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Created February 14, 2013 10:05
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// LESS - Leaner CSS v1.3.1
// Copyright (c) 2009-2011, Alexis Sellier
// Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.
(function (window, undefined) {
// Stub out `require` in the browser
function require(arg) {
return window.less[arg.split('/')[1]];
// ecma-5.js
// -- kriskowal Kris Kowal Copyright (C) 2009-2010 MIT License
// -- tlrobinson Tom Robinson
// dantman Daniel Friesen
// Array
if (!Array.isArray) {
Array.isArray = function(obj) {
return === "[object Array]" ||
(obj instanceof Array);
if (!Array.prototype.forEach) {
Array.prototype.forEach = function(block, thisObject) {
var len = this.length >>> 0;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (i in this) {, this[i], i, this);
if (! { = function(fun /*, thisp*/) {
var len = this.length >>> 0;
var res = new Array(len);
var thisp = arguments[1];
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (i in this) {
res[i] =, this[i], i, this);
return res;
if (!Array.prototype.filter) {
Array.prototype.filter = function (block /*, thisp */) {
var values = [];
var thisp = arguments[1];
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
if (, this[i])) {
return values;
if (!Array.prototype.reduce) {
Array.prototype.reduce = function(fun /*, initial*/) {
var len = this.length >>> 0;
var i = 0;
// no value to return if no initial value and an empty array
if (len === 0 && arguments.length === 1) throw new TypeError();
if (arguments.length >= 2) {
var rv = arguments[1];
} else {
do {
if (i in this) {
rv = this[i++];
// if array contains no values, no initial value to return
if (++i >= len) throw new TypeError();
} while (true);
for (; i < len; i++) {
if (i in this) {
rv =, rv, this[i], i, this);
return rv;
if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) {
Array.prototype.indexOf = function (value /*, fromIndex */ ) {
var length = this.length;
var i = arguments[1] || 0;
if (!length) return -1;
if (i >= length) return -1;
if (i < 0) i += length;
for (; i < length; i++) {
if (!, i)) { continue }
if (value === this[i]) return i;
return -1;
// Object
if (!Object.keys) {
Object.keys = function (object) {
var keys = [];
for (var name in object) {
if (, name)) {
return keys;
// String
if (!String.prototype.trim) {
String.prototype.trim = function () {
return String(this).replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, '');
var less, tree;
if (typeof environment === "object" && ({}) === "[object Environment]") {
// Rhino
// Details on how to detect Rhino:
if (typeof(window) === 'undefined') { less = {} }
else { less = window.less = {} }
tree = less.tree = {};
less.mode = 'rhino';
} else if (typeof(window) === 'undefined') {
// Node.js
less = exports,
tree = require('./tree');
less.mode = 'node';
} else {
// Browser
if (typeof(window.less) === 'undefined') { window.less = {} }
less = window.less,
tree = window.less.tree = {};
less.mode = 'browser';
// less.js - parser
// A relatively straight-forward predictive parser.
// There is no tokenization/lexing stage, the input is parsed
// in one sweep.
// To make the parser fast enough to run in the browser, several
// optimization had to be made:
// - Matching and slicing on a huge input is often cause of slowdowns.
// The solution is to chunkify the input into smaller strings.
// The chunks are stored in the `chunks` var,
// `j` holds the current chunk index, and `current` holds
// the index of the current chunk in relation to `input`.
// This gives us an almost 4x speed-up.
// - In many cases, we don't need to match individual tokens;
// for example, if a value doesn't hold any variables, operations
// or dynamic references, the parser can effectively 'skip' it,
// treating it as a literal.
// An example would be '1px solid #000' - which evaluates to itself,
// we don't need to know what the individual components are.
// The drawback, of course is that you don't get the benefits of
// syntax-checking on the CSS. This gives us a 50% speed-up in the parser,
// and a smaller speed-up in the code-gen.
// Token matching is done with the `$` function, which either takes
// a terminal string or regexp, or a non-terminal function to call.
// It also takes care of moving all the indices forwards.
less.Parser = function Parser(env) {
var input, // LeSS input string
i, // current index in `input`
j, // current chunk
temp, // temporarily holds a chunk's state, for backtracking
memo, // temporarily holds `i`, when backtracking
furthest, // furthest index the parser has gone to
chunks, // chunkified input
current, // index of current chunk, in `input`
var that = this;
// Top parser on an import tree must be sure there is one "env"
// which will then be passed arround by reference.
var env = env || { };
if (!env.contents) { env.contents={}; } // env.contents must be passed arround with top env
// This function is called after all files
// have been imported through `@import`.
var finish = function () {};
var imports = this.imports = {
paths: env && env.paths || [], // Search paths, when importing
queue: [], // Files which haven't been imported yet
files: {}, // Holds the imported parse trees
contents: env.contents, // Holds the imported file contents
mime: env && env.mime, // MIME type of .less files
error: null, // Error in parsing/evaluating an import
push: function (path, callback) {
var that = this;
// Import a file asynchronously
less.Parser.importer(path, this.paths, function (e, root) {
that.queue.splice(that.queue.indexOf(path), 1); // Remove the path from the queue
var imported = path in that.files;
that.files[path] = root; // Store the root
if (e && !that.error) { that.error = e }
callback(e, root, imported);
if (that.queue.length === 0) { finish(e) } // Call `finish` if we're done importing
}, env);
function save() { temp = chunks[j], memo = i, current = i }
function restore() { chunks[j] = temp, i = memo, current = i }
function sync() {
if (i > current) {
chunks[j] = chunks[j].slice(i - current);
current = i;
function isWhitespace(c) {
// Could change to \s?
var code = c.charCodeAt(0);
return code === 32 || code === 10 || code === 9;
// Parse from a token, regexp or string, and move forward if match
function $(tok) {
var match, args, length, index, k;
// Non-terminal
if (tok instanceof Function) {
// Terminal
// Either match a single character in the input,
// or match a regexp in the current chunk (chunk[j]).
} else if (typeof(tok) === 'string') {
match = input.charAt(i) === tok ? tok : null;
length = 1;
sync ();
} else {
sync ();
if (match = tok.exec(chunks[j])) {
length = match[0].length;
} else {
return null;
// The match is confirmed, add the match length to `i`,
// and consume any extra white-space characters (' ' || '\n')
// which come after that. The reason for this is that LeSS's
// grammar is mostly white-space insensitive.
if (match) {
if(typeof(match) === 'string') {
return match;
} else {
return match.length === 1 ? match[0] : match;
function skipWhitespace(length) {
var oldi = i, oldj = j,
endIndex = i + chunks[j].length,
mem = i += length;
while (i < endIndex) {
if (! isWhitespace(input.charAt(i))) { break }
chunks[j] = chunks[j].slice(length + (i - mem));
current = i;
if (chunks[j].length === 0 && j < chunks.length - 1) { j++ }
return oldi !== i || oldj !== j;
function expect(arg, msg) {
var result = $(arg);
if (! result) {
error(msg || (typeof(arg) === 'string' ? "expected '" + arg + "' got '" + input.charAt(i) + "'"
: "unexpected token"));
} else {
return result;
function error(msg, type) {
throw { index: i, type: type || 'Syntax', message: msg };
// Same as $(), but don't change the state of the parser,
// just return the match.
function peek(tok) {
if (typeof(tok) === 'string') {
return input.charAt(i) === tok;
} else {
if (tok.test(chunks[j])) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function getInput(e, env) {
if (e.filename && env.filename && (e.filename !== env.filename)) {
return parser.imports.contents[e.filename];
} else {
return input;
function getLocation(index, input) {
for (var n = index, column = -1;
n >= 0 && input.charAt(n) !== '\n';
n--) { column++ }
return { line: typeof(index) === 'number' ? (input.slice(0, index).match(/\n/g) || "").length : null,
column: column };
function getFileName(e) {
if(less.mode === 'browser' || less.mode === 'rhino')
return e.filename;
return require('path').resolve(e.filename);
function getDebugInfo(index, inputStream, e) {
return {
lineNumber: getLocation(index, inputStream).line + 1,
fileName: getFileName(e)
function LessError(e, env) {
var input = getInput(e, env),
loc = getLocation(e.index, input),
line = loc.line,
col = loc.column,
lines = input.split('\n');
this.type = e.type || 'Syntax';
this.message = e.message;
this.filename = e.filename || env.filename;
this.index = e.index;
this.line = typeof(line) === 'number' ? line + 1 : null;
this.callLine = && (getLocation(, input).line + 1);
this.callExtract = lines[getLocation(, input).line];
this.stack = e.stack;
this.column = col;
this.extract = [
lines[line - 1],
lines[line + 1]
this.env = env = env || {};
// The optimization level dictates the thoroughness of the parser,
// the lower the number, the less nodes it will create in the tree.
// This could matter for debugging, or if you want to access
// the individual nodes in the tree.
this.optimization = ('optimization' in this.env) ? this.env.optimization : 1;
this.env.filename = this.env.filename || null;
// The Parser
return parser = {
imports: imports,
// Parse an input string into an abstract syntax tree,
// call `callback` when done.
parse: function (str, callback) {
var root, start, end, zone, line, lines, buff = [], c, error = null;
i = j = current = furthest = 0;
input = str.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n');
// Remove potential UTF Byte Order Mark
input = input.replace(/^\uFEFF/, '');
// Split the input into chunks.
chunks = (function (chunks) {
var j = 0,
skip = /(?:@\{[\w-]+\}|[^"'`\{\}\/\(\)\\])+/g,
comment = /\/\*(?:[^*]|\*+[^\/*])*\*+\/|\/\/.*/g,
string = /"((?:[^"\\\r\n]|\\.)*)"|'((?:[^'\\\r\n]|\\.)*)'|`((?:[^`]|\\.)*)`/g,
level = 0,
chunk = chunks[0],
for (var i = 0, c, cc; i < input.length; i++) {
skip.lastIndex = i;
if (match = skip.exec(input)) {
if (match.index === i) {
i += match[0].length;
c = input.charAt(i);
comment.lastIndex = string.lastIndex = i;
if (match = string.exec(input)) {
if (match.index === i) {
i += match[0].length;
c = input.charAt(i);
if (!inParam && c === '/') {
cc = input.charAt(i + 1);
if (cc === '/' || cc === '*') {
if (match = comment.exec(input)) {
if (match.index === i) {
i += match[0].length;
c = input.charAt(i);
switch (c) {
case '{': if (! inParam) { level ++; chunk.push(c); break }
case '}': if (! inParam) { level --; chunk.push(c); chunks[++j] = chunk = []; break }
case '(': if (! inParam) { inParam = true; chunk.push(c); break }
case ')': if ( inParam) { inParam = false; chunk.push(c); break }
default: chunk.push(c);
if (level > 0) {
error = new(LessError)({
index: i,
type: 'Parse',
message: "missing closing `}`",
filename: env.filename
}, env);
return (c) { return c.join('') });;
if (error) {
return callback(error);
// Start with the primary rule.
// The whole syntax tree is held under a Ruleset node,
// with the `root` property set to true, so no `{}` are
// output. The callback is called when the input is parsed.
try {
root = new(tree.Ruleset)([], $(this.parsers.primary));
root.root = true;
} catch (e) {
return callback(new(LessError)(e, env));
root.toCSS = (function (evaluate) {
var line, lines, column;
return function (options, variables) {
var frames = [], importError;
options = options || {};
// Allows setting variables with a hash, so:
// `{ color: new(tree.Color)('#f01') }` will become:
// new(tree.Rule)('@color',
// new(tree.Value)([
// new(tree.Expression)([
// new(tree.Color)('#f01')
// ])
// ])
// )
if (typeof(variables) === 'object' && !Array.isArray(variables)) {
variables = Object.keys(variables).map(function (k) {
var value = variables[k];
if (! (value instanceof tree.Value)) {
if (! (value instanceof tree.Expression)) {
value = new(tree.Expression)([value]);
value = new(tree.Value)([value]);
return new(tree.Rule)('@' + k, value, false, 0);
frames = [new(tree.Ruleset)(null, variables)];
try {
var css =, { frames: frames })
.toCSS([], { compress: options.compress || false, dumpLineNumbers: env.dumpLineNumbers });
} catch (e) {
throw new(LessError)(e, env);
if ((importError = parser.imports.error)) { // Check if there was an error during importing
if (importError instanceof LessError) throw importError;
else throw new(LessError)(importError, env);
if (options.yuicompress && less.mode === 'node') {
return require('./cssmin').compressor.cssmin(css);
} else if (options.compress) {
return css.replace(/(\s)+/g, "$1");
} else {
return css;
// If `i` is smaller than the `input.length - 1`,
// it means the parser wasn't able to parse the whole
// string, so we've got a parsing error.
// We try to extract a \n delimited string,
// showing the line where the parse error occured.
// We split it up into two parts (the part which parsed,
// and the part which didn't), so we can color them differently.
if (i < input.length - 1) {
i = furthest;
lines = input.split('\n');
line = (input.slice(0, i).match(/\n/g) || "").length + 1;
for (var n = i, column = -1; n >= 0 && input.charAt(n) !== '\n'; n--) { column++ }
error = {
type: "Parse",
message: "Syntax Error on line " + line,
index: i,
filename: env.filename,
line: line,
column: column,
extract: [
lines[line - 2],
lines[line - 1],
if (this.imports.queue.length > 0) {
finish = function (e) {
if (e) callback(e);
else callback(null, root);
} else {
callback(error, root);
// Here in, the parsing rules/functions
// The basic structure of the syntax tree generated is as follows:
// Ruleset -> Rule -> Value -> Expression -> Entity
// Here's some LESS code:
// .class {
// color: #fff;
// border: 1px solid #000;
// width: @w + 4px;
// > .child {...}
// }
// And here's what the parse tree might look like:
// Ruleset (Selector '.class', [
// Rule ("color", Value ([Expression [Color #fff]]))
// Rule ("border", Value ([Expression [Dimension 1px][Keyword "solid"][Color #000]]))
// Rule ("width", Value ([Expression [Operation "+" [Variable "@w"][Dimension 4px]]]))
// Ruleset (Selector [Element '>', '.child'], [...])
// ])
// In general, most rules will try to parse a token with the `$()` function, and if the return
// value is truly, will return a new node, of the relevant type. Sometimes, we need to check
// first, before parsing, that's when we use `peek()`.
parsers: {
// The `primary` rule is the *entry* and *exit* point of the parser.
// The rules here can appear at any level of the parse tree.
// The recursive nature of the grammar is an interplay between the `block`
// rule, which represents `{ ... }`, the `ruleset` rule, and this `primary` rule,
// as represented by this simplified grammar:
// primary → (ruleset | rule)+
// ruleset → selector+ block
// block → '{' primary '}'
// Only at one point is the primary rule not called from the
// block rule: at the root level.
primary: function () {
var node, root = [];
while ((node = $(this.mixin.definition) || $(this.rule) || $(this.ruleset) ||
$( || $(this.comment) || $(this.directive))
|| $(/^[\s\n]+/)) {
node && root.push(node);
return root;
// We create a Comment node for CSS comments `/* */`,
// but keep the LeSS comments `//` silent, by just skipping
// over them.
comment: function () {
var comment;
if (input.charAt(i) !== '/') return;
if (input.charAt(i + 1) === '/') {
return new(tree.Comment)($(/^\/\/.*/), true);
} else if (comment = $(/^\/\*(?:[^*]|\*+[^\/*])*\*+\/\n?/)) {
return new(tree.Comment)(comment);
// Entities are tokens which can be found inside an Expression
entities: {
// A string, which supports escaping " and '
// "milky way" 'he\'s the one!'
quoted: function () {
var str, j = i, e;
if (input.charAt(j) === '~') { j++, e = true } // Escaped strings
if (input.charAt(j) !== '"' && input.charAt(j) !== "'") return;
e && $('~');
if (str = $(/^"((?:[^"\\\r\n]|\\.)*)"|'((?:[^'\\\r\n]|\\.)*)'/)) {
return new(tree.Quoted)(str[0], str[1] || str[2], e);
// A catch-all word, such as:
// black border-collapse
keyword: function () {
var k;
if (k = $(/^[_A-Za-z-][_A-Za-z0-9-]*/)) {
if (tree.colors.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
// detect named color
return new(tree.Color)(tree.colors[k].slice(1));
} else {
return new(tree.Keyword)(k);
// A function call
// rgb(255, 0, 255)
// We also try to catch IE's `alpha()`, but let the `alpha` parser
// deal with the details.
// The arguments are parsed with the `entities.arguments` parser.
call: function () {
var name, nameLC, args, alpha_ret, index = i;
if (! (name = /^([\w-]+|%|progid:[\w\.]+)\(/.exec(chunks[j]))) return;
name = name[1];
nameLC = name.toLowerCase();
if (nameLC === 'url') { return null }
else { i += name.length }
if (nameLC === 'alpha') {
alpha_ret = $(this.alpha);
if(typeof alpha_ret !== 'undefined') {
return alpha_ret;
$('('); // Parse the '(' and consume whitespace.
args = $(this.entities.arguments);
if (! $(')')) return;
if (name) { return new(tree.Call)(name, args, index, env.filename) }
arguments: function () {
var args = [], arg;
while (arg = $(this.entities.assignment) || $(this.expression)) {
if (! $(',')) { break }
return args;
literal: function () {
return $(this.entities.ratio) ||
$(this.entities.dimension) ||
$(this.entities.color) ||
// Assignments are argument entities for calls.
// They are present in ie filter properties as shown below.
// filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha( *opacity=50* )
assignment: function () {
var key, value;
if ((key = $(/^\w+(?=\s?=)/i)) && $('=') && (value = $(this.entity))) {
return new(tree.Assignment)(key, value);
// Parse url() tokens
// We use a specific rule for urls, because they don't really behave like
// standard function calls. The difference is that the argument doesn't have
// to be enclosed within a string, so it can't be parsed as an Expression.
url: function () {
var value;
if (input.charAt(i) !== 'u' || !$(/^url\(/)) return;
value = $(this.entities.quoted) || $(this.entities.variable) ||
$(/^(?:(?:\\[\(\)'"])|[^\(\)'"])+/) || "";
return new(tree.URL)((value.value != null || value instanceof tree.Variable)
? value : new(tree.Anonymous)(value), imports.paths);
// A Variable entity, such as `@fink`, in
// width: @fink + 2px
// We use a different parser for variable definitions,
// see `parsers.variable`.
variable: function () {
var name, index = i;
if (input.charAt(i) === '@' && (name = $(/^@@?[\w-]+/))) {
return new(tree.Variable)(name, index, env.filename);
// A variable entity useing the protective {} e.g. @{var}
variableCurly: function () {
var name, curly, index = i;
if (input.charAt(i) === '@' && (curly = $(/^@\{([\w-]+)\}/))) {
return new(tree.Variable)("@" + curly[1], index, env.filename);
// A Hexadecimal color
// #4F3C2F
// `rgb` and `hsl` colors are parsed through the `` parser.
color: function () {
var rgb;
if (input.charAt(i) === '#' && (rgb = $(/^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3})/))) {
return new(tree.Color)(rgb[1]);
// A Dimension, that is, a number and a unit
// 0.5em 95%
dimension: function () {
var value, c = input.charCodeAt(i);
if ((c > 57 || c < 45) || c === 47) return;
if (value = $(/^(-?\d*\.?\d+)(px|%|em|pc|ex|in|deg|s|ms|pt|cm|mm|rad|grad|turn|dpi|dpcm|dppx|rem|vw|vh|vmin|vm|ch)?/)) {
return new(tree.Dimension)(value[1], value[2]);
// A Ratio
// 16/9
ratio: function () {
var value, c = input.charCodeAt(i);
if (c > 57 || c < 48) return;
if (value = $(/^(\d+\/\d+)/)) {
return new(tree.Ratio)(value[1]);
// JavaScript code to be evaluated
// `window.location.href`
javascript: function () {
var str, j = i, e;
if (input.charAt(j) === '~') { j++, e = true } // Escaped strings
if (input.charAt(j) !== '`') { return }
e && $('~');
if (str = $(/^`([^`]*)`/)) {
return new(tree.JavaScript)(str[1], i, e);
// The variable part of a variable definition. Used in the `rule` parser
// @fink:
variable: function () {
var name;
if (input.charAt(i) === '@' && (name = $(/^(@[\w-]+)\s*:/))) { return name[1] }
// A font size/line-height shorthand
// small/12px
// We need to peek first, or we'll match on keywords and dimensions
shorthand: function () {
var a, b;
if (! peek(/^[@\w.%-]+\/[@\w.-]+/)) return;
if ((a = $(this.entity)) && $('/') && (b = $(this.entity))) {
return new(tree.Shorthand)(a, b);
// Mixins
mixin: {
// A Mixin call, with an optional argument list
// #mixins > .square(#fff);
// .rounded(4px, black);
// .button;
// The `while` loop is there because mixins can be
// namespaced, but we only support the child and descendant
// selector for now.
call: function () {
var elements = [], e, c, args = [], arg, index = i, s = input.charAt(i), name, value, important = false;
if (s !== '.' && s !== '#') { return }
save(); // stop us absorbing part of an invalid selector
while (e = $(/^[#.](?:[\w-]|\\(?:[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,6} ?|[^A-Fa-f0-9]))+/)) {
elements.push(new(tree.Element)(c, e, i));
c = $('>');
if ($('(')) {
while (arg = $(this.expression)) {
value = arg;
name = null;
// Variable
if (arg.value.length == 1) {
var val = arg.value[0];
if (val instanceof tree.Variable) {
if ($(':')) {
if (value = $(this.expression)) {
name =;
} else {
throw new(Error)("Expected value");
args.push({ name: name, value: value });
if (! $(',')) { break }
if (! $(')')) throw new(Error)("Expected )");
if ($(this.important)) {
important = true;
if (elements.length > 0 && ($(';') || peek('}'))) {
return new(tree.mixin.Call)(elements, args, index, env.filename, important);
// A Mixin definition, with a list of parameters
// .rounded (@radius: 2px, @color) {
// ...
// }
// Until we have a finer grained state-machine, we have to
// do a look-ahead, to make sure we don't have a mixin call.
// See the `rule` function for more information.
// We start by matching `.rounded (`, and then proceed on to
// the argument list, which has optional default values.
// We store the parameters in `params`, with a `value` key,
// if there is a value, such as in the case of `@radius`.
// Once we've got our params list, and a closing `)`, we parse
// the `{...}` block.
definition: function () {
var name, params = [], match, ruleset, param, value, cond, variadic = false;
if ((input.charAt(i) !== '.' && input.charAt(i) !== '#') ||
peek(/^[^{]*(;|})/)) return;
if (match = $(/^([#.](?:[\w-]|\\(?:[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,6} ?|[^A-Fa-f0-9]))+)\s*\(/)) {
name = match[1];
do {
if (input.charAt(i) === '.' && $(/^\.{3}/)) {
variadic = true;
} else if (param = $(this.entities.variable) || $(this.entities.literal)
|| $(this.entities.keyword)) {
// Variable
if (param instanceof tree.Variable) {
if ($(':')) {
value = expect(this.expression, 'expected expression');
params.push({ name:, value: value });
} else if ($(/^\.{3}/)) {
params.push({ name:, variadic: true });
variadic = true;
} else {
params.push({ name: });
} else {
params.push({ value: param });
} else {
} while ($(','))
// .mixincall("@{a}");
// looks a bit like a mixin definition.. so we have to be nice and restore
if (!$(')')) {
furthest = i;
if ($(/^when/)) { // Guard
cond = expect(this.conditions, 'expected condition');
ruleset = $(this.block);
if (ruleset) {
return new(tree.mixin.Definition)(name, params, ruleset, cond, variadic);
} else {
// Entities are the smallest recognized token,
// and can be found inside a rule's value.
entity: function () {
return $(this.entities.literal) || $(this.entities.variable) || $(this.entities.url) ||
$( || $(this.entities.keyword) || $(this.entities.javascript) ||
// A Rule terminator. Note that we use `peek()` to check for '}',
// because the `block` rule will be expecting it, but we still need to make sure
// it's there, if ';' was ommitted.
end: function () {
return $(';') || peek('}');
// IE's alpha function
// alpha(opacity=88)
alpha: function () {
var value;
if (! $(/^\(opacity=/i)) return;
if (value = $(/^\d+/) || $(this.entities.variable)) {
return new(tree.Alpha)(value);
// A Selector Element
// div
// + h1
// #socks
// input[type="text"]
// Elements are the building blocks for Selectors,
// they are made out of a `Combinator` (see combinator rule),
// and an element name, such as a tag a class, or `*`.
element: function () {
var e, t, c, v;
c = $(this.combinator);
e = $(/^(?:\d+\.\d+|\d+)%/) || $(/^(?:[.#]?|:*)(?:[\w-]|[^\x00-\x9f]|\\(?:[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,6} ?|[^A-Fa-f0-9]))+/) ||
$('*') || $('&') || $(this.attribute) || $(/^\([^)@]+\)/) || $(/^[\.#](?=@)/) || $(this.entities.variableCurly);
if (! e) {
if ($('(') && (v = ($(this.entities.variableCurly) || $(this.entities.variable))) && $(')')) {
e = new(tree.Paren)(v);
if (e) { return new(tree.Element)(c, e, i) }
// Combinators combine elements together, in a Selector.
// Because our parser isn't white-space sensitive, special care
// has to be taken, when parsing the descendant combinator, ` `,
// as it's an empty space. We have to check the previous character
// in the input, to see if it's a ` ` character. More info on how
// we deal with this in *combinator.js*.
combinator: function () {
var match, c = input.charAt(i);
if (c === '>' || c === '+' || c === '~') {
while (input.charAt(i).match(/\s/)) { i++ }
return new(tree.Combinator)(c);
} else if (input.charAt(i - 1).match(/\s/)) {
return new(tree.Combinator)(" ");
} else {
return new(tree.Combinator)(null);
// A CSS Selector
// .class > div + h1
// li a:hover
// Selectors are made out of one or more Elements, see above.
selector: function () {
var sel, e, elements = [], c, match;
// depreciated, will be removed soon
if ($('(')) {
sel = $(this.entity);
return new(tree.Selector)([new(tree.Element)('', sel, i)]);
while (e = $(this.element)) {
c = input.charAt(i);
if (c === '{' || c === '}' || c === ';' || c === ',') { break }
if (elements.length > 0) { return new(tree.Selector)(elements) }
tag: function () {
return $(/^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z-]*[0-9]?/) || $('*');
attribute: function () {
var attr = '', key, val, op;
if (! $('[')) return;
if (key = $(/^(?:[_A-Za-z0-9-]|\\.)+/) || $(this.entities.quoted)) {
if ((op = $(/^[|~*$^]?=/)) &&
(val = $(this.entities.quoted) || $(/^[\w-]+/))) {
attr = [key, op, val.toCSS ? val.toCSS() : val].join('');
} else { attr = key }
if (! $(']')) return;
if (attr) { return "[" + attr + "]" }
// The `block` rule is used by `ruleset` and `mixin.definition`.
// It's a wrapper around the `primary` rule, with added `{}`.
block: function () {
var content;
if ($('{') && (content = $(this.primary)) && $('}')) {
return content;
// div, .class, body > p {...}
ruleset: function () {
var selectors = [], s, rules, match, debugInfo;
if (env.dumpLineNumbers)
debugInfo = getDebugInfo(i, input, env);
while (s = $(this.selector)) {
if (! $(',')) { break }
if (selectors.length > 0 && (rules = $(this.block))) {
var ruleset = new(tree.Ruleset)(selectors, rules, env.strictImports);
if (env.dumpLineNumbers)
ruleset.debugInfo = debugInfo;
return ruleset;
} else {
// Backtrack
furthest = i;
rule: function () {
var name, value, c = input.charAt(i), important, match;
if (c === '.' || c === '#' || c === '&') { return }
if (name = $(this.variable) || $( {
if ((name.charAt(0) != '@') && (match = /^([^@+\/'"*`(;{}-]*);/.exec(chunks[j]))) {
i += match[0].length - 1;
value = new(tree.Anonymous)(match[1]);
} else if (name === "font") {
value = $(this.font);
} else {
value = $(this.value);
important = $(this.important);
if (value && $(this.end)) {
return new(tree.Rule)(name, value, important, memo);
} else {
furthest = i;
// An @import directive
// @import "lib";
// Depending on our environemnt, importing is done differently:
// In the browser, it's an XHR request, in Node, it would be a
// file-system operation. The function used for importing is
// stored in `import`, which we pass to the Import constructor.
"import": function () {
var path, features, index = i;
var dir = $(/^@import(?:-(once))?\s+/);
if (dir && (path = $(this.entities.quoted) || $(this.entities.url))) {
features = $(this.mediaFeatures);
if ($(';')) {
return new(tree.Import)(path, imports, features, (dir[1] === 'once'), index);
mediaFeature: function () {
var e, p, nodes = [];
do {
if (e = $(this.entities.keyword)) {
} else if ($('(')) {
p = $(;
e = $(this.entity);
if ($(')')) {
if (p && e) {
nodes.push(new(tree.Paren)(new(tree.Rule)(p, e, null, i, true)));
} else if (e) {
} else {
return null;
} else { return null }
} while (e);
if (nodes.length > 0) {
return new(tree.Expression)(nodes);
mediaFeatures: function () {
var e, features = [];
do {
if (e = $(this.mediaFeature)) {
if (! $(',')) { break }
} else if (e = $(this.entities.variable)) {
if (! $(',')) { break }
} while (e);
return features.length > 0 ? features : null;
media: function () {
var features, rules, media, debugInfo;
if (env.dumpLineNumbers)
debugInfo = getDebugInfo(i, input, env);
if ($(/^@media/)) {
features = $(this.mediaFeatures);
if (rules = $(this.block)) {
media = new(tree.Media)(rules, features);
media.debugInfo = debugInfo;
return media;
// A CSS Directive
// @charset "utf-8";
directive: function () {
var name, value, rules, identifier, e, nodes, nonVendorSpecificName,
hasBlock, hasIdentifier;
if (input.charAt(i) !== '@') return;
if (value = $(this['import']) || $( {
return value;
name = $(/^@[a-z-]+/);
nonVendorSpecificName = name;
if (name.charAt(1) == '-' && name.indexOf('-', 2) > 0) {
nonVendorSpecificName = "@" + name.slice(name.indexOf('-', 2) + 1);
switch(nonVendorSpecificName) {
case "@font-face":
hasBlock = true;
case "@viewport":
case "@top-left":
case "@top-left-corner":
case "@top-center":
case "@top-right":
case "@top-right-corner":
case "@bottom-left":
case "@bottom-left-corner":
case "@bottom-center":
case "@bottom-right":
case "@bottom-right-corner":
case "@left-top":
case "@left-middle":
case "@left-bottom":
case "@right-top":
case "@right-middle":
case "@right-bottom":
hasBlock = true;
case "@page":
case "@document":
case "@supports":
case "@keyframes":
hasBlock = true;
hasIdentifier = true;
if (hasIdentifier) {
name += " " + ($(/^[^{]+/) || '').trim();
if (hasBlock)
if (rules = $(this.block)) {
return new(tree.Directive)(name, rules);
} else {
if ((value = $(this.entity)) && $(';')) {
return new(tree.Directive)(name, value);
font: function () {
var value = [], expression = [], weight, shorthand, font, e;
while (e = $(this.shorthand) || $(this.entity)) {
if ($(',')) {
while (e = $(this.expression)) {
if (! $(',')) { break }
return new(tree.Value)(value);
// A Value is a comma-delimited list of Expressions
// font-family: Baskerville, Georgia, serif;
// In a Rule, a Value represents everything after the `:`,
// and before the `;`.
value: function () {
var e, expressions = [], important;
while (e = $(this.expression)) {
if (! $(',')) { break }
if (expressions.length > 0) {
return new(tree.Value)(expressions);
important: function () {
if (input.charAt(i) === '!') {
return $(/^! *important/);
sub: function () {
var e;
if ($('(') && (e = $(this.expression)) && $(')')) {
return e;
multiplication: function () {
var m, a, op, operation;
if (m = $(this.operand)) {
while (!peek(/^\/\*/) && (op = ($('/') || $('*'))) && (a = $(this.operand))) {
operation = new(tree.Operation)(op, [operation || m, a]);
return operation || m;
addition: function () {
var m, a, op, operation;
if (m = $(this.multiplication)) {
while ((op = $(/^[-+]\s+/) || (!isWhitespace(input.charAt(i - 1)) && ($('+') || $('-')))) &&
(a = $(this.multiplication))) {
operation = new(tree.Operation)(op, [operation || m, a]);
return operation || m;
conditions: function () {
var a, b, index = i, condition;
if (a = $(this.condition)) {
while ($(',') && (b = $(this.condition))) {
condition = new(tree.Condition)('or', condition || a, b, index);
return condition || a;
condition: function () {
var a, b, c, op, index = i, negate = false;
if ($(/^not/)) { negate = true }
if (a = $(this.addition) || $(this.entities.keyword) || $(this.entities.quoted)) {
if (op = $(/^(?:>=|=<|[<=>])/)) {
if (b = $(this.addition) || $(this.entities.keyword) || $(this.entities.quoted)) {
c = new(tree.Condition)(op, a, b, index, negate);
} else {
error('expected expression');
} else {
c = new(tree.Condition)('=', a, new(tree.Keyword)('true'), index, negate);
return $(/^and/) ? new(tree.Condition)('and', c, $(this.condition)) : c;
// An operand is anything that can be part of an operation,
// such as a Color, or a Variable
operand: function () {
var negate, p = input.charAt(i + 1);
if (input.charAt(i) === '-' && (p === '@' || p === '(')) { negate = $('-') }
var o = $(this.sub) || $(this.entities.dimension) ||
$(this.entities.color) || $(this.entities.variable) ||
return negate ? new(tree.Operation)('*', [new(tree.Dimension)(-1), o])
: o;
// Expressions either represent mathematical operations,
// or white-space delimited Entities.
// 1px solid black
// @var * 2
expression: function () {
var e, delim, entities = [], d;
while (e = $(this.addition) || $(this.entity)) {
if (entities.length > 0) {
return new(tree.Expression)(entities);
property: function () {
var name;
if (name = $(/^(\*?-?[_a-z0-9-]+)\s*:/)) {
return name[1];
if (less.mode === 'browser' || less.mode === 'rhino') {
// Used by `@import` directives
less.Parser.importer = function (path, paths, callback, env) {
if (!/^([a-z-]+:)?\//.test(path) && paths.length > 0) {
path = paths[0] + path;
// We pass `true` as 3rd argument, to force the reload of the import.
// This is so we can get the syntax tree as opposed to just the CSS output,
// as we need this to evaluate the current stylesheet.
// __ Now using the hack of passing a ref to top parser's content cache in the 1st arg. __
loadStyleSheet({ href: path, title: path, type: env.mime, contents: env.contents }, function (e) {
if (e && typeof(env.errback) === "function") {, path, paths, callback, env);
} else {
callback.apply(null, arguments);
}, true);
(function (tree) {
tree.functions = {
rgb: function (r, g, b) {
return this.rgba(r, g, b, 1.0);
rgba: function (r, g, b, a) {
var rgb = [r, g, b].map(function (c) { return number(c) }),
a = number(a);
return new(tree.Color)(rgb, a);
hsl: function (h, s, l) {
return this.hsla(h, s, l, 1.0);
hsla: function (h, s, l, a) {
h = (number(h) % 360) / 360;
s = number(s); l = number(l); a = number(a);
var m2 = l <= 0.5 ? l * (s + 1) : l + s - l * s;
var m1 = l * 2 - m2;
return this.rgba(hue(h + 1/3) * 255,
hue(h) * 255,
hue(h - 1/3) * 255,
function hue(h) {
h = h < 0 ? h + 1 : (h > 1 ? h - 1 : h);
if (h * 6 < 1) return m1 + (m2 - m1) * h * 6;
else if (h * 2 < 1) return m2;
else if (h * 3 < 2) return m1 + (m2 - m1) * (2/3 - h) * 6;
else return m1;
hue: function (color) {
return new(tree.Dimension)(Math.round(color.toHSL().h));
saturation: function (color) {
return new(tree.Dimension)(Math.round(color.toHSL().s * 100), '%');
lightness: function (color) {
return new(tree.Dimension)(Math.round(color.toHSL().l * 100), '%');
red: function (color) {
return new(tree.Dimension)(color.rgb[0]);
green: function (color) {
return new(tree.Dimension)(color.rgb[1]);
blue: function (color) {
return new(tree.Dimension)(color.rgb[2]);
alpha: function (color) {
return new(tree.Dimension)(color.toHSL().a);
luma: function (color) {
return new(tree.Dimension)(Math.round((0.2126 * (color.rgb[0]/255) +
0.7152 * (color.rgb[1]/255) +
0.0722 * (color.rgb[2]/255))
* color.alpha * 100), '%');
saturate: function (color, amount) {
var hsl = color.toHSL();
hsl.s += amount.value / 100;
hsl.s = clamp(hsl.s);
return hsla(hsl);
desaturate: function (color, amount) {
var hsl = color.toHSL();
hsl.s -= amount.value / 100;
hsl.s = clamp(hsl.s);
return hsla(hsl);
lighten: function (color, amount) {
var hsl = color.toHSL();
hsl.l += amount.value / 100;
hsl.l = clamp(hsl.l);
return hsla(hsl);
darken: function (color, amount) {
var hsl = color.toHSL();
hsl.l -= amount.value / 100;
hsl.l = clamp(hsl.l);
return hsla(hsl);
fadein: function (color, amount) {
var hsl = color.toHSL();
hsl.a += amount.value / 100;
hsl.a = clamp(hsl.a);
return hsla(hsl);
fadeout: function (color, amount) {
var hsl = color.toHSL();
hsl.a -= amount.value / 100;
hsl.a = clamp(hsl.a);
return hsla(hsl);
fade: function (color, amount) {
var hsl = color.toHSL();
hsl.a = amount.value / 100;
hsl.a = clamp(hsl.a);
return hsla(hsl);
spin: function (color, amount) {
var hsl = color.toHSL();
var hue = (hsl.h + amount.value) % 360;
hsl.h = hue < 0 ? 360 + hue : hue;
return hsla(hsl);
// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Hampton Catlin, Nathan Weizenbaum, and Chris Eppstein
mix: function (color1, color2, weight) {
if (!weight) {
weight = new(tree.Dimension)(50);
var p = weight.value / 100.0;
var w = p * 2 - 1;
var a = color1.toHSL().a - color2.toHSL().a;
var w1 = (((w * a == -1) ? w : (w + a) / (1 + w * a)) + 1) / 2.0;
var w2 = 1 - w1;
var rgb = [color1.rgb[0] * w1 + color2.rgb[0] * w2,
color1.rgb[1] * w1 + color2.rgb[1] * w2,
color1.rgb[2] * w1 + color2.rgb[2] * w2];
var alpha = color1.alpha * p + color2.alpha * (1 - p);
return new(tree.Color)(rgb, alpha);
greyscale: function (color) {
return this.desaturate(color, new(tree.Dimension)(100));
contrast: function (color, dark, light, threshold) {
if (typeof light === 'undefined') {
light = this.rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.0);
if (typeof dark === 'undefined') {
dark = this.rgba(0, 0, 0, 1.0);
if (typeof threshold === 'undefined') {
threshold = 0.43;
} else {
threshold = threshold.value;
if (((0.2126 * (color.rgb[0]/255) + 0.7152 * (color.rgb[1]/255) + 0.0722 * (color.rgb[2]/255)) * color.alpha) < threshold) {
return light;
} else {
return dark;
e: function (str) {
return new(tree.Anonymous)(str instanceof tree.JavaScript ? str.evaluated : str);
escape: function (str) {
return new(tree.Anonymous)(encodeURI(str.value).replace(/=/g, "%3D").replace(/:/g, "%3A").replace(/#/g, "%23").replace(/;/g, "%3B").replace(/\(/g, "%28").replace(/\)/g, "%29"));
'%': function (quoted /* arg, arg, ...*/) {
var args =, 1),
str = quoted.value;
for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
str = str.replace(/%[sda]/i, function(token) {
var value = token.match(/s/i) ? args[i].value : args[i].toCSS();
return token.match(/[A-Z]$/) ? encodeURIComponent(value) : value;
str = str.replace(/%%/g, '%');
return new(tree.Quoted)('"' + str + '"', str);
round: function (n, f) {
var fraction = typeof(f) === "undefined" ? 0 : f.value;
if (n instanceof tree.Dimension) {
return new(tree.Dimension)(number(n).toFixed(fraction), n.unit);
} else if (typeof(n) === 'number') {
return n.toFixed(fraction);
} else {
throw { type: "Argument", message: "argument must be a number" };
ceil: function (n) {
return this._math('ceil', n);
floor: function (n) {
return this._math('floor', n);
_math: function (fn, n) {
if (n instanceof tree.Dimension) {
return new(tree.Dimension)(Math[fn](number(n)), n.unit);
} else if (typeof(n) === 'number') {
return Math[fn](n);
} else {
throw { type: "Argument", message: "argument must be a number" };
argb: function (color) {
return new(tree.Anonymous)(color.toARGB());
percentage: function (n) {
return new(tree.Dimension)(n.value * 100, '%');
color: function (n) {
if (n instanceof tree.Quoted) {
return new(tree.Color)(n.value.slice(1));
} else {
throw { type: "Argument", message: "argument must be a string" };
iscolor: function (n) {
return this._isa(n, tree.Color);
isnumber: function (n) {
return this._isa(n, tree.Dimension);
isstring: function (n) {
return this._isa(n, tree.Quoted);
iskeyword: function (n) {
return this._isa(n, tree.Keyword);
isurl: function (n) {
return this._isa(n, tree.URL);
ispixel: function (n) {
return (n instanceof tree.Dimension) && n.unit === 'px' ? tree.True : tree.False;
ispercentage: function (n) {
return (n instanceof tree.Dimension) && n.unit === '%' ? tree.True : tree.False;
isem: function (n) {
return (n instanceof tree.Dimension) && n.unit === 'em' ? tree.True : tree.False;
_isa: function (n, Type) {
return (n instanceof Type) ? tree.True : tree.False;
/* Blending modes */
multiply: function(color1, color2) {
var r = color1.rgb[0] * color2.rgb[0] / 255;
var g = color1.rgb[1] * color2.rgb[1] / 255;
var b = color1.rgb[2] * color2.rgb[2] / 255;
return this.rgb(r, g, b);
screen: function(color1, color2) {
var r = 255 - (255 - color1.rgb[0]) * (255 - color2.rgb[0]) / 255;
var g = 255 - (255 - color1.rgb[1]) * (255 - color2.rgb[1]) / 255;
var b = 255 - (255 - color1.rgb[2]) * (255 - color2.rgb[2]) / 255;
return this.rgb(r, g, b);
overlay: function(color1, color2) {
var r = color1.rgb[0] < 128 ? 2 * color1.rgb[0] * color2.rgb[0] / 255 : 255 - 2 * (255 - color1.rgb[0]) * (255 - color2.rgb[0]) / 255;
var g = color1.rgb[1] < 128 ? 2 * color1.rgb[1] * color2.rgb[1] / 255 : 255 - 2 * (255 - color1.rgb[1]) * (255 - color2.rgb[1]) / 255;
var b = color1.rgb[2] < 128 ? 2 * color1.rgb[2] * color2.rgb[2] / 255 : 255 - 2 * (255 - color1.rgb[2]) * (255 - color2.rgb[2]) / 255;
return this.rgb(r, g, b);
softlight: function(color1, color2) {
var t = color2.rgb[0] * color1.rgb[0] / 255;
var r = t + color1.rgb[0] * (255 - (255 - color1.rgb[0]) * (255 - color2.rgb[0]) / 255 - t) / 255;
t = color2.rgb[1] * color1.rgb[1] / 255;
var g = t + color1.rgb[1] * (255 - (255 - color1.rgb[1]) * (255 - color2.rgb[1]) / 255 - t) / 255;
t = color2.rgb[2] * color1.rgb[2] / 255;
var b = t + color1.rgb[2] * (255 - (255 - color1.rgb[2]) * (255 - color2.rgb[2]) / 255 - t) / 255;
return this.rgb(r, g, b);
hardlight: function(color1, color2) {
var r = color2.rgb[0] < 128 ? 2 * color2.rgb[0] * color1.rgb[0] / 255 : 255 - 2 * (255 - color2.rgb[0]) * (255 - color1.rgb[0]) / 255;
var g = color2.rgb[1] < 128 ? 2 * color2.rgb[1] * color1.rgb[1] / 255 : 255 - 2 * (255 - color2.rgb[1]) * (255 - color1.rgb[1]) / 255;
var b = color2.rgb[2] < 128 ? 2 * color2.rgb[2] * color1.rgb[2] / 255 : 255 - 2 * (255 - color2.rgb[2]) * (255 - color1.rgb[2]) / 255;
return this.rgb(r, g, b);
difference: function(color1, color2) {
var r = Math.abs(color1.rgb[0] - color2.rgb[0]);
var g = Math.abs(color1.rgb[1] - color2.rgb[1]);
var b = Math.abs(color1.rgb[2] - color2.rgb[2]);
return this.rgb(r, g, b);
exclusion: function(color1, color2) {
var r = color1.rgb[0] + color2.rgb[0] * (255 - color1.rgb[0] - color1.rgb[0]) / 255;
var g = color1.rgb[1] + color2.rgb[1] * (255 - color1.rgb[1] - color1.rgb[1]) / 255;
var b = color1.rgb[2] + color2.rgb[2] * (255 - color1.rgb[2] - color1.rgb[2]) / 255;
return this.rgb(r, g, b);
average: function(color1, color2) {
var r = (color1.rgb[0] + color2.rgb[0]) / 2;
var g = (color1.rgb[1] + color2.rgb[1]) / 2;
var b = (color1.rgb[2] + color2.rgb[2]) / 2;
return this.rgb(r, g, b);
negation: function(color1, color2) {
var r = 255 - Math.abs(255 - color2.rgb[0] - color1.rgb[0]);
var g = 255 - Math.abs(255 - color2.rgb[1] - color1.rgb[1]);
var b = 255 - Math.abs(255 - color2.rgb[2] - color1.rgb[2]);
return this.rgb(r, g, b);
tint: function(color, amount) {
return this.mix(this.rgb(255,255,255), color, amount);
shade: function(color, amount) {
return this.mix(this.rgb(0, 0, 0), color, amount);
function hsla(hsla) {
return tree.functions.hsla(hsla.h, hsla.s, hsla.l, hsla.a);
function number(n) {
if (n instanceof tree.Dimension) {
return parseFloat(n.unit == '%' ? n.value / 100 : n.value);
} else if (typeof(n) === 'number') {
return n;
} else {
throw {
error: "RuntimeError",
message: "color functions take numbers as parameters"
function clamp(val) {
return Math.min(1, Math.max(0, val));
(function (tree) {
tree.colors = {
// 'transparent':'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
(function (tree) {
tree.Alpha = function (val) {
this.value = val;
tree.Alpha.prototype = {
toCSS: function () {
return "alpha(opacity=" +
(this.value.toCSS ? this.value.toCSS() : this.value) + ")";
eval: function (env) {
if (this.value.eval) { this.value = this.value.eval(env) }
return this;
(function (tree) {
tree.Anonymous = function (string) {
this.value = string.value || string;
tree.Anonymous.prototype = {
toCSS: function () {
return this.value;
eval: function () { return this },
compare: function (x) {
if (!x.toCSS) {
return -1;
var left = this.toCSS(),
right = x.toCSS();
if (left === right) {
return 0;
return left < right ? -1 : 1;
(function (tree) {
tree.Assignment = function (key, val) {
this.key = key;
this.value = val;
tree.Assignment.prototype = {
toCSS: function () {
return this.key + '=' + (this.value.toCSS ? this.value.toCSS() : this.value);
eval: function (env) {
if (this.value.eval) {
return new(tree.Assignment)(this.key, this.value.eval(env));
return this;
})(require('../tree'));(function (tree) {
// A function call node.
tree.Call = function (name, args, index, filename) { = name;
this.args = args;
this.index = index;
this.filename = filename;
tree.Call.prototype = {
// When evaluating a function call,
// we either find the function in `tree.functions` [1],
// in which case we call it, passing the evaluated arguments,
// or we simply print it out as it appeared originally [2].
// The *functions.js* file contains the built-in functions.
// The reason why we evaluate the arguments, is in the case where
// we try to pass a variable to a function, like: `saturate(@color)`.
// The function should receive the value, not the variable.
eval: function (env) {
var args = (a) { return a.eval(env) });
if ( in tree.functions) { // 1.
try {
return tree.functions[].apply(tree.functions, args);
} catch (e) {
throw { type: e.type || "Runtime",
message: "error evaluating function `" + + "`" +
(e.message ? ': ' + e.message : ''),
index: this.index, filename: this.filename };
} else { // 2.
return new(tree.Anonymous)( +
"(" + (a) { return a.toCSS(env) }).join(', ') + ")");
toCSS: function (env) {
return this.eval(env).toCSS();
(function (tree) {
// RGB Colors - #ff0014, #eee
tree.Color = function (rgb, a) {
// The end goal here, is to parse the arguments
// into an integer triplet, such as `128, 255, 0`
// This facilitates operations and conversions.
if (Array.isArray(rgb)) {
this.rgb = rgb;
} else if (rgb.length == 6) {
this.rgb = rgb.match(/.{2}/g).map(function (c) {
return parseInt(c, 16);
} else {
this.rgb = rgb.split('').map(function (c) {
return parseInt(c + c, 16);
this.alpha = typeof(a) === 'number' ? a : 1;
tree.Color.prototype = {
eval: function () { return this },
// If we have some transparency, the only way to represent it
// is via `rgba`. Otherwise, we use the hex representation,
// which has better compatibility with older browsers.
// Values are capped between `0` and `255`, rounded and zero-padded.
toCSS: function () {
if (this.alpha < 1.0) {
return "rgba(" + (c) {
return Math.round(c);
}).concat(this.alpha).join(', ') + ")";
} else {
return '#' + (i) {
i = Math.round(i);
i = (i > 255 ? 255 : (i < 0 ? 0 : i)).toString(16);
return i.length === 1 ? '0' + i : i;
// Operations have to be done per-channel, if not,
// channels will spill onto each other. Once we have
// our result, in the form of an integer triplet,
// we create a new Color node to hold the result.
operate: function (op, other) {
var result = [];
if (! (other instanceof tree.Color)) {
other = other.toColor();
for (var c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
result[c] = tree.operate(op, this.rgb[c], other.rgb[c]);
return new(tree.Color)(result, this.alpha + other.alpha);
toHSL: function () {
var r = this.rgb[0] / 255,
g = this.rgb[1] / 255,
b = this.rgb[2] / 255,
a = this.alpha;
var max = Math.max(r, g, b), min = Math.min(r, g, b);
var h, s, l = (max + min) / 2, d = max - min;
if (max === min) {
h = s = 0;
} else {
s = l > 0.5 ? d / (2 - max - min) : d / (max + min);
switch (max) {
case r: h = (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0); break;
case g: h = (b - r) / d + 2; break;
case b: h = (r - g) / d + 4; break;
h /= 6;
return { h: h * 360, s: s, l: l, a: a };
toARGB: function () {
var argb = [Math.round(this.alpha * 255)].concat(this.rgb);
return '#' + (i) {
i = Math.round(i);
i = (i > 255 ? 255 : (i < 0 ? 0 : i)).toString(16);
return i.length === 1 ? '0' + i : i;
compare: function (x) {
if (!x.rgb) {
return -1;
return (x.rgb[0] === this.rgb[0] &&
x.rgb[1] === this.rgb[1] &&
x.rgb[2] === this.rgb[2] &&
x.alpha === this.alpha) ? 0 : -1;
(function (tree) {
tree.Comment = function (value, silent) {
this.value = value;
this.silent = !!silent;
tree.Comment.prototype = {
toCSS: function (env) {
return env.compress ? '' : this.value;
eval: function () { return this }
(function (tree) {
tree.Condition = function (op, l, r, i, negate) {
this.op = op.trim();
this.lvalue = l;
this.rvalue = r;
this.index = i;
this.negate = negate;
tree.Condition.prototype.eval = function (env) {
var a = this.lvalue.eval(env),
b = this.rvalue.eval(env);
var i = this.index, result;
var result = (function (op) {
switch (op) {
case 'and':
return a && b;
case 'or':
return a || b;
if ( {
result =;
} else if ( {
result =;
} else {
throw { type: "Type",
message: "Unable to perform comparison",
index: i };
switch (result) {
case -1: return op === '<' || op === '=<';
case 0: return op === '=' || op === '>=' || op === '=<';
case 1: return op === '>' || op === '>=';
return this.negate ? !result : result;
(function (tree) {
// A number with a unit
tree.Dimension = function (value, unit) {
this.value = parseFloat(value);
this.unit = unit || null;
tree.Dimension.prototype = {
eval: function () { return this },
toColor: function () {
return new(tree.Color)([this.value, this.value, this.value]);
toCSS: function () {
var css = this.value + this.unit;
return css;
// In an operation between two Dimensions,
// we default to the first Dimension's unit,
// so `1px + 2em` will yield `3px`.
// In the future, we could implement some unit
// conversions such that `100cm + 10mm` would yield
// `101cm`.
operate: function (op, other) {
return new(tree.Dimension)
(tree.operate(op, this.value, other.value),
this.unit || other.unit);
// TODO: Perform unit conversion before comparing
compare: function (other) {
if (other instanceof tree.Dimension) {
if (other.value > this.value) {
return -1;
} else if (other.value < this.value) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
} else {
return -1;
(function (tree) {
tree.Directive = function (name, value) { = name;
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
this.ruleset = new(tree.Ruleset)([], value);
this.ruleset.allowImports = true;
} else {
this.value = value;
tree.Directive.prototype = {
toCSS: function (ctx, env) {
if (this.ruleset) {
this.ruleset.root = true;
return + (env.compress ? '{' : ' {\n ') +
this.ruleset.toCSS(ctx, env).trim().replace(/\n/g, '\n ') +
(env.compress ? '}': '\n}\n');
} else {
return + ' ' + this.value.toCSS() + ';\n';
eval: function (env) {
var evaldDirective = this;
if (this.ruleset) {
evaldDirective = new(tree.Directive)(;
evaldDirective.ruleset = this.ruleset.eval(env);
return evaldDirective;
variable: function (name) { return, name) },
find: function () { return tree.Ruleset.prototype.find.apply(this.ruleset, arguments) },
rulesets: function () { return tree.Ruleset.prototype.rulesets.apply(this.ruleset) }
(function (tree) {
tree.Element = function (combinator, value, index) {
this.combinator = combinator instanceof tree.Combinator ?
combinator : new(tree.Combinator)(combinator);
if (typeof(value) === 'string') {
this.value = value.trim();
} else if (value) {
this.value = value;
} else {
this.value = "";
this.index = index;
tree.Element.prototype.eval = function (env) {
return new(tree.Element)(this.combinator,
this.value.eval ? this.value.eval(env) : this.value,
tree.Element.prototype.toCSS = function (env) {
var value = (this.value.toCSS ? this.value.toCSS(env) : this.value);
if (value == '' && this.combinator.value.charAt(0) == '&') {
return '';
} else {
return this.combinator.toCSS(env || {}) + value;
tree.Combinator = function (value) {
if (value === ' ') {
this.value = ' ';
} else {
this.value = value ? value.trim() : "";
tree.Combinator.prototype.toCSS = function (env) {
return {
'' : '',
' ' : ' ',
':' : ' :',
'+' : env.compress ? '+' : ' + ',
'~' : env.compress ? '~' : ' ~ ',
'>' : env.compress ? '>' : ' > '
(function (tree) {
tree.Expression = function (value) { this.value = value };
tree.Expression.prototype = {
eval: function (env) {
if (this.value.length > 1) {
return new(tree.Expression)( (e) {
return e.eval(env);
} else if (this.value.length === 1) {
return this.value[0].eval(env);
} else {
return this;
toCSS: function (env) {
return (e) {
return e.toCSS ? e.toCSS(env) : '';
}).join(' ');
(function (tree) {
// CSS @import node
// The general strategy here is that we don't want to wait
// for the parsing to be completed, before we start importing
// the file. That's because in the context of a browser,
// most of the time will be spent waiting for the server to respond.
// On creation, we push the import path to our import queue, though
// `import,push`, we also pass it a callback, which it'll call once
// the file has been fetched, and parsed.
tree.Import = function (path, imports, features, once, index) {
var that = this;
this.once = once;
this.index = index;
this._path = path;
this.features = features && new(tree.Value)(features);
// The '.less' extension is optional
if (path instanceof tree.Quoted) {
this.path = /\.(le?|c)ss(\?.*)?$/.test(path.value) ? path.value : path.value + '.less';
} else {
this.path = path.value.value || path.value;
this.css = /css(\?.*)?$/.test(this.path);
// Only pre-compile .less files
if (! this.css) {
imports.push(this.path, function (e, root, imported) {
if (e) { e.index = index }
if (imported && that.once) that.skip = imported;
that.root = root || new(tree.Ruleset)([], []);
// The actual import node doesn't return anything, when converted to CSS.
// The reason is that it's used at the evaluation stage, so that the rules
// it imports can be treated like any other rules.
// In `eval`, we make sure all Import nodes get evaluated, recursively, so
// we end up with a flat structure, which can easily be imported in the parent
// ruleset.
tree.Import.prototype = {
toCSS: function (env) {
var features = this.features ? ' ' + this.features.toCSS(env) : '';
if (this.css) {
return "@import " + this._path.toCSS() + features + ';\n';
} else {
return "";
eval: function (env) {
var ruleset, features = this.features && this.features.eval(env);
if (this.skip) return [];
if (this.css) {
return this;
} else {
ruleset = new(tree.Ruleset)([], this.root.rules.slice(0));
for (var i = 0; i < ruleset.rules.length; i++) {
if (ruleset.rules[i] instanceof tree.Import) {
[i, 1].concat(ruleset.rules[i].eval(env)));
return this.features ? new(tree.Media)(ruleset.rules, this.features.value) : ruleset.rules;
(function (tree) {
tree.JavaScript = function (string, index, escaped) {
this.escaped = escaped;
this.expression = string;
this.index = index;
tree.JavaScript.prototype = {
eval: function (env) {
var result,
that = this,
context = {};
var expression = this.expression.replace(/@\{([\w-]+)\}/g, function (_, name) {
return tree.jsify(new(tree.Variable)('@' + name, that.index).eval(env));
try {
expression = new(Function)('return (' + expression + ')');
} catch (e) {
throw { message: "JavaScript evaluation error: `" + expression + "`" ,
index: this.index };
for (var k in env.frames[0].variables()) {
context[k.slice(1)] = {
value: env.frames[0].variables()[k].value,
toJS: function () {
return this.value.eval(env).toCSS();
try {
result =;
} catch (e) {
throw { message: "JavaScript evaluation error: '" + + ': ' + e.message + "'" ,
index: this.index };
if (typeof(result) === 'string') {
return new(tree.Quoted)('"' + result + '"', result, this.escaped, this.index);
} else if (Array.isArray(result)) {
return new(tree.Anonymous)(result.join(', '));
} else {
return new(tree.Anonymous)(result);
(function (tree) {
tree.Keyword = function (value) { this.value = value };
tree.Keyword.prototype = {
eval: function () { return this },
toCSS: function () { return this.value },
compare: function (other) {
if (other instanceof tree.Keyword) {
return other.value === this.value ? 0 : 1;
} else {
return -1;
tree.True = new(tree.Keyword)('true');
tree.False = new(tree.Keyword)('false');
(function (tree) {
tree.Media = function (value, features) {
var selectors = this.emptySelectors();
this.features = new(tree.Value)(features);
this.ruleset = new(tree.Ruleset)(selectors, value);
this.ruleset.allowImports = true;
tree.Media.prototype = {
toCSS: function (ctx, env) {
var features = this.features.toCSS(env);
this.ruleset.root = (ctx.length === 0 || ctx[0].multiMedia);
return '@media ' + features + (env.compress ? '{' : ' {\n ') +
this.ruleset.toCSS(ctx, env).trim().replace(/\n/g, '\n ') +
(env.compress ? '}': '\n}\n');
eval: function (env) {
if (!env.mediaBlocks) {
env.mediaBlocks = [];
env.mediaPath = [];
var blockIndex = env.mediaBlocks.length;
var media = new(tree.Media)([], []);
if(this.debugInfo) {
this.ruleset.debugInfo = this.debugInfo;
media.debugInfo = this.debugInfo;
media.features = this.features.eval(env);
media.ruleset = this.ruleset.eval(env);
env.mediaBlocks[blockIndex] = media;
return env.mediaPath.length === 0 ? media.evalTop(env) :
variable: function (name) { return, name) },
find: function () { return tree.Ruleset.prototype.find.apply(this.ruleset, arguments) },
rulesets: function () { return tree.Ruleset.prototype.rulesets.apply(this.ruleset) },
emptySelectors: function() {
var el = new(tree.Element)('', '&', 0);
return [new(tree.Selector)([el])];
evalTop: function (env) {
var result = this;
// Render all dependent Media blocks.
if (env.mediaBlocks.length > 1) {
var selectors = this.emptySelectors();
result = new(tree.Ruleset)(selectors, env.mediaBlocks);
result.multiMedia = true;
delete env.mediaBlocks;
delete env.mediaPath;
return result;
evalNested: function (env) {
var i, value,
path = env.mediaPath.concat([this]);
// Extract the media-query conditions separated with `,` (OR).
for (i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
value = path[i].features instanceof tree.Value ?
path[i].features.value : path[i].features;
path[i] = Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value];
// Trace all permutations to generate the resulting media-query.
// (a, b and c) with nested (d, e) ->
// a and d
// a and e
// b and c and d
// b and c and e
this.features = new(tree.Value)(this.permute(path).map(function (path) {
path = (fragment) {
return fragment.toCSS ? fragment : new(tree.Anonymous)(fragment);
for(i = path.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
path.splice(i, 0, new(tree.Anonymous)("and"));
return new(tree.Expression)(path);
// Fake a tree-node that doesn't output anything.
return new(tree.Ruleset)([], []);
permute: function (arr) {
if (arr.length === 0) {
return [];
} else if (arr.length === 1) {
return arr[0];
} else {
var result = [];
var rest = this.permute(arr.slice(1));
for (var i = 0; i < rest.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < arr[0].length; j++) {
return result;
bubbleSelectors: function (selectors) {
this.ruleset = new(tree.Ruleset)(selectors.slice(0), [this.ruleset]);
(function (tree) {
tree.mixin = {};
tree.mixin.Call = function (elements, args, index, filename, important) {
this.selector = new(tree.Selector)(elements);
this.arguments = args;
this.index = index;
this.filename = filename;
this.important = important;
tree.mixin.Call.prototype = {
eval: function (env) {
var mixins, args, rules = [], match = false;
for (var i = 0; i < env.frames.length; i++) {
if ((mixins = env.frames[i].find(this.selector)).length > 0) {
args = this.arguments && (a) {
return { name:, value: a.value.eval(env) };
for (var m = 0; m < mixins.length; m++) {
if (mixins[m].match(args, env)) {
try {
rules, mixins[m].eval(env, this.arguments, this.important).rules);
match = true;
} catch (e) {
throw { message: e.message, index: this.index, filename: this.filename, stack: e.stack };
if (match) {
return rules;
} else {
throw { type: 'Runtime',
message: 'No matching definition was found for `' +
this.selector.toCSS().trim() + '(' + (a) {
return a.toCSS();
}).join(', ') + ")`",
index: this.index, filename: this.filename };
throw { type: 'Name',
message: this.selector.toCSS().trim() + " is undefined",
index: this.index, filename: this.filename };
tree.mixin.Definition = function (name, params, rules, condition, variadic) { = name;
this.selectors = [new(tree.Selector)([new(tree.Element)(null, name)])];
this.params = params;
this.condition = condition;
this.variadic = variadic;
this.arity = params.length;
this.rules = rules;
this._lookups = {};
this.required = params.reduce(function (count, p) {
if (! || ( && !p.value)) { return count + 1 }
else { return count }
}, 0);
this.parent = tree.Ruleset.prototype;
this.frames = [];
tree.mixin.Definition.prototype = {
toCSS: function () { return "" },
variable: function (name) { return, name) },
variables: function () { return },
find: function () { return this.parent.find.apply(this, arguments) },
rulesets: function () { return this.parent.rulesets.apply(this) },
evalParams: function (env, args) {
var frame = new(tree.Ruleset)(null, []), varargs, arg;
for (var i = 0, val, name; i < this.params.length; i++) {
arg = args && args[i]
if (arg && {
frame.rules.unshift(new(tree.Rule)(, arg.value.eval(env)));
args.splice(i, 1);
if (name = this.params[i].name) {
if (this.params[i].variadic && args) {
varargs = [];
for (var j = i; j < args.length; j++) {
frame.rules.unshift(new(tree.Rule)(name, new(tree.Expression)(varargs).eval(env)));
} else if (val = (arg && arg.value) || this.params[i].value) {
frame.rules.unshift(new(tree.Rule)(name, val.eval(env)));
} else {
throw { type: 'Runtime', message: "wrong number of arguments for " + +
' (' + args.length + ' for ' + this.arity + ')' };
return frame;
eval: function (env, args, important) {
var frame = this.evalParams(env, args), context, _arguments = [], rules, start;
for (var i = 0; i < Math.max(this.params.length, args && args.length); i++) {
_arguments.push((args[i] && args[i].value) || this.params[i].value);
frame.rules.unshift(new(tree.Rule)('@arguments', new(tree.Expression)(_arguments).eval(env)));
rules = important ? (r) {
return new(tree.Rule)(, r.value, '!important', r.index);
}) : this.rules.slice(0);
return new(tree.Ruleset)(null, rules).eval({
frames: [this, frame].concat(this.frames, env.frames)
match: function (args, env) {
var argsLength = (args && args.length) || 0, len, frame;
if (! this.variadic) {
if (argsLength < this.required) { return false }
if (argsLength > this.params.length) { return false }
if ((this.required > 0) && (argsLength > this.params.length)) { return false }
if (this.condition && !this.condition.eval({
frames: [this.evalParams(env, args)].concat(env.frames)
})) { return false }
len = Math.min(argsLength, this.arity);
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (!this.params[i].name) {
if (args[i].value.eval(env).toCSS() != this.params[i].value.eval(env).toCSS()) {
return false;
return true;
(function (tree) {
tree.Operation = function (op, operands) {
this.op = op.trim();
this.operands = operands;
tree.Operation.prototype.eval = function (env) {
var a = this.operands[0].eval(env),
b = this.operands[1].eval(env),
if (a instanceof tree.Dimension && b instanceof tree.Color) {
if (this.op === '*' || this.op === '+') {
temp = b, b = a, a = temp;
} else {
throw { name: "OperationError",
message: "Can't substract or divide a color from a number" };
return a.operate(this.op, b);
tree.operate = function (op, a, b) {
switch (op) {
case '+': return a + b;
case '-': return a - b;
case '*': return a * b;
case '/': return a / b;
(function (tree) {
tree.Paren = function (node) {
this.value = node;
tree.Paren.prototype = {
toCSS: function (env) {
return '(' + this.value.toCSS(env) + ')';
eval: function (env) {
return new(tree.Paren)(this.value.eval(env));
(function (tree) {
tree.Quoted = function (str, content, escaped, i) {
this.escaped = escaped;
this.value = content || '';
this.quote = str.charAt(0);
this.index = i;
tree.Quoted.prototype = {
toCSS: function () {
if (this.escaped) {
return this.value;
} else {
return this.quote + this.value + this.quote;
eval: function (env) {
var that = this;
var value = this.value.replace(/`([^`]+)`/g, function (_, exp) {
return new(tree.JavaScript)(exp, that.index, true).eval(env).value;
}).replace(/@\{([\w-]+)\}/g, function (_, name) {
var v = new(tree.Variable)('@' + name, that.index).eval(env);
return ('value' in v) ? v.value : v.toCSS();
return new(tree.Quoted)(this.quote + value + this.quote, value, this.escaped, this.index);
compare: function (x) {
if (!x.toCSS) {
return -1;
var left = this.toCSS(),
right = x.toCSS();
if (left === right) {
return 0;
return left < right ? -1 : 1;
(function (tree) {
tree.Ratio = function (value) {
this.value = value;
tree.Ratio.prototype = {
toCSS: function (env) {
return this.value;
eval: function () { return this }
(function (tree) {
tree.Rule = function (name, value, important, index, inline) { = name;
this.value = (value instanceof tree.Value) ? value : new(tree.Value)([value]);
this.important = important ? ' ' + important.trim() : '';
this.index = index;
this.inline = inline || false;
if (name.charAt(0) === '@') {
this.variable = true;
} else { this.variable = false }
tree.Rule.prototype.toCSS = function (env) {
if (this.variable) { return "" }
else {
return + (env.compress ? ':' : ': ') +
this.value.toCSS(env) +
this.important + (this.inline ? "" : ";");
tree.Rule.prototype.eval = function (context) {
return new(tree.Rule)(,
this.index, this.inline);
tree.Shorthand = function (a, b) {
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
tree.Shorthand.prototype = {
toCSS: function (env) {
return this.a.toCSS(env) + "/" + this.b.toCSS(env);
eval: function () { return this }
(function (tree) {
tree.Ruleset = function (selectors, rules, strictImports) {
this.selectors = selectors;
this.rules = rules;
this._lookups = {};
this.strictImports = strictImports;
tree.Ruleset.prototype = {
eval: function (env) {
var selectors = this.selectors && (s) { return s.eval(env) });
var ruleset = new(tree.Ruleset)(selectors, this.rules.slice(0), this.strictImports);
var rules = [];
ruleset.root = this.root;
ruleset.allowImports = this.allowImports;
if(this.debugInfo) {
ruleset.debugInfo = this.debugInfo;
// push the current ruleset to the frames stack
// Evaluate imports
if (ruleset.root || ruleset.allowImports || !ruleset.strictImports) {
for (var i = 0; i < ruleset.rules.length; i++) {
if (ruleset.rules[i] instanceof tree.Import) {
rules = rules.concat(ruleset.rules[i].eval(env));
} else {
ruleset.rules = rules;
rules = [];
// Store the frames around mixin definitions,
// so they can be evaluated like closures when the time comes.
for (var i = 0; i < ruleset.rules.length; i++) {
if (ruleset.rules[i] instanceof tree.mixin.Definition) {
ruleset.rules[i].frames = env.frames.slice(0);
var mediaBlockCount = (env.mediaBlocks && env.mediaBlocks.length) || 0;
// Evaluate mixin calls.
for (var i = 0; i < ruleset.rules.length; i++) {
if (ruleset.rules[i] instanceof tree.mixin.Call) {
rules = rules.concat(ruleset.rules[i].eval(env));
} else {
ruleset.rules = rules;
// Evaluate everything else
for (var i = 0, rule; i < ruleset.rules.length; i++) {
rule = ruleset.rules[i];
if (! (rule instanceof tree.mixin.Definition)) {
ruleset.rules[i] = rule.eval ? rule.eval(env) : rule;
// Pop the stack
if (env.mediaBlocks) {
for(var i = mediaBlockCount; i < env.mediaBlocks.length; i++) {
return ruleset;
match: function (args) {
return !args || args.length === 0;
variables: function () {
if (this._variables) { return this._variables }
else {
return this._variables = this.rules.reduce(function (hash, r) {
if (r instanceof tree.Rule && r.variable === true) {
hash[] = r;
return hash;
}, {});
variable: function (name) {
return this.variables()[name];
rulesets: function () {
if (this._rulesets) { return this._rulesets }
else {
return this._rulesets = this.rules.filter(function (r) {
return (r instanceof tree.Ruleset) || (r instanceof tree.mixin.Definition);
find: function (selector, self) {
self = self || this;
var rules = [], rule, match,
key = selector.toCSS();
if (key in this._lookups) { return this._lookups[key] }
this.rulesets().forEach(function (rule) {
if (rule !== self) {
for (var j = 0; j < rule.selectors.length; j++) {
if (match = selector.match(rule.selectors[j])) {
if (selector.elements.length > rule.selectors[j].elements.length) {
Array.prototype.push.apply(rules, rule.find(
new(tree.Selector)(selector.elements.slice(1)), self));
} else {
return this._lookups[key] = rules;
// Entry point for code generation
// `context` holds an array of arrays.
toCSS: function (context, env) {
var css = [], // The CSS output
rules = [], // node.Rule instances
_rules = [], //
rulesets = [], // node.Ruleset instances
paths = [], // Current selectors
selector, // The fully rendered selector
debugInfo, // Line number debugging
if (! this.root) {
this.joinSelectors(paths, context, this.selectors);
// Compile rules and rulesets
for (var i = 0; i < this.rules.length; i++) {
rule = this.rules[i];
if (rule.rules || (rule instanceof tree.Directive) || (rule instanceof tree.Media)) {
rulesets.push(rule.toCSS(paths, env));
} else if (rule instanceof tree.Comment) {
if (!rule.silent) {
if (this.root) {
} else {
} else {
if (rule.toCSS && !rule.variable) {
} else if (rule.value && !rule.variable) {
rulesets = rulesets.join('');
// If this is the root node, we don't render
// a selector, or {}.
// Otherwise, only output if this ruleset has rules.
if (this.root) {
css.push(rules.join(env.compress ? '' : '\n'));
} else {
if (rules.length > 0) {
debugInfo = tree.debugInfo(env, this);
selector = (p) {
return (s) {
return s.toCSS(env);
}).join(env.compress ? ',' : ',\n');
// Remove duplicates
for (var i = rules.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (_rules.indexOf(rules[i]) === -1) {
rules = _rules;
css.push(debugInfo + selector +
(env.compress ? '{' : ' {\n ') +
rules.join(env.compress ? '' : '\n ') +
(env.compress ? '}' : '\n}\n'));
return css.join('') + (env.compress ? '\n' : '');
joinSelectors: function (paths, context, selectors) {
for (var s = 0; s < selectors.length; s++) {
this.joinSelector(paths, context, selectors[s]);
joinSelector: function (paths, context, selector) {
var i, j, k,
hasParentSelector, newSelectors, el, sel, parentSel,
newSelectorPath, afterParentJoin, newJoinedSelector,
newJoinedSelectorEmpty, lastSelector, currentElements,
for (i = 0; i < selector.elements.length; i++) {
el = selector.elements[i];
if (el.value === '&') {
hasParentSelector = true;
if (!hasParentSelector) {
if (context.length > 0) {
for(i = 0; i < context.length; i++) {
else {
// The paths are [[Selector]]
// The first list is a list of comma seperated selectors
// The inner list is a list of inheritance seperated selectors
// e.g.
// .a, .b {
// .c {
// }
// }
// == [[.a] [.c]] [[.b] [.c]]
// the elements from the current selector so far
currentElements = [];
// the current list of new selectors to add to the path.
// We will build it up. We initiate it with one empty selector as we "multiply" the new selectors
// by the parents
newSelectors = [[]];
for (i = 0; i < selector.elements.length; i++) {
el = selector.elements[i];
// non parent reference elements just get added
if (el.value !== "&") {
} else {
// the new list of selectors to add
selectorsMultiplied = [];
// merge the current list of non parent selector elements
// on to the current list of selectors to add
if (currentElements.length > 0) {
this.mergeElementsOnToSelectors(currentElements, newSelectors);
// loop through our current selectors
for(j = 0; j < newSelectors.length; j++) {
sel = newSelectors[j];
// if we don't have any parent paths, the & might be in a mixin so that it can be used
// whether there are parents or not
if (context.length == 0) {
// the combinator used on el should now be applied to the next element instead so that
// it is not lost
if (sel.length > 0) {
sel[0].elements = sel[0].elements.slice(0);
sel[0].elements.push(new(tree.Element)(el.combinator, '', 0)); //new Element(el.Combinator, ""));
else {
// and the parent selectors
for(k = 0; k < context.length; k++) {
parentSel = context[k];
// We need to put the current selectors
// then join the last selector's elements on to the parents selectors
// our new selector path
newSelectorPath = [];
// selectors from the parent after the join
afterParentJoin = [];
newJoinedSelectorEmpty = true;
//construct the joined selector - if & is the first thing this will be empty,
// if not newJoinedSelector will be the last set of elements in the selector
if (sel.length > 0) {
newSelectorPath = sel.slice(0);
lastSelector = newSelectorPath.pop();
newJoinedSelector = new(tree.Selector)(lastSelector.elements.slice(0));
newJoinedSelectorEmpty = false;
else {
newJoinedSelector = new(tree.Selector)([]);
//put together the parent selectors after the join
if (parentSel.length > 1) {
afterParentJoin = afterParentJoin.concat(parentSel.slice(1));
if (parentSel.length > 0) {
newJoinedSelectorEmpty = false;
// join the elements so far with the first part of the parent
newJoinedSelector.elements.push(new(tree.Element)(el.combinator, parentSel[0].elements[0].value, 0));
newJoinedSelector.elements = newJoinedSelector.elements.concat(parentSel[0].elements.slice(1));
if (!newJoinedSelectorEmpty) {
// now add the joined selector
// and the rest of the parent
newSelectorPath = newSelectorPath.concat(afterParentJoin);
// add that to our new set of selectors
// our new selectors has been multiplied, so reset the state
newSelectors = selectorsMultiplied;
currentElements = [];
// if we have any elements left over (e.g. .a& .b == .b)
// add them on to all the current selectors
if (currentElements.length > 0) {
this.mergeElementsOnToSelectors(currentElements, newSelectors);
for(i = 0; i < newSelectors.length; i++) {
mergeElementsOnToSelectors: function(elements, selectors) {
var i, sel;
if (selectors.length == 0) {
selectors.push([ new(tree.Selector)(elements) ]);
for(i = 0; i < selectors.length; i++) {
sel = selectors[i];
// if the previous thing in sel is a parent this needs to join on to it
if (sel.length > 0) {
sel[sel.length - 1] = new(tree.Selector)(sel[sel.length - 1].elements.concat(elements));
else {
(function (tree) {
tree.Selector = function (elements) {
this.elements = elements;
tree.Selector.prototype.match = function (other) {
var len = this.elements.length,
olen = other.elements.length,
max = Math.min(len, olen);
if (len < olen) {
return false;
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < max; i++) {
if (this.elements[i].value !== other.elements[i].value) {
return false;
return true;
tree.Selector.prototype.eval = function (env) {
return new(tree.Selector)( (e) {
return e.eval(env);
tree.Selector.prototype.toCSS = function (env) {
if (this._css) { return this._css }
if (this.elements[0].combinator.value === "") {
this._css = ' ';
} else {
this._css = '';
this._css += (e) {
if (typeof(e) === 'string') {
return ' ' + e.trim();
} else {
return e.toCSS(env);
return this._css;
(function (tree) {
tree.URL = function (val, paths) {
this.value = val;
this.paths = paths;
tree.URL.prototype = {
toCSS: function () {
return "url(" + this.value.toCSS() + ")";
eval: function (ctx) {
var val = this.value.eval(ctx);
// Add the base path if the URL is relative and we are in the browser
if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof val.value === "string" && !/^(?:[a-z-]+:|\/)/.test(val.value) && this.paths.length > 0) {
val.value = this.paths[0] + (val.value.charAt(0) === '/' ? val.value.slice(1) : val.value);
return new(tree.URL)(val, this.paths);
(function (tree) {
tree.Value = function (value) {
this.value = value; = 'value';
tree.Value.prototype = {
eval: function (env) {
if (this.value.length === 1) {
return this.value[0].eval(env);
} else {
return new(tree.Value)( (v) {
return v.eval(env);
toCSS: function (env) {
return (e) {
return e.toCSS(env);
}).join(env.compress ? ',' : ', ');
(function (tree) {
tree.Variable = function (name, index, file) { = name, this.index = index, this.file = file };
tree.Variable.prototype = {
eval: function (env) {
var variable, v, name =;
if (name.indexOf('@@') == 0) {
name = '@' + new(tree.Variable)(name.slice(1)).eval(env).value;
if (variable = tree.find(env.frames, function (frame) {
if (v = frame.variable(name)) {
return v.value.eval(env);
})) { return variable }
else {
throw { type: 'Name',
message: "variable " + name + " is undefined",
filename: this.file,
index: this.index };
(function (tree) {
tree.debugInfo = function(env, ctx) {
var result="";
if (env.dumpLineNumbers && !env.compress) {
switch(env.dumpLineNumbers) {
case 'comments':
result = tree.debugInfo.asComment(ctx);
case 'mediaquery':
result = tree.debugInfo.asMediaQuery(ctx);
case 'all':
result = tree.debugInfo.asComment(ctx)+tree.debugInfo.asMediaQuery(ctx);
return result;
tree.debugInfo.asComment = function(ctx) {
return '/* line ' + ctx.debugInfo.lineNumber + ', ' + ctx.debugInfo.fileName + ' */\n';
tree.debugInfo.asMediaQuery = function(ctx) {
return '@media -sass-debug-info{filename{font-family:"' + ctx.debugInfo.fileName + '";}line{font-family:"' + ctx.debugInfo.lineNumber + '";}}\n';
tree.find = function (obj, fun) {
for (var i = 0, r; i < obj.length; i++) {
if (r =, obj[i])) { return r }
return null;
tree.jsify = function (obj) {
if (Array.isArray(obj.value) && (obj.value.length > 1)) {
return '[' + (v) { return v.toCSS(false) }).join(', ') + ']';
} else {
return obj.toCSS(false);
// browser.js - client-side engine
var isFileProtocol = /^(file|chrome(-extension)?|resource|qrc|app):/.test(location.protocol);
less.env = less.env || (location.hostname == '' ||
location.hostname == '' ||
location.hostname == 'localhost' ||
location.port.length > 0 ||
isFileProtocol ? 'development'
: 'production');
// Load styles asynchronously (default: false)
// This is set to `false` by default, so that the body
// doesn't start loading before the stylesheets are parsed.
// Setting this to `true` can result in flickering.
less.async = less.async || false;
less.fileAsync = less.fileAsync || false;
// Interval between watch polls
less.poll = less.poll || (isFileProtocol ? 1000 : 1500);
// Watch mode
// = function () { return this.watchMode = true };
less.unwatch = function () { return this.watchMode = false };
if (less.env === 'development') {
less.optimization = 0;
if (/!watch/.test(location.hash)) {;
var dumpLineNumbers = /!dumpLineNumbers:(comments|mediaquery|all)/.exec(location.hash);
if (dumpLineNumbers) {
less.dumpLineNumbers = dumpLineNumbers[1];
less.watchTimer = setInterval(function () {
if (less.watchMode) {
loadStyleSheets(function (e, root, _, sheet, env) {
if (root) {
createCSS(root.toCSS(), sheet, env.lastModified);
}, less.poll);
} else {
less.optimization = 3;
var cache;
try {
cache = (typeof(window.localStorage) === 'undefined') ? null : window.localStorage;
} catch (_) {
cache = null;
// Get all <link> tags with the 'rel' attribute set to "stylesheet/less"
var links = document.getElementsByTagName('link');
var typePattern = /^text\/(x-)?less$/;
less.sheets = [];
for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
if (links[i].rel === 'stylesheet/less' || (links[i].rel.match(/stylesheet/) &&
(links[i].type.match(typePattern)))) {
less.refresh = function (reload) {
var startTime, endTime;
startTime = endTime = new(Date);
loadStyleSheets(function (e, root, _, sheet, env) {
if (env.local) {
log("loading " + sheet.href + " from cache.");
} else {
log("parsed " + sheet.href + " successfully.");
createCSS(root.toCSS(), sheet, env.lastModified);
log("css for " + sheet.href + " generated in " + (new(Date) - endTime) + 'ms');
(env.remaining === 0) && log("css generated in " + (new(Date) - startTime) + 'ms');
endTime = new(Date);
}, reload);
less.refreshStyles = loadStyles;
less.refresh(less.env === 'development');
function loadStyles() {
var styles = document.getElementsByTagName('style');
for (var i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) {
if (styles[i].type.match(typePattern)) {
filename: document.location.href.replace(/#.*$/, ''),
dumpLineNumbers: less.dumpLineNumbers
}).parse(styles[i].innerHTML || '', function (e, tree) {
var css = tree.toCSS();
var style = styles[i];
style.type = 'text/css';
if (style.styleSheet) {
style.styleSheet.cssText = css;
} else {
style.innerHTML = css;
function loadStyleSheets(callback, reload) {
for (var i = 0; i < less.sheets.length; i++) {
loadStyleSheet(less.sheets[i], callback, reload, less.sheets.length - (i + 1));
function loadStyleSheet(sheet, callback, reload, remaining) {
var contents = sheet.contents || {}; // Passing a ref to top importing parser content cache trough 'sheet' arg.
var url = window.location.href.replace(/[#?].*$/, '');
var href = sheet.href.replace(/\?.*$/, '');
var css = cache && cache.getItem(href);
var timestamp = cache && cache.getItem(href + ':timestamp');
var styles = { css: css, timestamp: timestamp };
// Stylesheets in IE don't always return the full path
if (! /^[a-z-]+:/.test(href)) {
if (href.charAt(0) == "/") {
href = window.location.protocol + "//" + + href;
} else {
href = url.slice(0, url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) + href;
xhr(sheet.href, sheet.type, function (data, lastModified) {
if (!reload && styles && lastModified &&
(new(Date)(lastModified).valueOf() ===
new(Date)(styles.timestamp).valueOf())) {
// Use local copy
createCSS(styles.css, sheet);
callback(null, null, data, sheet, { local: true, remaining: remaining });
} else {
// Use remote copy (re-parse)
try {
contents[href] = data; // Updating top importing parser content cache
optimization: less.optimization,
paths: [href.replace(/[\w\.-]+$/, '')],
mime: sheet.type,
filename: href,
'contents': contents, // Passing top importing parser content cache ref down.
dumpLineNumbers: less.dumpLineNumbers
}).parse(data, function (e, root) {
if (e) { return error(e, href) }
try {
callback(e, root, data, sheet, { local: false, lastModified: lastModified, remaining: remaining });
removeNode(document.getElementById('less-error-message:' + extractId(href)));
} catch (e) {
error(e, href);
} catch (e) {
error(e, href);
}, function (status, url) {
throw new(Error)("Couldn't load " + url + " (" + status + ")");
function extractId(href) {
return href.replace(/^[a-z]+:\/\/?[^\/]+/, '' ) // Remove protocol & domain
.replace(/^\//, '' ) // Remove root /
.replace(/\?.*$/, '' ) // Remove query
.replace(/\.[^\.\/]+$/, '' ) // Remove file extension
.replace(/[^\.\w-]+/g, '-') // Replace illegal characters
.replace(/\./g, ':'); // Replace dots with colons(for valid id)
function createCSS(styles, sheet, lastModified) {
var css;
// Strip the query-string
var href = sheet.href ? sheet.href.replace(/\?.*$/, '') : '';
// If there is no title set, use the filename, minus the extension
var id = 'less:' + (sheet.title || extractId(href));
// If the stylesheet doesn't exist, create a new node
if ((css = document.getElementById(id)) === null) {
css = document.createElement('style');
css.type = 'text/css';
if( ){ =; } = id;
var nextEl = sheet && sheet.nextSibling || null;
document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].insertBefore(css, nextEl);
if (css.styleSheet) { // IE
try {
css.styleSheet.cssText = styles;
} catch (e) {
throw new(Error)("Couldn't reassign styleSheet.cssText.");
} else {
(function (node) {
if (css.childNodes.length > 0) {
if (css.firstChild.nodeValue !== node.nodeValue) {
css.replaceChild(node, css.firstChild);
} else {
// Don't update the local store if the file wasn't modified
if (lastModified && cache) {
log('saving ' + href + ' to cache.');
try {
cache.setItem(href, styles);
cache.setItem(href + ':timestamp', lastModified);
} catch(e) {
//TODO - could do with adding more robust error handling
log('failed to save');
function xhr(url, type, callback, errback) {
var a = 'b';
//Okay, callback awaits (data, lastModified);
//errback awaits (status, url) (both strings)
if (url.substr(0, 7) == 'http://' || url.substr(0, 8) == 'https://' || url.substr(0, 6) == 'ftp://') {
//AJAX load.
error:function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
window.require(['modules/compiler'], function (compiler) {
compiler.current_model.trigger('compilation:error', {message:textStatus, filename:url});
errback(textStatus, url);
success:function (data) {
callback(data, 0);
} else {
//FILE load.
window.require(['modules/compiler'], function (compiler) {
var current_basefile = compiler.current_model.get('input_file'),
sep = Titanium.Filesystem.getSeparator();
var current_file = current_basefile.resolve(url);
if(!current_file.exists()) current_file = current_basefile.resolve(url+'.less');
if (current_file.exists()) {
var lesscode = '';
lesscode =;
callback(lesscode, current_file.modificationTimestamp());
} else {
compiler.current_model.trigger('compilation:error', {message:'File not found', filename:current_file.nativePath()});
errback('File not found', current_file.nativePath());
function getXMLHttpRequest() {
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
return new(XMLHttpRequest);
} else {
try {
return new(ActiveXObject)("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0");
} catch (e) {
log("browser doesn't support AJAX.");
return null;
function removeNode(node) {
return node && node.parentNode.removeChild(node);
function log(str) {
if (less.env == 'development' && typeof(console) !== "undefined") { console.log('less: ' + str) }
function error(e, href) {
window.require(['modules/compiler'], function (compiler) {
compiler.current_model.trigger('compilation:error', e);
// amd.js
// Define Less as an AMD module.
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
define("less", [], function () { return less; } );
Copy link

Just did this on my Mac, worked perfectly. Though I'm wondering if I should use a newer version of less.js. I used the one you provided here.

Copy link

OMG thank you so much.. Nearly was about to give up.

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