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Last active November 23, 2019 16:07
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Using Clojure to retrieve javascript file names in resources directory
(:require [ :as io])

(defn get-file-names [directory-object files-path]
  (let [full-directory-path (.getPath directory-object)
        get-js-file-path (fn [file]
                           (str files-path (.getName file)))]
    (->> full-directory-path
         (filterv (fn [file] (.isFile file)))
         (mapv get-js-file-path))))

(defn get-js-file-names []
  (let [directory-object (io/resource "js")
        directory-exists? (-> directory-object nil? not)]
    (when directory-exists?
      (get-file-names directory-object "/js/"))))
(get-js-file-names) ;; -> [<filename-1> ... <filename-n>]
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