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Last active July 22, 2024 00:40
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2024 reading list

Things I might read in 2024.

  • Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Richard Howard (translator) - The Little Prince
  • Sayaka Murata, Ginny Tapley Takemori (translator) - Convenience Store Woman (via)
  • Jorge Luis Borges - Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius (in Labyrinths)/ printed (via)
  • Franz Kafka - The Metamorphosis (via)
  • William Olaf Stapledon - Star Maker/ audio, go to 12m35s to skip past the introduction spoilers


Interactive fiction

unplanned notable things read

unplanned and abandoned

  • Ichiro Kishimi, Fumitake Koga - The Courage to Be Disliked/ audio
  • Matt Dinniman - Dungeon Crawler Carl/ audio
  • Charles Eisenstein - The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible/ audio
  • Geoff Smart - Who: The A Method for Hiring/ audio
  • Genki Kawamura - If Cats Disappeared from the World/ audio
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ivan commented Jul 21, 2024

Feature Comparison

This is a best-effort feaure comparison between rkyv, FlatBuffers, and Cap'n Proto. This is by no means completely comprehensive, and pull requests that improve this are welcomed.

Feature matrix

Feature rkyv Cap'n Proto FlatBuffers
Open type system yes no no
Scalars yes no yes
Tables no* yes yes
Schema evolution no* yes yes
Zero-copy yes yes yes
Random-access reads yes yes yes
Validation upfront* on-demand yes
Reflection no* yes yes
Object order bottom-up either bottom-up
Schema language derive custom custom
Usable as mutable state yes limited limited
Padding takes space on wire? yes* optional no
Unset fields take space on wire? yes yes no
Pointers take space on wire? yes yes yes
Cross-language no yes yes
Hash maps and B-trees yes no no
Shared pointers yes no no

* rkyv's open type system allows extension types that provide these capabilities

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ivan commented Jul 22, 2024


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