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Created April 8, 2021 23:08
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Return the most recent 'Patch Tuesday' date in YYYY-MM-DD format
#region --------------------------------------- Get-PatchTuesday
# --- Modified from:
# --------------------------------------------------------------
Function Get-PatchTuesday {
[Parameter(position = 0)]
[ValidateSet('Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday')]
[String]$weekDay = 'Tuesday',
[ValidateRange(0, 5)]
[Parameter(position = 1)]
[int]$findNthDay = 2
[datetime]$today = [datetime]::NOW
function Calculate($date) {
$dateM = $date.Month.ToString()
$dateY = $date.Year.ToString()
[datetime]$strtMonth = $dateM + '/1/' + $dateY
while ($strtMonth.DayofWeek -ine $weekDay) { $strtMonth = $StrtMonth.AddDays(1) }
$firstWeekDay = $strtMonth
# -- Identify and calculate the day offset
if ($findNthDay -eq 1) { $dayOffset = 0 } else { $dayOffset = ($findNthDay - 1) * 7 }
return $firstWeekDay.AddDays($dayOffset)
# -- Determine patch tuesday for this current month --------
[datetime] $patchTuesday = Calculate $today
if ($today -lt $patchTuesday) {
return $(Calculate $today.AddMonths(-1)).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd')
else { return $patchTuesday.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd') }
#endregion -----------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------ Usage Example
# --------------------------------------------------------------
$mostRecentPatchTuesday = Get-PatchTuesday
Write-Host $mostRecentPatchTuesday # 2021-03-09
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