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Last active December 19, 2015 10:49
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Parsing wikipedia dumps in Go
package main
import (
func main() {
filename := os.Args[1]
f, err := os.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Unable to read zip", err)
defer f.Close()
r := bzip2.NewReader(f)
dec := xml.NewDecoder(r)
currentElement := ""
currentTitle := ""
for {
token, err := dec.Token()
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
log.Println("End of file.")
log.Fatal("Error reading zip", err)
if start, ok := token.(xml.StartElement); ok {
currentElement = start.Name.Local
if currentElement == "page" {
currentTitle = ""
} else if _, ok := token.(xml.EndElement); ok {
currentElement = ""
if char, ok := token.(xml.CharData); ok {
if currentElement == "title" {
currentTitle = string(char)
} else if currentElement == "text" {
text := string(char)
if strings.Contains(text, "{{Infobox musical artist") {
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This program reads through the 9GB wikipedia dump, extracting it as a stream, and prints any titles of pages about musicians.

Runtime: 112 minutes on a 1.8ghz MacBook Air.
Memory usage: average 15mb, maximum 24mb.

Go is proving to be quite an interesting language, it gives results similar to C without the pesky issues you get with writing pure C. Still obviously less expressive than @kornysietsma's clojure implementation though. 😄

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