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jacobian /
Last active June 26, 2024 03:02
Book recommendations from the Fediverse, June 2024

I asked for book recommendations on the fediverse and oh my goodness got so many suggestions. I wanted to share the list of all that came up in case others want to dig into this stuff. I asked specifically for

  • naturalist writing a la Muir or Abbey but about Alaska (I picked up Arctic Dreams but want more)
  • time travel / multiverse stuff, like Sliding Doors etc
  • great heists, fiction or non-
  • fiction featuring non-traditional families (queer, poly, etc.)
  • fantasy with really weird or different systems of magic, like Max Gladstone's Craft series

So most of this is falls into one of these themes, but also some stuff doesn't. I made this list quickly and sloppily, please forgive mispellings, missing author names, etc. Here's the list, sorted first by most common recs then alpha by title.

Robots policy for github projects

This is a sketch of a proposal for a "robots.txt for github" -- a policy that defines what actions automated tooling can take against a given repository.


Bots self-identify, and use project/repo-style naming. So code that lives at identifies as jacobian/coolbot. Forks should generally use the upstream identifier until/unless they become different enough to warrent new names. This is a matter of judgement.

Policy file location: .github/robots.yml

jacobian /
Created March 15, 2021 13:00
How to deploy Datasette to Heroku using Docker
heroku create {app} --stack container
datasette package --tag{app}/web
docker push{app}/web
heroku container:release -a {app} web
"I feel like I belong on this team."
"On this team, I can voice a contrary opinion without fear of negative consequences."
"On this team, perspectives like mine are included in decision making."
"On this team, administrative or clerical tasks that don’t have a specific owner are fairly divided."
"People on this team accept others who are different."
"It is easy to ask other members of this team for help."
"On this team, messengers are not punished when they deliver news of failures or other bad news."
"On this team, responsibilities are shared."
"On this team, cross-functional collaboration is encouraged and rewarded."
"On this team, failure causes inquiry."
Take 2 - trying to minimize jump stitches
Stitch a row \ / \ /, then back
import itertools
import pyembroidery as em
from collections import namedtuple
import click
import pyembroidery as em
pattern = em.EmbPattern()
# units are in 1/10mm
# max size in DST is 12mm so if we go bigger need to fuck with max_stitch
SIZE = 32
# start with a stitch at the origin to get the needle down (see the docs)
pattern.stitch_abs(0, 0)
# !!! DOESN'T WORK but might with some more poking?
class Article(models.Model):
keywords = ArrayField(models.CharField(max_length=100))
def __str__(self):
return f"<Article {} keywords={self.keywords}>"
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jacobian / security hardness
Last active December 3, 2016 05:10
Security Hardness - another idea

This is a draft "security hardness scale", desgigned to somewhat roughly quantify the level of effort of a penetration test -- since simply measuing "how many vulns did you find" is a terrible measurement of success. The goal is the measure the "hardness" of the system under test in a way that's a bit quantitative.

The result is a score from 1-10. The scale is inspired by to the Mohs Hardness Scale in that it's simply an ordinal scale, not an absolute one. That is, the "gap" between 3 and 4 doesn't have to be the same "difficulty increase" as the gap between 5 and 6. It's simply a way of rating that one pentest was "harder" than another. (This is in lieu of being able measuing "hardness" in any truely quantitative way).
