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Created November 15, 2017 08:32
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#region MessageCard function helpers
function MessageCard {
$newScript = "@{$($ScriptBlock.ToString())}"
$newScriptBlock = [scriptblock]::Create($newScript)
& $newScriptBlock
function section {
$newScript = "[Ordered]@{$($ScriptBlock.ToString())}"
$newScriptBlock = [scriptblock]::Create($newScript)
& $newScriptBlock
function fact {
$Invoked = $ScriptBlock.Invoke()
$Invoked.Keys |
ForEach-Object {
Name = $_
Value = $Invoked.$_
#region Main
$NewMessage = MessageCard {
summary = 'This is the summary property'
title = "This is the card's title property"
text = 'This is the cards text property.'
sections = @(
section {
activityTitle = 'Activity Title'
activitySubtitle = 'Activity **Sub**Title'
images = @(
image = ""
title = "This is the image alternate text Pic 01"
image = ""
title = "This is the image alternate text Pic 02"
PotentialAction = @(
'@type' = 'Actioncard'
Name = 'Comment'
Inputs = @(
'@type' = 'TextInput'
Id = 'Comment'
isMultiLine = $true
Title = 'Input title property'
Actions = @(
'@type' = 'HttpPOST'
Name = 'Save'
Target = 'http://...'
'@type' = 'Actioncard'
Name = 'Due Date'
Inputs = @(
'@type' = 'DateInput'
Id = 'dueDate'
Title = 'Input due date'
Actions = @(
'@type' = 'HttpPOST'
Name = 'Save'
Target = 'http://...'
section {
title = 'Details:'
facts = fact {
GivenName = 'Irwin'
SurName = 'Strachan'
section {
activityTitle = 'Default MD Support'
activitySubtitle = 'Activity **Subtitle**'
facts = fact {
Email = ''
WebSite = '[pshirwins]('
$restparams = @{
Uri = "Your WebHook Uri"
Method = 'POST'
Body = $($NewMessage | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 6)
ContentType = 'application/JSON'
Invoke-RestMethod @restparams
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