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Forked from waleking/SparkGibbsLDA.scala
Created April 27, 2014 12:15
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package topic
import spark.broadcast._
import spark.SparkContext
import spark.SparkContext._
import spark.RDD
import scala.util.Random
import scala.math.{ sqrt, log, pow, abs, exp, min, max }
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
* Implement the gibbs sampling LDA on spark
* Input file's format is: docId \t date \t words(splited by " ")
* Output the topic distribution of each file in "out/topicDistOnDoc" default
* and the topic in "out/wordDistOnTopic" default
* 2013-04-24
object SparkGibbsLDA {
* print out topics
* output topK words in each topic
def topicsInfo(nkv: Array[Array[Int]], allWords: List[String], kTopic: Int, vSize: Int, topK: Int) = {
var res = ""
for (k <- 0 until kTopic) {
val distOnTopic = for (v <- 0 until vSize) yield (v, nkv(k)(v))
val sorted = distOnTopic.sortWith((tupleA, tupleB) => tupleA._2 > tupleB._2)
res = res + "topic " + k + ":" + "\n"
for (j <- 0 until topK) {
res = res + "n(" + allWords(sorted(j)._1) + ")=" + sorted(j)._2 + " "
res = res + "\n"
* gibbs sampling
* topicAssignArr Array[(word,topic)]
* nmk: Array[n_{mk}]
def gibbsSampling(topicAssignArr: Array[(Int, Int)],
nmk: Array[Int], nkv: Array[Array[Int]], nk: Array[Int],
kTopic: Int, alpha: Double, vSize: Int, beta: Double) = {
val length = topicAssignArr.length
for (i <- 0 until length) {
val topic = topicAssignArr(i)._2
val word = topicAssignArr(i)._1
//reset nkv,nk and nmk
nmk(topic) = nmk(topic) - 1
nkv(topic)(word) = nkv(topic)(word) - 1
nk(topic) = nk(topic) - 1
val topicDist = new Array[Double](kTopic) //Important, not Array[Double](kTopic) which will lead to Array(4.0)
for (k <- 0 until kTopic) {
topicDist(k) = (nmk(k).toDouble + alpha) * (nkv(k)(word) + beta) / (nk(k) + vSize * beta)
val newTopic = getRandFromMultinomial(topicDist)
topicAssignArr(i) = (word, newTopic) //Important, not (newTopic,word)
//update nkv,nk and nmk locally
nmk(newTopic) = nmk(newTopic) + 1
nkv(newTopic)(word) = nkv(newTopic)(word) + 1
nk(newTopic) = nk(newTopic) + 1
(topicAssignArr, nmk)
// get nkv matrix
//List(((0,0),2), ((0,1),1),((word,topic),count))
//=> Array[Array(...)]
def updateNKV(wordsTopicReduced: List[((Int, Int), Int)], kTopic: Int, vSize: Int) = {
val nkv = new Array[Array[Int]](kTopic)
for (k <- 0 until kTopic) {
nkv(k) = new Array[Int](vSize)
wordsTopicReduced.foreach(t => { //t is ((Int,Int),Int) which is ((word,topic),count)
val word = t._1._1
val topic = t._1._2
val count = t._2
nkv(topic)(word) = nkv(topic)(word) + count
//get nk vector
//List(((0,0),2), ((0,1),1),((word,topic),count))
//=> Array[Array(...)]
def updateNK(wordsTopicReduced: List[((Int, Int), Int)], kTopic: Int, vSize: Int) = {
val nk = new Array[Int](kTopic)
wordsTopicReduced.foreach(t => { //t is ((Int,Int),Int) which is ((word,topic),count)
val topic = t._1._2
val count = t._2
nk(topic) = nk(topic) + count
* get a topic from Multinomial Distribution
* usage example: k=getRand(Array(0.1, 0.2, 0.3,1.1)),
def getRandFromMultinomial(arrInput: Array[Double]): Int = {
val rand = Random.nextDouble()
val s = doubleArrayOps(arrInput).sum
val arrNormalized = doubleArrayOps(arrInput).map { e => e / s }
var localsum = 0.0
val cumArr = doubleArrayOps(arrNormalized).map { dist =>
localsum = localsum + dist
//return the new topic
doubleArrayOps(cumArr).indexWhere(cumDist => cumDist >= rand)
def restartSpark(sc: SparkContext, scMaster: String, remote: Boolean): SparkContext = {
// After iterations, Spark will create a lot of RDDs and I only have 4g mem for it.
// So I have to restart the Spark. The thread.sleep is for the shutting down of Akka.
if (remote == true) {
new SparkContext(scMaster, "SparkLocalLDA", "./", Seq("job.jar"))
} else {
new SparkContext(scMaster, "SparkLocalLDA")
* start spark at if remote==true
* or start it locally when remote==false
def startSpark(remote: Boolean) = {
if (remote == true) {
val scMaster = "spark://db-PowerEdge-2970:7077" // e.g. local[4]
val sparkContext = new SparkContext(scMaster, "SparkLocalLDA", "./", Seq("job.jar"))
(scMaster, sparkContext)
} else {
val scMaster = "local[4]" // e.g. local[4]
val sparkContext = new SparkContext(scMaster, "SparkLocalLDA")
(scMaster, sparkContext)
* save topic distribution of doc in HDFS
* INPUT: doucments which is RDD[(docId,topicAssigments,nmk)]
* format: docID, topic distribution
def saveDocTopicDist(documents: spark.RDD[(Long, Array[(Int, Int)], Array[Int])], pathTopicDistOnDoc: String) = { {
case (docId, topicAssign, nmk) =>
val docLen = topicAssign.length
val probabilities = => n / docLen.toDouble).toList
(docId, probabilities)
* save word distribution on topic into HDFS
* output format:
* (topicID,List((#/x,0.05803571428571429)...(与/p,0.04017857142857143),...))
def saveWordDistTopic(sc: SparkContext, nkv: Array[Array[Int]], nk: Array[Int],
allWords: List[String], vSize: Int, topKwordsForDebug: Int, pathWordDistOnTopic: String) {
val topicK = nkv.length
//add topicid for array
val nkvWithId = Array.fill(topicK) { (0, Array[Int](vSize)) }
for (k <- 0 until topicK) {
nkvWithId(k) = (k, nkv(k))
//output topKwordsForDebug words
val res = sc.parallelize(nkvWithId).map { t => //topicId, Array(2,3,3,4,...)
val k = t._1
val distOnTopic = for (v <- 0 until vSize) yield (v, t._2(v))
val sorted = distOnTopic.sortWith((tupleA, tupleB) => tupleA._2 > tupleB._2)
val topDist = { for (v <- 0 until topKwordsForDebug) yield (allWords(sorted(v)._1), sorted(v)._2.toDouble / nk(k).toDouble) }.toList
(k, topDist)
* the lda's executing function
* do the following things:
* 1,start spark
* 2,read files into HDFS
* 3,build a dictionary for alphabet : wordIndexMap
* 4,init topic assignments for each word in the corpus
* 5,use gibbs sampling to infer the topic distribution of doc and estimate the parameter nkv and nk
* 6,save the result in HDFS (result part 1: topic distribution of doc, result part 2: top words in each topic)
def lda(filename: String, kTopic: Int, alpha: Double, beta: Double,
maxIter: Int, remote: Boolean, topKwordsForDebug: Int,
pathTopicDistOnDoc: String, pathWordDistOnTopic: String) {
//Step 1, start spark
System.setProperty("file.encoding", "UTF-8")
System.setProperty("spark.serializer", "spark.KryoSerializer")
var (scMaster, sc) = startSpark(remote)
//Step2, read files into HDFS
val file = sc.textFile(filename)
val rawFiles = { line =>
val vs = line.split("\t")
val words = vs(2).split(" ").toList
(vs(0).toLong, words)
}.filter(_._2.length > 0)
//Step3, build a dictionary for alphabet : wordIndexMap
val allWords = rawFiles.flatMap { t =>
}.map{t=>(t,1)}.reduceByKey(_+_).map{_._1}.collect().toList.sortWith(_ < _)
val vSize = allWords.length
var wordIndexMap = new HashMap[String, Int]()
for (i <- 0 until allWords.length) {
wordIndexMap(allWords(i)) = i
val bWordIndexMap = wordIndexMap
//Step4, init topic assignments for each word in the corpus
var documents = { t => //t means (docId,words) where words is a List
val docId = t._1
val length = t._2.length
val topicAssignArr = new Array[(Int, Int)](length)
val nmk = new Array[Int](kTopic)
for (i <- 0 until length) {
val topic = Random.nextInt(kTopic)
topicAssignArr(i) = (bWordIndexMap(t._2(i)), topic)
nmk(topic) = nmk(topic) + 1
(docId, topicAssignArr, nmk) //t._1 means docId, t._2 means words
var wordsTopicReduced = documents.flatMap(t => t._2).map(t => (t, 1)).reduceByKey(_ + _).collect().toList
//update nkv,nk
var nkv = updateNKV(wordsTopicReduced, kTopic, vSize)
var nkvGlobal = sc.broadcast(nkv)
var nk = updateNK(wordsTopicReduced, kTopic, vSize)
var nkGlobal = sc.broadcast(nk)
//Step5, use gibbs sampling to infer the topic distribution in doc and estimate the parameter nkv and nk
var iterativeInputDocuments = documents
var updatedDocuments=iterativeInputDocuments
for (iter <- 0 until maxIter) {
iterativeInputDocuments.persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY)//same as cache
updatedDocuments.persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY)//same as cache
//broadcast the global data
nkvGlobal = sc.broadcast(nkv)
nkGlobal = sc.broadcast(nk)
updatedDocuments = {
case (docId, topicAssignArr, nmk) =>
//gibbs sampling
val (newTopicAssignArr, newNmk) = gibbsSampling(topicAssignArr,
nmk, nkvGlobal.value, nkGlobal.value,
kTopic, alpha, vSize, beta)
(docId, newTopicAssignArr, newNmk)
//output to hdfs for DEBUG
//updatedDocuments.flatMap(t => t._2).map(t => (t, 1)).saveAsTextFile("hdfs://"+iter)
wordsTopicReduced = updatedDocuments.flatMap(t => t._2).map(t => (t, 1)).reduceByKey(_ + _).collect().toList
iterativeInputDocuments = updatedDocuments
//update nkv,nk
nkv = updateNKV(wordsTopicReduced, kTopic, vSize)
nk = updateNK(wordsTopicReduced, kTopic, vSize)
println(topicsInfo(nkvGlobal.value, allWords, kTopic, vSize, topKwordsForDebug))
println("iteration " + iter + " finished")
//restart spark to optimize the memory
if (iter % 20 == 0) {
//save RDD temporally
var pathDocument1=""
var pathDocument2=""
var storedDocuments1=iterativeInputDocuments
var storedDocuments2=updatedDocuments
//restart Spark to solve the memory leak problem
sc=restartSpark(sc, scMaster, remote)
//as the restart of Spark, all of RDD are cleared
//we need to read files in order to rebuild RDD
//Step6,save the result in HDFS (result part 1: topic distribution of doc, result part 2: top words in each topic)
var resultDocuments = iterativeInputDocuments
saveDocTopicDist(resultDocuments, pathTopicDistOnDoc)
saveWordDistTopic(sc, nkv, nk, allWords, vSize, topKwordsForDebug, pathWordDistOnTopic)
def main(args: Array[String]) {
//val fileName = "/tmp/ldasrc5000.txt"
val fileName="/tmp/ldasrc.txt"
//val fileName = "ldasrcSmall.txt"
val kTopic = 10
val alpha = 0.45
val beta = 0.01
val maxIter = 1000
val remote = true
val topKwordsForDebug = 10
var pathTopicDistOnDoc = ""
var pathWordDistOnTopic = ""
if (remote == true) {
pathTopicDistOnDoc = "hdfs://"
pathWordDistOnTopic = "hdfs://"
} else {
pathTopicDistOnDoc = "out/topicDistOnDoc"
pathWordDistOnTopic = "out/wordDistOnTopic"
lda(fileName, kTopic, alpha, beta, maxIter, remote, topKwordsForDebug, pathTopicDistOnDoc, pathWordDistOnTopic)
// def main(args: Array[String]) {
// if (args.length < 3) {
// println("usage: java -classpath jarname topic.SparkGibbsLDA filename kTopic alpha beta maxIter " +
// "remote[=true|false] topKWordsForDebug pathTopicDistOnDoc pathWordDistOnTopic")
// } else {
// val filename = args(0)//e.g. /tmp/ldasrc5000.txt
// val kTopic = args(1).toInt //e.g. 4
// val alpha = args(2).toDouble //e.g. 0.45
// val beta = args(3).toDouble //e.g. 0.01
// val maxIter = args(4).toInt //e.g. 1000
// val remote = args(5).toBoolean //true means run on db-PowerEdge-2970:7077 (, false mean run on local
// val topKwordsForDebug = args(6).toInt //e.g. 10
// val pathTopicDistOnDoc=args(7) //save topic distribution of each file, e.g. out/topicDistOnDoc
// val pathWordDistOnTopic=args(8) //save word distribution of toipc, e.g. out/wordDistOnTopic
// }
// }
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