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Created June 30, 2020 16:10
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itinerary code
using JSON
#make sure we have what we're looking for.
(length(ARGS) == 0) && throw(ErrorException("needs a file name"))
#rows iterator
type rows; tgt::Matrix; end
Base.start(r::rows) = 1, idx) = (r.tgt[idx, :], idx + 1)
Base.done(r::rows, idx) = idx > size(r.tgt, 1)
Base.length(r::rows) = size(r.tgt,1)
api_key = #API_KEy
#set up a dictionary of locations.
location_dict = Dict{Symbol, String}()
known_distances = Dict{Tuple{Symbol, Symbol}, Float64}()
addresses = readcsv("Addresses.csv")
for row in rows(addresses)
location_dict[Symbol(row[1])] = row[2]
function api_lookup(strt_loc, dest_loc)
strt_addr = replace(location_dict[strt_loc],r"\s","+")
dest_addr = replace(location_dict[dest_loc],r"\s","+")
query = string("",strt_addr,"&destinations=",dest_addr,"&key=",api_key)
cr = readstring(`curl $query`)
j = JSON.parse(cr)
return -1.0
function lookup_distance(strt_loc, dest_loc)
if haskey(known_distances, (strt_loc, dest_loc))
string(known_distances[(strt_loc, dest_loc)])
#actually do API stuff here.
distance = api_lookup(strt_loc, dest_loc)
#distance = 1.0
known_distances[(strt_loc, dest_loc)] = distance
#to limit querying of the google api, set dummyrun to true (this lets
#you debug the keywords).
dummyrun = false
# actual processing.
list_filename = ARGS[1] #file to be read is the first argument
listtbl = readcsv(list_filename) #read the csv file.
listlen = size(listtbl)[1] #grab the length of the csv file
output_tbl = Matrix{String}(listlen,4) # output is a matrix of same length w/ 4 columns.
for (index, row) in enumerate(rows(listtbl[:,1:3]))
if row[1] == "Date" #exception is the first row.
output_tbl[index, 1:3] = row
output_tbl[index,4] = ""
strt_loc = Symbol(row[2])
dest_loc = Symbol(row[3])
#make sure the strt_loc and dest_loc are in the location dictionary
haskey(location_dict, strt_loc) || throw(ErrorException("key for $strt_loc not found"))
haskey(location_dict, dest_loc) || throw(ErrorException("key for $dest_loc not found"))
#spit back out the first three columns of the original file
output_tbl[index, 1:3] = row
#for the fourth column, lookup the distance (unless we are just doing a dummy run).
output_tbl[index, 4] = dummyrun ? "10" : lookup_distance(strt_loc, dest_loc)
writecsv(string("final_", list_filename), output_tbl)
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