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On Image

One of the factors that differentiate Decred from our peers, apart from the quality of our code and the philosophy behind it, is the way in which we present ourselves. We have what I believe to be the best design teams in the space, and receive compliments to that effect often.

So on that note, I felt it prudent to share some thoughts on how we can best present ourselves in public, as instances of asymmetry have arisen in the past, and as we expand our footprint internationally with local teams holding events and doing outreach I expect these issues to emerge more often.

  • Everything we produce with a Decred logo on it reflects on the project.

I would make the case that it's better to have no swag than to give people low-quality items with our branding on them. E.g., a five cent pen that I can crush in one hand or a t-shirt that feels like it's made out of sandpaper. Everything Decred should convey high quality.

The Freenode resignation FAQ, or: "what the fuck is going on?"


It's come to my attention that some people have been spamming issue trackers with a link to this gist. While it's a good idea to inform people of the situation in principle, please do not do this. By all means spread the word in the communities that you are a part of, after verifying that they are not aware yet, but unsolicited spam is not helpful. It will just frustrate people.

Update 3 (May 24, 2021)

A number of things have happened since the last update.