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Created May 31, 2018 14:42
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Authorizing via the "authorization" header in the request is perfect. All request definitions below do not explicitly include that header, however it should be used.


Retrieve all artists (paginated)

curl -X GET /api/artist/?page=1
Example Response
    // Array of artist structures sorted alphabetically and paginated to 30 per request
    // Use the same data structure as the single artist endpoint below, however...
    // only include the root and release levels, excluding the tracks

Retrieve an artist by name

Base Definition
curl -X GET /api/artist/{name}
Optional Parameters
curl -X GET /api/artist/{name}/?releases=1
curl -X GET /api/artist/{name}/?releases=1&tracks=1
Example Response
    // Name of the artist (if single)
    "name": "Artist Name",

    // Name of the artist (if many)
    "name": ["Primary Artist", "Supporting Artist"],

    // Full URL of the artist's avatar image (if available)
    "avatar": "https://...",

    // Any other relevant information regarding the artist (date joined, genre etc.)

    // If the releases parameter is passed
    "releases": [
            // Unique ID of the release (unique across artists, releases and tracks)
            "id": "kc0yuj0yvno",

            // Title of the release
            "title": "Release Name",

            // Artists in the release
            "artists": ["Primary Artist", "Supporting Artist"],

            // Release label name
            "label": "Label Name",

            // Release sales start date
            "sales_start_date": "2018-05-31",

            // Release C line
            "c_line": "Release C Line",

            // Release P line
            "p_line": "Release P Line",

            // Explicit content flag
            "explicit": false,

            // Full URL to the release cover art
            "cover_art": "https://...",

            // Array of the release genres
            "genres": ["Alternative", "Ambient"],

            // Date of when the release was released
            "released_at": "2018-05-31",

            // Any other relevant information regarding the release

            // If the tracks parameter is passed
            "tracks": [
                    // Unique ID of the track (unique across artists, releases and tracks)
                    "id": "mcyrb89ryp9",

                    // Title of the track
                    "title": "Name of the track",
                    "title_version": "Version of the title",

                    // Full URL to the track's cover art
                    "cover_art": "https://...",

                    // Track level artists
                    "artists": ["Primary Artist", "Supporting Artist"],

                    // Full URL of the streamable audio file
                    "audio_path": "https://...",

                    // Any other relevant information regarding the track (genre, supporting artists etc.)


Retrieve an release by unique reference

Base Definition
curl -X GET /api/release/{reference}
Optional Parameters
curl -X GET /api/release/{reference}/?tracks=1
Example Response
    // Unique ID of the release (unique across artists, releases and tracks)
    "id": "kc0yuj0yvno",

    // Title of the release
    "title": "Release Name",

    // Artists in the release
    "artists": ["Primary Artist", "Supporting Artist"],

    // Release label name
    "label": "Label Name",

    // Release sales start date
    "sales_start_date": "2018-05-31",

    // Release C line
    "c_line": "Release C Line",

    // Release P line
    "p_line": "Release P Line",

    // Explicit content flag
    "explicit": false,

    // Full URL to the release cover art
    "cover_art": "https://...",

    // Array of the release genres
    "genres": ["Alternative", "Ambient"],

    // Date of when the release was released
    "released_at": "2018-05-31",

    // Any other relevant information regarding the release

    // Artist information (inherited)
    "artist": {
        // Fill this with the same data that the artist endpoint would return (but only the root level and excluding any relationships)

    // If the tracks parameter is passed
    "tracks": [
            // Unique ID of the track (unique across artists, releases and tracks)
            "id": "mcyrb89ryp9",

            // Title of the track
            "title": "Name of the track",
            "title_version": "Version of the title",

            // Full URL to the track's cover art
            "cover_art": "https://...",

            // Track level artists
            "artists": ["Primary Artist", "Supporting Artist"],

            // Full URL of the streamable audio file
            "audio_path": "https://...",

            // Any other relevant information regarding the track (genre etc.)


Retrieve a track by unique reference

Base Definition
curl -X GET /api/track/{reference}
Example Response
    // Unique ID of the track (unique across artists, releases and tracks)
    "id": "mcyrb89ryp9",

    // Title of the track
    "title": "Name of the track",
    "title_version": "Version of the title",

    // Full URL to the track's cover art
    "cover_art": "https://...",

    // Track level artists
    "artists": ["Primary Artist", "Supporting Artist"],

    // Full URL of the streamable audio file
    "audio_path": "https://...",

    // release information (inherited)
    "release": {
        // Fill this with the same data that the release endpoint would return (but only the root level and excluding any relationships)

    // Any other relevant information regarding the track (genre, supporting artists etc.)
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