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imliam/ Secret

Created September 7, 2020 19:41
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Adding this trait to a Livewire component will automatically trigger methods when nested values get updated.

For example, by default, if you use wire:model="" on a Livewire component, this will only trigger the updatingFoo() and updatedFoo() methods on the component if they exist.

With this trait, it will also trigger the updatingFooBar() and updatedFooBar() methods.

namespace App\Http\Livewire\Traits;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
trait UpdatesNestedValues
public function updated($field, $value)
$this->updateNestedValue('updated', $field, $value);
public function updating($field, $value)
$this->updateNestedValue('updating', $field, $value);
protected function updateNestedValue(string $event, string $field, $value)
if (!Str::contains($field, '.')) {
$eventMethodName = $event . Str::of($field)->replace('.', '_')->studly();
if (method_exists($this, $eventMethodName)) {
return $this->{$eventMethodName}($value);
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Xsaven commented Oct 13, 2021

It's not clear why this is, since Livewire and so know how to do that.

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