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j0el /
Created July 10, 2022 13:58 — forked from opieters/
Python script to generate configuration for a lightGallery photo gallery in Jekyll.
j0el / ShinyForTradingStrategy.txt
Created February 15, 2016 22:53 — forked from thertrader/ShinyForTradingStrategy.txt
A Simple Shiny App for Monitoring Trading Strategies
This Shiny application is designed to help analysing trading strategies. It is an ongoing project that I improve when time allows. Feel free to get in touch should you have any suggestion.
*How to use the App as it is?
The App uses as input several csv files (one for each strategy). Each file has two columns: date and daily return. There is an example of such a file in the Github repository. The code is essentially made of 3 files.
-ui.R: controls the layout and appearance of the app
-server.R: contains the instructions needed to build the app. You can load as much strategies as you want as long as the corresponding csv file has the right format (see below).
-shinyStrategyGeneral.R: loads the required packages and launches the app
put ui.R and server.R file in a separate directory
In the server.R file change the inputPath, inputFile and keepColumns parameters to match your setting. The first two are self explanatory the third one is a list of column names within the csv file. Keep only date and daily return