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Last active January 2, 2021 15:04
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Pizza dough

Pizza dough

Based on Vaughn Tan's recipe plus general thoughts absorbed from reading stuff online. Makes 2 balls for 2 11"-12" pizzas.

Flour (320g)

  • 40% 00 (128g) [cumulative 128g]
  • 25% strong white (80g) [208g]
  • 30% stoneground white (96g) [304g]
  • 5% wholemeal/heritage (16g) [320g]

Hydration (67% / 214g)

  • 2% olive oil (6g)
  • 65% water (208g)


  • 15% starter, 100% hydration (48g)
  • 3% salt (9g)


  1. Mix starter into water
  2. Mix everything except oil into that
  3. Leave for 30-60 mins, then knead until gluten is mostly developed
  4. Leave for 10 mins, then knead in oil until homogeneous
  5. Leave until risen by 30-50% (6 hours ish), maybe stretch and fold about 3 times in the first 2 hours.
  6. Punch down and shape into taut balls. Good shaping is the key to evenly round pizzas! Place in oiled containers - best if these containers are circular.
  7. Refrigerate for 12-48 hours
  8. Allow 3-4 hours to get back to room temperature (but don't overproof), then make pizza.
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