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jupyter widgets BoF

  • Want static version of a widget with graphs that update? Use jupyter-sphinx, though this will generate big notebooks because the data is embedded in the notebook.
  • Options for 3D rendering in javascript:
  • Can we nbconvert including widgets? Only if nbconvert can run the notebook...and it gets complicated. Tried having notebook lways save widget state, but notebooks got huge and had lots of churn.
  • How can the js side tell python something important has been updated? Can save state of widget after manipulation, but if user re-runs cell then that state will be lost but needs some manual cut and paste. Very receptive to pull requests that would generate python representation of the state and insert it in a notebook.
  • Any replacement for Jupyter Dashboard Server? Follow the issue in Jupyterlab. Goal is to ta
# This will give all the ICSE2015/2016 papers filenames extracted from the titles of the PDF metadata,
# and put them in a folder on your desktop. It's been tested on OSX and depends on wget and pdfinfo,
# available via the macports xpdf package on pre-Yosemite OSX, and here for Yosemite users:
# It's a manual install, unfortunately, but I trust you're geared up for that.
# The username and password are available from these public-facing pdfs:
# (2015 - icse15/conf15)
rgbkrk /
Last active April 6, 2022 02:55
Encrypt a (short) file using someone's public key from github
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# HubCrypt
# ========
# Decrypt a file encrypted using hubencrypt (ok, it's just openssl + rsautl +
# your SSH keys). It needs the private key that matches your last public key
# listed at<user>.keys
ivanov / git-recheckout
Created November 7, 2013 20:16
Your local checkout of a branch, and the remote branch it tracks are out of sync. You want to check it out again, discarding your version of the branch.
# git-recheckout: git reset to the upstream branch
# Your local checkout of a branch, and the remote branch it tracks are out of
# sync. You want to check it out again, discarding your version of the branch.
# Because you need to know the remotename/branchname string to reset to
# 1. get the remotename/the-branch combination
# 2. git reset remotename/the-branch
ivanov / git-recent
Created September 5, 2013 02:49
prints the recent heads from a remote
# git-recent: prints the recent heads from a remote
# Usage:
# git recent # recent branches in this repo
# git recent remote_name # recent branches in remote_name
# git-recent was written by Paul Ivanov. Please send improvements to @ivanov on
# GitHub/Twitter, or find my email address.