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Last active September 18, 2019 13:19
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using Unity.Burst;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Entities;
using Unity.Jobs;
using Unity.Transforms;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Tiles
public class RenderCullingSystem : ComponentSystem
private Camera camera;
private ComponentGroup visibleGroup;
private ComponentGroup notVisibleGroup;
protected override void OnCreateManager(int capacity)
camera = Camera.main;
visibleGroup = GetComponentGroup(ComponentType.ReadOnly<Position>(), ComponentType.ReadOnly<TileVisibleComponent>());
notVisibleGroup = GetComponentGroup(ComponentType.ReadOnly<Position>(), ComponentType.Subtractive<TileVisibleComponent>());
protected override void OnUpdate()
camera = camera ?? Camera.main;
if (camera == null)
var cameraView = new CameraViewCoordinates(camera);
var bufferOne = new EntityCommandBuffer(Allocator.TempJob);
var bufferTwo = new EntityCommandBuffer(Allocator.TempJob);
var addVisibleJob = new AddVisibleJob
CameraView = cameraView,
Buffer = bufferOne,
Positions = notVisibleGroup.GetComponentDataArray<Position>(),
Entities = notVisibleGroup.GetEntityArray()
var handle = addVisibleJob.Schedule(addVisibleJob.Entities.Length, 64);
var removeVisibleJob = new RemoveVisibleJob
CameraView = cameraView,
Buffer = bufferTwo,
Positions = visibleGroup.GetComponentDataArray<Position>(),
Entities = visibleGroup.GetEntityArray()
var secondHandle = removeVisibleJob.Schedule(removeVisibleJob.Entities.Length, 64);
private struct AddVisibleJob : IJobParallelFor
public CameraViewCoordinates CameraView;
[WriteOnly] public EntityCommandBuffer.Concurrent Buffer;
[ReadOnly] public ComponentDataArray<Position> Positions;
[ReadOnly] public EntityArray Entities;
public void Execute(int index)
var x = Positions[index].Value.x;
var z = Positions[index].Value.z;
if (x < CameraView.MaxX && x + 1 > CameraView.MinX && z < CameraView.MaxZ && z + 1 > CameraView.MinZ)
Buffer.AddComponent(Entities[index], new TileVisibleComponent());
private struct RemoveVisibleJob : IJobParallelFor
public CameraViewCoordinates CameraView;
[WriteOnly] public EntityCommandBuffer.Concurrent Buffer;
[ReadOnly] public ComponentDataArray<Position> Positions;
[ReadOnly] public EntityArray Entities;
public void Execute(int index)
var x = Positions[index].Value.x;
if (CameraView.MinX > x + 1 || CameraView.MaxX < x)
var z = Positions[index].Value.z;
if (CameraView.MinZ > z + 1 || CameraView.MaxZ < z)
private struct CameraViewCoordinates
public float MinX;
public float MaxX;
public float MinZ;
public float MaxZ;
public CameraViewCoordinates(Camera camera)
var bottomLeft = camera.ViewportToWorldPoint(;
var topRight = camera.ViewportToWorldPoint(;
MinX = bottomLeft.x;
MinZ = bottomLeft.z;
MaxX = topRight.x;
MaxZ = topRight.z;
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