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marktheunissen / pedantically_commented_playbook.yml
Last active April 26, 2024 23:26 — forked from phred/pedantically_commented_playbook.yml
Insanely complete Ansible playbook, showing off all the options
This playbook has been removed as it is now very outdated.
sindresorhus /
Last active April 26, 2024 03:53
Pure ESM package

Pure ESM package

The package that linked you here is now pure ESM. It cannot be require()'d from CommonJS.

This means you have the following choices:

  1. Use ESM yourself. (preferred)
    Use import foo from 'foo' instead of const foo = require('foo') to import the package. You also need to put "type": "module" in your package.json and more. Follow the below guide.
  2. If the package is used in an async context, you could use await import(…) from CommonJS instead of require(…).
  3. Stay on the existing version of the package until you can move to ESM.
fractaledmind / sorter.rb
Last active April 16, 2024 15:08
A generalized sorting implementation that allows for multi-column, multi-directional, nil-handling, case_insensitive, normalized, and/or natural sorting (with tests)
require 'date'
class Sorter
def initialize(*instructions)
@defaults = {
direction: :ascending,
nils: :small,
accessor: :itself,
case_sensitive: true,
normalized: false,
dypsilon /
Last active March 27, 2024 06:36
A badass list of frontend development resources I collected over time.
return1 / trim_enabler.txt
Last active August 25, 2023 02:59
TRIM Enabler for OS X Yosemite 10.10.3
# UPDATE for 10.10.4+: please consider this patch obsolete, as apple provides a tool called "trimforce" to enable trim support for 3rd party SSDs
# just run "sudo trimforce enable" to activate the trim support from now on!
# Original version by Grant Parnell is offline (
# Update July 2014: no longer offline, see
# Looks for "Apple" string in HD kext, changes it to a wildcard match for anything
# Alternative to
bgrins /
Last active August 1, 2023 16:32
Prevent errors on console methods when no console present and expose a global 'log' function.

Javascript log Function

Every time I start a new project, I want to pull in a log function that allows the same functionality as the console.log, including the full functionality of the Console API.

There are a lot of ways to do this, but many are lacking. A common problem with wrapper functions is that the line number that shows up next to the log is the line number of the log function itself, not where log was invoked. There are also times where the arguments get logged in a way that isn't quite the same as the native function.

This is an attempt to once and for all document the function that I pull in to new projects. There are two different options:

  • The full version: Inspired by the plugin in HTML5 Boilerplate. Use this if you are writing an application and want to create a window.log function. Additionally,
tehpeh / db.rake
Created September 17, 2012 02:05
Enable hstore on rake db:schema:load
namespace :db do
namespace :enable do
desc "enable hstore extension"
task :hstore => [:environment, :load_config] do
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute('CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS hstore;')
Rake::Task['db:schema:load'].enhance ['db:enable:hstore']
trydionel / backbone.rails.js
Created November 28, 2010 16:47
Makes Backbone.js play nicely with default Rails setup
// Backbone.Rails.js
// Makes Backbone.js play nicely with the default Rails setup, i.e.,
// no need to set
// ActiveRecord::Base.include_root_in_json = false
// and build all of your models directly from `params` rather than
// `params[:model]`.
// Load this file after backbone.js and before your application JS.

Rails 4 Differences

Chapter 1

No differences.

Chapter 2

  • root :to => "dashboard#index" is now root "dashboard#index"`
  • Need to permit parameters within Subscribem::AccountsController
seanknox / spec--capybara_helpers.rb
Created May 10, 2014 03:01
RSpec + Capybara + Sauce Labs + Selenium (local or remote)
module CapybaraHelpers
class << self
def local_ip
def setup_selenium_remote
app_host ||= ENV.fetch('SELENIUM_APP_HOST', local_ip)
Capybara.server_host = app_host
Capybara.app_host = "http://#{app_host}:#{Capybara.current_session.server.port}"