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Last active February 9, 2018 10:57
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  • Save itsdsk/729c0bc0210f8ea09c7d4645985c4e48 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save itsdsk/729c0bc0210f8ea09c7d4645985c4e48 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Processing 3.3.5 armv6hf install script
# This script installs the latest version of Processing for ARM into /usr/local/lib
# Run it like this: "curl | sudo sh"
# check if on a 64-bit operating system
case "$(file $(which file))" in
*aarch64*) FLAVOR="arm64"; TAR="$(curl -sL | grep -oh -m 1 'https.*linux-arm64.tgz')" ;;
*) FLAVOR="armv6hf"; TAR="$(curl -sL | grep -oh -m 1 'https.*linux-armv6hf.tgz')" ;;
echo ""
echo "Downloading $TAR..."
curl -L $TAR > processing-linux-$FLAVOR-latest.tgz
echo "Installing in /usr/local..."
tar fx processing-linux-$FLAVOR-latest.tgz -C /usr/local/lib
rm -f processing-linux-$FLAVOR-latest.tgz
# this returns the highest version installed
VER="$(basename $(ls -dvr /usr/local/lib/processing-* | head -1))"
# symlink target might be a directory, replace
rm -rf /usr/local/lib/processing
ln -s $VER /usr/local/lib/processing
# this assumes that /usr/local/bin is in $PATH
ln -sf ../lib/processing/processing /usr/local/bin/processing
ln -sf ../lib/processing/processing-java /usr/local/bin/processing-java
# this assumes that the desktop manager picks up .desktop files in /usr/local/share/applications
mkdir -p /usr/local/share/applications
curl -sL > /usr/local/share/applications/processing.desktop
sed -i "s/@version@/$VER/" /usr/local/share/applications/processing.desktop
sed -i 's|/opt/processing|/usr/local/lib/processing|' /usr/local/share/applications/processing.desktop
# silence validation errors
desktop-file-install /usr/local/share/applications/processing.desktop >/dev/null 2>&1
echo "Done! You can start Processing by running processing in the terminal, or through the applications menu (might require a restart)."
echo ""
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