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Created May 13, 2022 21:27
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Fixes SwiftUI's Material not being rendered correctly in Xcode previews
This fixes SwiftUI previews not rendering translucent materials correctly by
swizzling a couple of properties on NSWindow.
Just drop into your project and add to the target being previewed (or something it links against).
Notice the #if DEBUG, so this code won't end up in release builds. It also checks for the
XCODE_RUNNING_FOR_PREVIEWS environment variable so that it won't affect regular debug builds of the app.
@import ObjectiveC.runtime;
@interface FixSwiftUIMaterialInPreviews : NSObject
@implementation FixSwiftUIMaterialInPreviews
+ (void)load
NSDictionary *env = [NSProcessInfo processInfo].environment;
BOOL isSwiftUIPreview = [env[@"XCODE_RUNNING_FOR_PREVIEWS"] boolValue];
if (!isSwiftUIPreview) return;
NSLog(@"😇 Installing fix for translucency in SwiftUI previews");
Method hasKeyAppearance = class_getInstanceMethod([NSWindow class], NSSelectorFromString(@"hasKeyAppearance"));
Method hasMainAppearance = class_getInstanceMethod([NSWindow class], NSSelectorFromString(@"hasMainAppearance"));
Method override = class_getClassMethod([self class], @selector(__hasKeyAppearanceOverride));
if (hasKeyAppearance) method_exchangeImplementations(hasKeyAppearance, override);
if (hasMainAppearance) method_exchangeImplementations(hasMainAppearance, override);
+ (BOOL)__hasKeyAppearanceOverride
return YES;
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