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Created February 15, 2023 04:49
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function gauth() {
gcloud auth login && gcloud auth application-default login
# Diff two image filesystems
function cdiff-fs() {
diff \
<(crane export $1 - --platform ${3:-linux/amd64} | tar -tvf - | sort) \
<(crane export $2 - --platform ${3:-linux/amd64} | tar -tvf - | sort)
# Diff two image configs
function cdiff-cfg() {
diff \
<(crane config $1 --platform ${3:-linux/amd64} | jq) \
<(crane config $2 --platform ${3:-linux/amd64} | jq)
# Diff two image manifests
function cdiff-mf() {
diff \
<(crane manifest $1 --platform ${3:-linux/amd64} | jq) \
<(crane manifest $2 --platform ${3:-linux/amd64} | jq)
# Get image size
function imgsize() {
crane manifest $1 --platform ${2:-linux/amd64} | jq '.config.size + ([.layers[].size] | add)' | numfmt --to=iec
# List files in image
function cls() {
crane export $1 --platform ${2:-linux/amd64} | tar -tvf -
# Cat file in image
function ccat() {
crane export $1 --platform ${3:-linux/amd64} - | tar -Oxf - $2
# Find a package in
function wolfi-ls() {
gsutil ls -l gs://wolfi-production-registry-destination/os/${2:-x86_64} | grep ${1:-.*}
function sbom-ls() {
cosign download sbom --platform=${2:-linux/amd64} $1 | jq -r '.packages[] | "\(.name) \(.versionInfo)"'
function expected-sha() {
curl -sL $1 | sha256sum -
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