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Created April 27, 2011 14:31
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NullSafeMapFrom extension for AutoMapper
public static class AutoMapperExtensions
public static void NullSafeMapFrom<T, TResult>(this IMemberConfigurationExpression<T> opt, Expression<Func<T, TResult>> sourceMemberExpression)
var sourceMember = sourceMemberExpression.Compile();
opt.MapFrom(src =>
return sourceMember(src);
catch (NullReferenceException)
return default(TResult);
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This'll silently catch any NullReferenceExceptions that might get thrown from null properties in a call chain. Expression is (sadly) necessary to stop Visual Studio from moaning about the exception being unhandled.


.ForMember(dest => dest.Target, opt => opt.NullSafeMapFrom(src => src.Something.That.Will.Throw))

Obviously, it should use expression caching in high throughput environments. YMMV.

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jbogard commented Apr 27, 2011

You know, I've been looking to split out a MapFrom that uses expressions and a ResolveUsing that uses Func, for this very reason. It also lets me "know" the TResult a little easier.

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Tried to compile your code both in VS2010 for .NET 4.0 and in VS2013 for .NET 4.5.1 - result is the same on line 10:

error CS0834: A lambda expression with a statement body cannot be converted to an expression tree

What I'm doing wrong?

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