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kubectl get pods | grep Evicted | awk '{print $1}' | xargs kubectl delete pod |
Did you know that you can use the --field-selector option for kubectl delete as well?
kubectl delete pod --field-selector="status.phase==Failed"
Did you know that you can use the --field-selector option for kubectl delete as well?
kubectl delete pod --field-selector="status.phase==Failed"
Just created a handy function. You can add this to your .zshrc
or .bash_profile
and it will just clean everything for you. Just add your namespaces to the array.
function deleteEvictedPods() {
for environment in "${environments[@]}"
echo "==================================================================================="
echo "Removing evicted pods for namespace: \"${environment}\""
echo "---------------------------------------------------"
for each in $(kubectl get pods -n ${environment} | grep Evicted | awk '{print $1}');
kubectl delete pods $each -n ${environment}
echo "==================================================================================="
echo "\n"
Removing evicted pods for namespace: "development"
pod "example-frontend-primary-757586fc7c-2zrp8" deleted
pod "example-frontend-primary-757586fc7c-54k6h" deleted
pod "example-frontend-primary-757586fc7c-62g5n" deleted
pod "example-frontend-primary-757586fc7c-6v4kv" deleted
pod "example-frontend-primary-757586fc7c-7jh6q" deleted
pod "example-frontend-primary-757586fc7c-89bvw" deleted
pod "example-frontend-primary-757586fc7c-c7mvt" deleted
pod "example-frontend-primary-757586fc7c-cc5lt" deleted
pod "example-frontend-primary-757586fc7c-jhmm6" deleted
pod "example-frontend-primary-757586fc7c-k5xfn" deleted
pod "example-frontend-primary-757586fc7c-pdfgk" deleted
pod "example-frontend-primary-757586fc7c-qhjnx" deleted
pod "example-frontend-primary-757586fc7c-r77hj" deleted
pod "example-frontend-primary-757586fc7c-v48h2" deleted
pod "example-service-feature-flags-55f8fb4858-4hmq6" deleted
pod "example-service-feature-flags-55f8fb4858-5vk44" deleted
pod "example-service-feature-flags-55f8fb4858-mkrx9" deleted
Removing evicted pods for namespace: "staging"
No resources found in staging namespace.
Removing evicted pods for namespace: "production"
No resources found in production namespace.
Removing evicted pods for namespace: "traefik"
pod "example-traefik-ingress-controller-df6f59b47-8k6qx" deleted
pod "example-traefik-ingress-controller-df6f59b47-kfjbr" deleted
pod "example-traefik-ingress-controller-df6f59b47-m59s4" deleted
pod "example-traefik-ingress-controller-df6f59b47-mrq8p" deleted
pod "example-traefik-ingress-controller-df6f59b47-nbsjc" deleted
pod "example-traefik-ingress-controller-df6f59b47-pfqbg" deleted
pod "example-traefik-ingress-controller-df6f59b47-vsnqw" deleted
pod "example-traefik-ingress-controller-df6f59b47-wzd6g" deleted
pod "example-traefik-ingress-controller-df6f59b47-xpq9x" deleted
Removing evicted pods for namespace: "kube-system"
Removing evicted pods for namespace: "kube-public"
No resources found in kube-public namespace.
Removing evicted pods for namespace: "kube-node-lease"
No resources found in kube-node-lease namespace.
Removing evicted pods for namespace: "default"
No resources found in default namespace.
Did you know that you can use the --field-selector option for kubectl delete as well?
kubectl delete pod --field-selector="status.phase==Failed"
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o json | jq '.items[] | select(.status.reason!=null) | select(.status.reason | contains("Evicted")) | "kubectl delete pods \(.metadata.name) -n \(.metadata.namespace)"' | xargs -n 1 bash -c
i think the most simple command is
kubectl delete pods -A --field-selector=status.phase=Failed
This works for me
kubectl delete pods $(kubectl get pods | grep [pod name] | grep Evicted | awk '{print $1}')
Why doesn't Kubernetes clean up Evicted pods by itself? I only notice it happen sometimes.
kubectl get pod -A | grep Evicted | awk '{print $2 " --namespace=" $1}' | xargs -n 2 kubectl delete pod
i think the most simple command is
kubectl delete pods -A --field-selector=status.phase=Failed
best solution! 👍
i think the most simple command is
kubectl delete pods -A --field-selector=status.phase=Failed
works for me
kgpa | grep Evicted | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kubectl delete pod --force
kgpa | grep -v Running | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kubectl delete pod --force
Did you know that you can use the --field-selector option for kubectl delete as well?
kubectl delete pod --field-selector="status.phase==Failed"
The original question is about to delete "Evicted" pods, which is a subset of "Failed". Unfortunately there is no state field for pods that are in the Running state.
kubectl get po -A --all-namespaces -o json | jq '.items[] | select(.status.reason!=null) | select(.status.reason | contains("Evicted")) | "kubectl delete po \(.metadata.name) -n \(.metadata.namespace)"' | xargs -n 1 bash -c
Thank you!
i think the most simple command is
kubectl delete pods -A --field-selector=status.phase=Failed
Works for me too, for deleting failed pods in all namespaces
Did you know that you can use the --field-selector option for kubectl delete as well?
kubectl delete pod --field-selector="status.phase==Failed"
Great answer, thanks!
Why doesn't Kubernetes clean up Evicted pods by itself? I only notice it happen sometimes.
My understanding is that there is a threshold for cleaning up - when the number of failed hits that threshold then clean up will happen - the challenge is that the default for that is 12500 (twelve thousand five hundred). The purpose of the threshold is to allow for review of the reasons for failure and I can see that in a large system that might almost be a reasonable number.
That threshold can be changed - I'm not sure what a sensible number would look like for a small cluster.
kubectl get pod -A | grep Evicted | awk '{print $2 " --namespace=" $1}' | xargs -n 2 kubectl delete pod
work for me
like @qinghon:
kubectl get po -A | awk '/Evicted|Completed/ {print "kubectl delete po -n ",$1,$2}'|bash -x
The gap about this approach without grep is that you filter for the status after getting all the input