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Created March 16, 2018 00:42
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pygame custom events, arudino serial ports.
# Shows how to send custom events with pygame.
# AND serial port data (from perhaps an arduino).
# It sends the serial data into pygame (with custom events).
# The SERIAL event is only posts when it receives a new line.
# NOTE: No error correction is done here. Serial data can corrupt.
import pygame as pg
import serial
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/tty.usbmodem1411', 9600, timeout = 0)
serial_buffer = ''
# custom event type is an int based on USEREVENT.
def send_giggle():
e = pg.event.Event(GIGGLE, something='lalala', giggle=True)
_, going = pg.init(), pg.display.set_mode((320,200))
pg.display.set_caption('g key to giggle')
while going:
# loop whilst there is data to be read from the serial port.
serial_data =
while serial_data:
serial_buffer += serial_data
# If there is a new line, we send the event.
if '\r\n' in serial_buffer:
evt = pg.event.Event(SERIAL, line=serial_buffer)
serial_buffer = ''
serial_data =
for e in [pg.event.wait()] + pg.event.get():
if e.type == pg.QUIT: going = False
elif e.type == pg.KEYDOWN and e.key == pg.K_g: send_giggle()
elif e.type == GIGGLE: print('Got a giggle! %s' % e)
elif e.type == SERIAL: print('Line from serial: %s' % e)
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