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Zehkul / Convert Script –
Last active December 16, 2023 07:19
Script to quickly convert and crop videos from within mpv


This script for mpv intends to offer the fastest and simplest way to convert parts of a video—while you’re watching it and not really more work intensive than making a screenshot. A short demonstration:


You need:

  • yad (at least 0.26) (AUR)
frantic1048 /
Last active October 12, 2020 10:18
KDE KSysGuard NVIDIA GPU temperature/memory/utilization sensor
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# act as a KSysGuard sensor
# provides NVIDIA GPU info via `nvidia-settings`
# Usage (e.g. add gpu temperature sensor)
# 1. save this file, make sure it has a exec permission
# 2. in KSysGuard's menu, open `File` -> `Monitor Remote Machine`
# 3.1 in new dialog, type `Host` whatever you want
# 3.2 set `Connection Type` to `Custom command`
-- autosave.lua
-- Periodically saves "watch later" data during playback, rather than only saving on quit.
-- This lets you easily recover your position in the case of an ungraceful shutdown of mpv (crash, power failure, etc.).
-- You can configure the save period by creating a "lua-settings" directory inside your mpv configuration directory.
-- Inside the "lua-settings" directory, create a file named "autosave.conf".
-- The save period can be set like so:
-- save_period=60
Sporif /
Last active July 21, 2023 06:47 — forked from hacker1024/
KDE KSysGuard NVIDIA GPU temperature/memory/utilization sensor, based on @frantic1048's script, but with units and total memory detection.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# act as a KSysGuard sensor
# provides NVIDIA GPU info via `nvidia-smi`
# Usage:
# 1. Save this script, make it executable and move it to a directory in your $PATH
# 2. Save this ksysguard sensor file for Nvidia:
# 2. In KSysGuard's menu, open "File > Import Tab From File option"
# 3. Open the sensor file (nvidia.srgd)
Sporif / nvidia.sgrd
Last active July 21, 2023 06:47
ksysguard sensor file for Nvidia. Requires to be in path
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE KSysGuardWorkSheet>
<WorkSheet title="Nvidia" columns="2" rows="4" locked="0" interval="1">
<host name="" port="-1" shell="" command=""/>
<display labels="1" svgBackground="" vScroll="1" version="1" class="FancyPlotter" vLines="1" unit="" row="0" hScale="3" autoRange="1" fontSize="8" manualRange="0" rowSpan="1" columnSpan="1" showUnit="0" vDistance="30" column="0" stacked="0" title="GPU Temp" hLines="1">
<beam sensorName="gpu_temp" sensorType="integer" color="0xff0057ae" hostName=""/>
<display labels="1" svgBackground="" vScroll="1" version="1" class="FancyPlotter" vLines="1" unit="" row="0" hScale="3" autoRange="1" fontSize="8" manualRange="0" rowSpan="1" columnSpan="1" showUnit="0" vDistance="30" column="1" stacked="0" title="GPU Fan Speed" hLines="1">
<beam sensorName="gpu_fan_speed" sensorType="integer" color="0xff0057ae" hostName=""/>
funmaker / 4chan_image_resizer.user.js
Last active July 25, 2022 13:29
Resize images before post to meet 4chan's limits
// ==UserScript==
// @name 4chan image resizer
// @version 0.6
// @description Resize images before post to meet 4chan's limits
// @author Fun Maker
// @namespace
// @match http*://*
// @match http*://*
// @icon
// @updateURL
// ==UserScript==
// @name Absolute Enable Right Click & Copy
// @namespace Absolute Right Click
// @description Force Enable Right Click & Copy & Highlight
// @shortcutKeys [Ctrl + `] Activate Absolute Right Click Mode To Force Remove Any Type Of Protection
// @author Absolute
// @version 1.8.9
// @include *://*
// @icon
// @compatible Chrome Google Chrome + Tampermonkey