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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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Solution to the captcha cracker challenge in hackerrank
import numpy as np
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
train_x = [
train_y =['E','G','Y','K','4','G','R','C','3','5','6','O','5','W','1','J','6','2','7','C','V','L','I','2','C','O','1','R','7','Q','O','Y','T','A','D','Z','R','M','Q','U','N','9','D','Q','S','Z','G','J','S','3','G','Z','M','B','A','J','1','4','D','M','P','Q','9','A','E','V','W','Z','D','O','W','G','S','T','7','X','K','M','S','2','1','D','2','K','B','2','0','B','H','Q','O','A','H','0','V','5','I','8','V','E','Z','9','7','M','E','C','L','6','9','V','H','C','E','9','1','W','E','L','X','V','U','H','V','F','O']
def prepareData(img):
x = []
threshold = 100
startLocX = 7
endLocX = 21
startLocY = 6
increment = 8
for i in range(5):
char = img[startLocX:endLocX,startLocY:startLocY+increment]
char[char > threshold] = 255
startLocY = startLocY + increment + 1
return x
#create the classifier
clf = LogisticRegression(), train_y)
#get the input captcha
rows,cols = tuple(raw_input().split())
pixels = []
for i in range(int(rows)):
line = raw_input()
row = []
for p in line.split():
vals = [int(val) for val in p.split(",")]
#convert it to an np array
pixels = np.array(pixels)
#extract each of the charecters from the captcha
x = prepareData(pixels)
#get the prediction for each of the charecter and concat the output to form the string
output = ""
for char in x:
output = output + str(clf.predict(char)[0])
print output
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