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itsrifat / import-replacer.tsx
Last active August 31, 2020 05:58
jscodeshift script to replace an import with another. should be called like `find $1 -iname '*.tsx' -print | xargs ./node_modules/.bin/jscodeshift -t import-replacer.ts -fromModule react-apollo -fromImport graphql -toModule @apollo/client -toImport graphql`
/* tslint:disable */
// @ts-nocheck
* This codemod can replace imports
* for exmalple it can change
* import {compose} from 'react-apollo'
* into
* import {flowRight as compose} from 'lodash'
Should be called like:
itsrifat /
Created November 16, 2016 17:17 — forked from stefansundin/
Git pre-commit check to stop accidental commits to master and develop branches. There is also a variant with a core.whitespace check.
# This script will install a Git pre-commit hook that stop accidental commits to master and develop branches.
# There is also a variant that includes a core.whitespace check. See pre-commit-2 below.
# Install in current Git repo:
# curl -fL | sh
# Install with core.whitespace check:
# curl -fL | sh -s pre-commit-2
# Install with core.whitespace check and EOF-newline-check:
# curl -fL | sh -s pre-commit-3
# Install only core.whitespace check:
itsrifat /
Created November 16, 2016 09:41 — forked from bartoszmajsak/
How to automatically prepend git commit with a branch name
# This way you can customize which branches should be skipped when
# prepending commit message.
if [ -z "$BRANCHES_TO_SKIP" ]; then
BRANCHES_TO_SKIP=(master develop test)
BRANCH_NAME=$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD)
itsrifat / template.html
Created March 31, 2015 00:47
Bootstrap Resume Template (using bootstrap 3). Demo available at:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<!-- This file has been downloaded from Enjoy! -->
<title>Simple Resume template -</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<!-- resume specific style -->
<style type="text/css">
itsrifat /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
captcha cracker challenge in hackerrank
#build a model with your favourite classifier !
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
#read the raw training data
data = readData(directory)
#prepare the training data from the raw data
trainingdata = prepareTrainingData(data)
#create the classifier
clf = LogisticRegression()
itsrifat /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
Solution to the captcha cracker challenge in hackerrank
import numpy as np
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
train_x = [
itsrifat / extract_frames.cpp
Last active July 13, 2023 18:48
simple c++ functions to extract frames of a video file into a vector of Mat and saving the vector as jpg images using OpenCV 2.4.9
This functions opens a video file and extracts the frames and put them into a vector of Mat(its the class for representing an img)
void extract_frames(const string &videoFilePath,vector<Mat>& frames){
//open the video file
VideoCapture cap(videoFilePath); // open the video file
if(!cap.isOpened()) // check if we succeeded
CV_Error(CV_StsError, "Can not open Video file");
itsrifat /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:08 — forked from michiexile/
A Python implementation of the Gap Statistic from Tibshirani, Walther, Hastie to determine the inherent number of clusters in a dataset with k-means clustering. This fork uses the kmeans implementation of scikit-learn. For some reason scipy.cluster.vq.kmeans2 is not working for my data. I'm getting this error with scipy.cluster.vq.kmeans2 http:/…
# (c) 2013 Mikael Vejdemo-Johansson
# BSD License
# SciPy function to compute the gap statistic for evaluating k-means clustering.
# Gap statistic defined in
# Tibshirani, Walther, Hastie:
# Estimating the number of clusters in a data set via the gap statistic
# J. R. Statist. Soc. B (2001) 63, Part 2, pp 411-423

This is a sample client code that generates a partial xml file using Apache SIS that conforms to ISO 19115 schema:

package edu.unr.nccp;
import org.apache.sis.internal.jaxb.gmi.MI_Metadata;
import org.apache.sis.metadata.iso.citation.DefaultContact;
import org.apache.sis.metadata.iso.citation.DefaultResponsibleParty;
import org.opengis.metadata.Metadata;