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Jack Mallahan jackmallahan

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Post-Grad Job Search Action Plan Template: Your first 30 Days

You are so close! You've spent the last 7 months working towards this -- graduation and finding your new dream job! This plan is meant to help you streamline your goals and get on the path to employment as a software developer during the first 30 days after graduation. Please fill out the plan by copying this template into a gist to submit in your portfolio.

As you fill out this plan, consider how your first job search will set the tone for your career trajectory in the software industry. After all, your first developer job should align with those goals as well so that you're on track for a longterm successful career.

Note: If you have already secured a job prior to graduation, skip to the second part of the plan below.

#2: Supporting Cohortmates in Job Search

  • List 1-2 people from PD Peer Group who you will continue to check in with during the first 30 days post-graduation. Describe your plans for these check-ins to your

Template: Module 4 Action Plan

Module 4 Goals

By the end of mod 4 I would like to have the following completed:

  • Receive one offer
  • Go on 4 interviews
  • Reach out to people at companies that I'm interested in on my Trello board
  • Have a more active mentoring relationship / maybe find another mentor
  • Go to at least 2 more meetups

Most Valued Knowledges/Fields of Interest

  • Health Care
  • Auto Industry
  • Public service/education
  • Consulting

My Favorite Working Conditions

  • Collaborative, creative environment
  • Positive working relationships
  • Relaxed dress code and casual workplace interactions
# Strengths & Storytelling Reflection Guidelines
Build on your professional story by thinking about how you're progressing at Turing. Answer the questions below in your own gist to use your StrengthsFinder themes to add to your story:
* Look at your initial StrengthsFinder reflection that you completed in week 1 -- how have your perceptions of the top 5 themes stayed the same? How have they changed?
* I think that my perceptions from week 1 have basically stayed the same. The one thing that I am disappointed in myself about is that I lost positivity during the ideabox project. It had issues, and I fell into a fixed mindset and had a hard time over coming the issues. Instead of blaming myself, I should have fallen to my natural positivity strength and been positive and believed that the obstacles we faced would be overcome.
* How are you different today than when you first started at Turing? How are you stronger now than on day 1? How have you struggled?
* I think that I am in such a better place now th
jackmallahan /
Last active May 10, 2017 15:37
CSS Layout Challenge
Challenge 1

I first created a 3rd div. Then I positioned the box to float right. To make the gap between div1 and div3, I made div3 a border-box, and gave it a margin of 5px so that there would be a gap between the two boxes.

Challenge 1

Challenge 2

For the second challenge, I forked Challenge 1 to keep the three divs. Then I made div1 position: relative so that it would stay in the top left corner. For div 2, all I did was make positioning: relative so that it kept its place in the block, but margin:auto so that it would be centered. For div3, I used absolute positioning because nothing was below it, and it didn't need to hold its space. Then I just used right: 0 to make it line up with the right margin.

jackmallahan /
Last active May 1, 2017 06:02
Turing 1705 Prework

Day 1

Chapter 1 and 2 Questions

  1. On a website, what is the purpose of HTML code?
  • HTML code is the building block of a website. This is where the programmer inputs the content that is going to be displayed.
  1. What is the difference between an element and a tag?
  • An HTML element is made up of two tags. For example, a

    is an element made up of the tags


    . An element is something such as a paragraph or header.
  1. Why do we use attributes in HTML elements?
  • We use attributes to give more information about the contents of an element.
  1. Describe the purpose of the head, title, and body HTML elements.
  • Head, title, and body HTML elements are used to dilineate how the content is displayed on the web page. The Head contains the information about the page (including the title which appears in the top bar). The body is the content shown within the browser.