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Last active June 8, 2024 03:01
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// '_' indicates epsilon
// INPUT is directed graph of NFA
// (00|11)(00|11)*
const INPUT = {
0: [['_', 1]],
1: [['_', 2], ['_', 5]],
2: [['0', 3]],
3: [['0', 4]],
4: [['_', 8]],
5: [['1', 6]],
6: [['1', 7]],
7: [['_', 8]],
8: [['_', 9]],
9: [['_', 10], ['_', 18]],
10: [['_', 11], ['_', 14]],
11: [['0', 12]],
12: [['0', 13]],
13: [['_', 17]],
14: [['1', 15]],
15: [['1', 16]],
16: [['_', 17]],
17: [['_', 18], ['_', 10]],
18: [['_', 19]],
19: []
// Test input
const TEST = '001100';
// if output Dtran
const SHOW_DTRAN = false;
// if output Dstates
const SHOW_DSTATES = false;
// if output each step
const SHOW_STEPS = false;
// ======================================== //
// (array: number[], char: string, isMove: boolean) => number[]
const move = (array, char, isMove = true) => {
const accept = (result, current) => {
for (const element of INPUT[current]) {
if (element[0] === char && !result.includes(element[1])) {
accept(result, element[1]);
let result = isMove ? [] : [...array];
for (const element of array) {
accept(result, element);
if (isMove) {
for (const element of result) {
const node = INPUT[element];
const nextNode = node.find((n) => result.includes(n[1]));
if (nextNode) {
result = result.filter((r) => r !== nextNode[1]);
return result;
// (array: number[]) => number[]
const eClosure = (array) => {
return move(array, '_', false);
const arrayEquals = (array1, array2) => {
if (array1.length !== array2.length) {
return false;
array1.sort((a, b) => a - b);
array2.sort((a, b) => a - b);
for (let i = 0; i < array1.length; i++) {
if (array1[i] !== array2[i]) {
return false;
return true;
const inputValues = []
Object.values(INPUT).forEach((value) =>
value.forEach((node) => {
if (node[0] !== '_' && !inputValues.includes(node[0])) {
const dTran = {};
const dStates = {};
let k = 'A'.charCodeAt(0);
dStates['A'] = {
checked: false,
array: eClosure([0]),
const step = (key) => {
const state = dStates[key];
state.checked = true;
for (const value of inputValues) {
const m = move(state.array, value);
const u = eClosure(m);
console.log(key, value, m, u);
if (!Object.values(dStates).map((state) => state.array).some((array) => arrayEquals(array, u))) {
dStates[String.fromCharCode(k)] = {
checked: false,
array: u,
dTran[`${key}_${value}`] = u;
const next = Object.entries(dStates).find(([_, v]) => !v.checked);
if (next) {
console.log('DStates', dStates);
console.log('Dtran', dTran);
Object.entries(dTran).forEach(([k, v]) => {
const values = Object.entries(dStates).find(([_, vv]) => arrayEquals(vv.array, v));
if (values) {
// dTran[k] = values[1].array.length !== 0 ? values[0] : '-';
dTran[k] = values[0];
console.log(`| | ${inputValues.join(' | ')} |`);
console.log(`|---|${ => '---').join('|')}|`);
Object.keys(dStates).forEach((key) => {
console.log(`| ${key} | ${Object.entries(dTran).filter(([k, _]) => k.startsWith(key)).map(([k, v]) => v).join(' | ')} |`);
const terminal = parseInt(Object.keys(INPUT)[Object.keys(INPUT).length - 1]);
console.log(`Accepted: ${Object.entries(dStates).filter(([_, v]) => v.array.includes(terminal)).map(([k, _]) => k).join(', ')}`)
if (TEST) {
const terminals = Object.entries(dStates).filter(([_, v]) => v.array.includes(terminal)).map(([k, _]) => k);
console.log('==== TEST ====');
console.log(`${'Test for'.padEnd(11, ' ')}: '${TEST}'`);
console.log(`${'Accepted'.padEnd(11, ' ')}: [ ${terminals.join(', ')} ]`);
let state = 'A';
const states = [state];
for (const char of Array.from(TEST)) {
const next = dTran[`${state}_${char}`];
if (!next) {
console.log(`${'States'.padEnd(11, ' ')}: [ ${states.join(', ')} ]`);
console.log(`${'Last State'.padEnd(11, ' ')}: ${state}`);
console.log(`${'Result'.padEnd(11, ' ')}: *** Error ***`);
} else {
state = next;
console.log(`${'States'.padEnd(11, ' ')}: [ ${states.join(', ')} ]`);
console.log(`${'Last State'.padEnd(11, ' ')}: ${state}`);
if (terminals.includes(state)) {
console.log(`${'Result'.padEnd(11, ' ')}: * Passed`);
} else {
console.log(`${'Result'.padEnd(11, ' ')}: *** Error ***`);
| | 0 | 1 |
| A | B | C |
| B | D | E |
| C | E | F |
| D | G | H |
| E | E | E |
| F | G | H |
| G | I | E |
| H | E | J |
| I | G | H |
| J | G | H |
Accepted: D, F, I, J
==== TEST ====
Test for : '001100'
Accepted : [ D, F, I, J ]
States : [ A, B, D, H, J, G, I ]
Last State : I
Result : * Passed
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