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Created September 20, 2012 18:16
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var encodeUint8 = (function() {
var arr = new Uint8Array( 1 );
return function( number ) {
// If we assume that the number passed in
// valid, we can just use it directly.
// return String.fromCharCode( number );
arr[0] = number;
return String.fromCharCode( arr[0] );
var encodeFloat32 = (function() {
var arr = new Float32Array( 1 );
var char = new Uint8Array( arr.buffer );
return function( number ) {
arr[0] = number;
// In production code, please pay
// attention to endianness here.
return String.fromCharCode( char[0], char[1], char[2], char[3] );
var encodeState = function( state ) {
var msg = '';
for ( var i = 0; i < state.length; ++i ) {
var player = state[i];
// Encode id
msg += encodeUint8( );
// Encode transform
msg += ( encodeFloat32( player.transform.position.x ) +
encodeFloat32( player.transform.position.y ) +
encodeFloat32( player.transform.position.z ) +
encodeFloat32( player.transform.rotation.x ) +
encodeFloat32( player.transform.rotation.y ) +
encodeFloat32( player.transform.rotation.z ) +
encodeFloat32( player.transform.rotation.w ) );
return msg;
var impreciseMsg = encodeState( state );
// Decode
var decodeUint8 = function( str, offset, obj, propName ) {
obj[ propName ] = str.charCodeAt( offset );
// Number of bytes (characters) read.
return 1;
var decodeFloat32 = (function() {
var arr = new Float32Array( 1 );
var char = new Uint8Array( arr.buffer );
return function( str, offset, obj, propName ) {
// Again, pay attention to endianness
// here in production code.
for ( var i = 0; i < 4; ++i ) {
char[i] = str.charCodeAt( offset + i );
obj[ propName ] = arr[0];
// Number of bytes (characters) read.
return 4;
var decodeState = function( str ) {
var charsRead = 0;
var state = [];
while ( charsRead < str.length ) {
// GC performance suffers here. Read Martin Wells’
// article about writing GC-friendly code, here
// on
var player = { transform: {} };
var position = player.transform.position = {};
var rotation = player.transform.rotation = {};
// !!!: The order of decode is same as encode!
// Decode id
charsRead += decodeUint8( str, charsRead, player, 'id' );
// Decode transform
charsRead += decodeFloat32( str, charsRead, position, 'x' );
charsRead += decodeFloat32( str, charsRead, position, 'y' );
charsRead += decodeFloat32( str, charsRead, position, 'z' );
charsRead += decodeFloat32( str, charsRead, rotation, 'x' );
charsRead += decodeFloat32( str, charsRead, rotation, 'y' );
charsRead += decodeFloat32( str, charsRead, rotation, 'z' );
charsRead += decodeFloat32( str, charsRead, rotation, 'w' );
state.push( player );
return state;
var decodedState = decodeState( impreciseMsg );
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