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Created August 26, 2019 12:41
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use \Tygh\Registry;
define('AREA', 'A');
define('ACCOUNT_TYPE', 'admin');
require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/init.php');
Registry::set('runtime.company_id', 0);
$from_db_name = Registry::get('config.db_name') . '_backup';
$from_db_host = Registry::get('config.db_host');
$from_db_password = Registry::get('config.db_password');
$from_db_user = Registry::get('config.db_user');
$from_db_params = [
'table_prefix' => Registry::get('config.table_prefix'),
'dbc_name' => $from_db_name
$to_db_name = Registry::get('config.db_name');
$to_db_host = Registry::get('config.db_host');
$to_db_password = Registry::get('config.db_password');
$to_db_user = Registry::get('config.db_user');
$to_db_params = [
'table_prefix' => Registry::get('config.table_prefix'),
'dbc_name' => $from_db_name
$dry_run = true;
$from_db_connection = new \Tygh\Database\Connection();
) or die('Can not connect to from db');
$to_db_connection = new \Tygh\Database\Connection();
) or die('Can not connect to destination db');
$product_ids = $to_db_connection->getColumn('SELECT product_id FROM ?:product_variation_group_products');
foreach ($product_ids as $product_id) {
$from_product_data = $from_db_connection->getRow('SELECT variation_options FROM ?:products WHERE product_id = ?i AND parent_product_id != 0', $product_id);
$variation_options = [];
if (empty($from_product_data['variation_options'])) {
$from_product_data = $from_db_connection->getRow('SELECT variation_options FROM ?:products WHERE parent_product_id = ?i AND is_default_variation = ?s', $product_id, 'Y');
if (!empty($from_product_data['variation_options'])) {
$variation_options = array_filter(json_decode($from_product_data['variation_options'], true));
if (empty($variation_options)) {
fn_echo("Product #{$product_id}: Variation options not found. Skipped.<br>");
$product_data = $to_db_connection->getRow('SELECT weight FROM ?:products WHERE product_id = ?i', $product_id);
$prices = $to_db_connection->getArray('SELECT price, usergroup_id, lower_limit, percentage_discount FROM ?:product_prices WHERE product_id = ?i', $product_id);
$ult_prices = [];
if (fn_allowed_for('ULTIMATE')) {
$ult_prices = $to_db_connection->getArray('SELECT price, usergroup_id, lower_limit, percentage_discount, company_id FROM ?:ult_product_prices WHERE product_id = ?i', $product_id);
$variants = $from_db_connection->getArray('SELECT modifier, modifier_type, weight_modifier, weight_modifier_type, variant_id FROM ?:product_option_variants WHERE variant_id IN (?n)', $variation_options);
if (fn_allowed_for('ULTIMATE')) {
$ult_variants = $from_db_connection->getMultiHash('SELECT modifier, modifier_type, company_id, variant_id FROM ?:ult_product_option_variants WHERE variant_id IN (?n)', ['company_id', 'variant_id'], $variation_options);
foreach ($prices as $item) {
$price = $item['price'];
foreach ($variants as $variant) {
if ($variant['modifier_type'] === 'A') { // Absolute
$price += floatval($variant['modifier']);
} else { // Percentage
$price += floatval($variant['modifier']) * $item['price'] / 100;
if ($price != $item['price']) {
fn_echo("Product #{$product_id}: Modifiers applying: Old price: {$item['price']}, New price: {$price}.<br>");
!$dry_run && $to_db_connection->query('UPDATE ?:product_prices SET price = ?d WHERE product_id = ?i AND usergroup_id = ?i AND lower_limit = ?i',
$price, $product_id, $item['usergroup_id'], $item['lower_limit']
foreach ($ult_prices as $item) {
$price = $item['price'];
foreach ($variants as $variant) {
if (isset($ult_variants[$item['company_id']][$variant['variant_id']])) {
$variant = $ult_variants[$item['company_id']][$variant['variant_id']];
if ($variant['modifier_type'] === 'A') { // Absolute
$price += floatval($variant['modifier']);
} else { // Percentage
$price += floatval($variant['modifier']) * $item['price'] / 100;
if ($price != $item['price']) {
fn_echo("Product #{$product_id}: Modifiers applying: Old price: {$item['price']}, New price: {$price}.<br>");
!$dry_run && $to_db_connection->query('UPDATE ?:ult_product_prices SET price = ?d WHERE product_id = ?i AND usergroup_id = ?i AND lower_limit = ?i AND company_id = ?i',
$price, $product_id, $item['usergroup_id'], $item['lower_limit'], $item['company_id']
$weight = $product_data['weight'];
foreach ($variants as $variant) {
if ($variant['weight_modifier_type'] === 'A') { // Absolute
$price += floatval($variant['weight_modifier']);
} else { // Percentage
$price += floatval($variant['weight_modifier']) * $item['price'] / 100;
if ($weight != $product_data['weight']) {
fn_echo("Product #{$product_id}: Modifiers applying: Old weight: {$product_data['weight']}, New weight: {$weight}.<br>");
!$dry_run && $to_db_connection->query('UPDATE ?:products SET weight = ?d WHERE product_id = ?i', $weight, $product_id);
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