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Created November 8, 2017 18:25
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Post-Grad Job Search Action Plan Template: Your first 30 Days

You are so close! You've spent the last 7 months working towards this -- graduation and finding your new dream job! This plan is meant to help you streamline your goals and get on the path to employment as a software developer during the first 30 days after graduation. Please fill out the plan by copying this template into a gist to submit in your portfolio.

As you fill out this plan, consider how your first job search will set the tone for your career trajectory in the software industry. After all, your first developer job should align with those goals as well so that you're on track for a longterm successful career.

Note: If you have already secured a job prior to graduation, skip to the second part of the plan below.

#2: Supporting Cohortmates in Job Search

  • List 1-2 people from PD Peer Group who you will continue to check in with during the first 30 days post-graduation. Describe your plans for these check-ins to your instructor(s)
    1. I will continue to keep up with JF in the Back End and David Becker. I'll reach out to slack and see if there is anything I can do to help.
  • Describe one area of the job search that you feel particularly skilled in to help your cohortmates with and how you will do that with your instructor(s)
    1. I feel pretty confident with my cold outreach. I had a lot of success going on coffee meetings.
  • List 1-2 people whom you will recommend your cohortmates to, how you will make that introduction, and when you'll do that by to share with instructor(s)
    1. I will introduce my cohortmates to Walker at TrackVia who I interviewed with twice.
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