We are excited to introduce our new Gno.land logo, a change that reflects the true spirit of our project.
From the very beginning, the character of the "gnome" has been a source of inspiration for gno.land, representing the essence of our journey and values. In time, this character has not only inspired our project but has also become part of gno.land’s identity. The black hole of the previous logo represented finality, inevitability, the ultimate end state, and was an interesting representation of something that cannot be seen; but it also had nothing to do with gnomes. Gnomes are warm and inviting in character, are the opposite of the cold and unemotional void of black holes, where all that is known is pulled in and ceases to exist.
But why gnomes?
In Greek, gnomi means “the means of knowing; mind; intelligence; judgement”. Gnomic poetry refers to a type of poetry involving short memorable maxims of wisdom that flourished in the 6th century in Greece. Today, when we hear gnome we think of earth-dwe