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inthecloud247 / splunk-daemonset.yaml
Created April 12, 2018 16:57 — forked from FutureSharks/splunk-daemonset.yaml
Creates a Kubernetes DaemonSet that will monitor container logs and forward them to a Splunk Indexer
# Create using kubectl:
# $ kubectl create -f splunk-daemonset.yaml
# You should also add config on your indexer to deal with the json formatted files:
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: DaemonSet
name: splunk-forwarder
inthecloud247 / gist:e4f3843f00d3e206501128db3049ba20
Created November 21, 2017 08:34 — forked from ipedrazas/gist:e3ae3ddb98b2e85c8370 KV get value from bash
curl -s | jq -r '.[0].Value' | base64 --decode
"title": "Cisco ASA",
"services": {
"query": {
"list": {
"0": {
"query": "*",
"alias": "",
"color": "#7EB26D",
"id": 0,

Boostrapping Salt on Linux EC2 with Cloud-Init

Salt is a great tool for remote execution and configuration management, however you will still need to bootstrap the daemon when spinning up a new node. One option is to create and save a custom AMI, but this creates another resource to maintain and document.

A better method for Linux machines uses Canonical's CloudInit to run a bootstrap script during an EC2 Instance initialization. Cloud-init takes the user_data string passed into a new AWS instance and runs it in a manner similar to rc.local. The bootstrap script needs to:

  1. Install Salt with dependencies
  2. Point the minion to the master
# salt-minion.conf
description "salt-minion upstart daemon"
author "Jeff Bauer <>"
# copy this file to /etc/init
start on (net-device-up and local-filesystems)
stop on shutdown
expect fork
require "cjson"
local util = require("util")
local message = {
Type = "IGNORE",
Fields = {}
// define these shard spaces
shardSpaces = [
{name: "raw", retention: "4h"},
{name: "week", retention: "7d"},
{name: "month", retention: "30d"},
{name: "year", retention: "365d"},
{name: "keep", retention: "inf"}
// apply these rules for mapping data to shard spaces
maxprocs = 2
base_dir = "/tmp/cache"
pid_file = "/tmp/"
share_dir = "/usr/share/heka"
type = "LogstreamerInput"
log_directory = "/var/log/"
file_match = 'yum\.log'

Go here for the latest + some code.


An alerting engine for a metrics & monitoring system.

This is the same approach I wanted in my initial spike, only instead of writing a custom collector & using an existing alerting engine (riemann), I'm proposing using an existing collector (hekad) and writing the alerting engine.

The system