae1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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import asyncio
import websockets
import json
import time
import hmac
def proc_klineV2_usd(str_json):
data_dict = json.loads(str_json);
data_list = data_dict.get('data',0)
if data_list == 0: # not key 'data' in string.
print('proc_klineV2_usd : not found data')
num_data_list = len(data_list)
# Detecting the complete the one minute candle.
for data_dict_one in data_list:
data_confirm = data_dict_one.get('confirm',0)
if data_confirm == True: # If confirm is True, the data is the final tick for the interval. Otherwise, it is a snapshot.!!!CAUTION : Duplicated same data received.
TimeOpen_Candle_1M_Now = data_dict_one.get('start')
if TimeOpen_Candle_1M_Now > proc_klineV2_usd.TimeOpen_Candle_1M_Prev: # 중복데이터 제거처리. 오픈시각이 직전보다 큰것만 골라.
print(str(data_dict_one)) # completed the one minute candle.
proc_klineV2_usd.TimeOpen_Candle_1M_Prev = TimeOpen_Candle_1M_Now
proc_klineV2_usd.TimeOpen_Candle_1M_Prev =0 #
def processing_all_usd(str_json):
if '"success":true' in str_json: # subscrive 한것에 대한 응답 수신된것.
print('response : ' + str_json);
elif '"topic":"trade.' in str_json:
elif '"orderBookL2_25.' in str_json:
elif '"topic":"klineV2.1.EOSUSD"' in str_json:
print('processing_all_usd. not supporting type : ' + str_json)
def get_args_secret(_api_key, _api_secrete):
expires = str(int(round(time.time())+5000))+"000"
_val = 'GET/realtime' + expires
signature = str(, "utf-8"), bytes(_val, "utf-8"), digestmod="sha256").hexdigest())
auth = {}
auth["op"] = "auth"
auth["args"] = [_api_key, expires, signature]
args_secret = json.dumps(auth)
return args_secret
####################### for bybit Inverse . BTCUSD, ETHUSD, EOSUSD, XRPUSD
async def my_loop_WebSocket_bybit():
async with websockets.client.Connect(url_ws_inverse_bybit) as websocket:
await websocket.send(get_args_secret(api_key, api_secret)); # secret
while True:
data_rcv_strjson = await websocket.recv()
if 'success' in data_rcv_strjson:
break # exit while
await websocket.send('{"op":"subscribe","args":["klineV2.1.EOSUSD"]}'); # candle 1minute EOSUSD
print('entry while websocket receive for usd')
while True: # main while. read from websocket
data_rcv_strjson = await websocket.recv()
my_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop();
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