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Last active May 16, 2024 22:16
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Download a podcast episode from
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Download a podcast episode from
# Usage:
# grab-anchor-episode "" # (m4a example)
# grab-anchor-episode "" # (mp3 example)
# serves a list of m4a or mp3 files that need to be concatenated with ffmpeg.
# For debugging, uncomment:
# set -o verbose
set -eu -o pipefail
json=$(curl -sL "$url" | grep -P -o 'window.__STATE__ = .*' | cut -d ' ' -f 3- | sed -r 's/;$//g')
ymd=$(echo -E $json | jq -r '.episodePreview.publishOn' | cut -d 'T' -f 1)
extension=$((echo -E $json | jq -r '.[].episodeEnclosureUrl' | grep -F --max-count=1 :// | grep -oP '\.[0-9a-z]+$' | cut -d . -f 2) || echo m4a)
output_basename=$ymd-$(basename -- "$url").$extension
if [[ -f "$output_basename" ]]; then
echo "$output_basename already exists; skipping download"
temp_dir="$(mktemp -d)"
cd "$temp_dir"
audio_urls=$(echo -E $json | jq -r '.station.audios|map(.audioUrl)|.[]')
for i in $audio_urls; do
output_file=$(basename -- "$i")
wget "$i" -O "$output_file"
echo "file '$output_file'" >> .copy_list
ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i .copy_list -c copy "$output_basename"
cd -
mv "$temp_dir/$output_basename" ./
rm -rf "$temp_dir"
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ivan commented Jan 6, 2022

@Potatrix Did the script actually produce incorrect audio files? If it needs to be fixed, it would really help to have the URL for testing.

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viocar commented Feb 16, 2022

This seems to have stopped working at some point. I have the latest version, and anything I try to download, even the provided examples, just results in .copy_list: No such file or directory.

The command I used: bash " om-the-Life-and-Death-of-the-Integral-Center-e31val"

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viocar commented Feb 18, 2022

With the help of a friend, I've managed to modify the script so that it works again (at least for my purposes). I've forked it here:

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@ivan the script downloaded the audio files fine. Sometimes it didn't convert to mp3 but wasn't really an issue for me. I had a task to download all of the recordings for anchor podcast I manage and needed a quick way to download all of them which is why I made the modification

@viocar I notice a space in your URL but I assume it wasn't like this when you tried to run the script?

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viocar commented Feb 28, 2022

No, I tried several URLs that I copied directly from my browser. I'm not sure why there's a space in my post.

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Please any one could suggest me script code for tracking podcast audio in Tag Manager tools ?

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Where can I change the output location, sorry, I am new to linux

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