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Created May 13, 2011 20:59
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Generate a maze that spans all six faces of a cube.
# cube-maze.rb
# by Jamis Buck (
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This script generates a PNG image of all six faces of a cube, covered
# with the passages of a maze that wraps across all the faces.
# The movements between faces are computed using the WRAPS constant, which
# tells which face lies in each direction from any given face, as well as
# how the coordinates should be transformed when moving from face to face.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# License? What license? We don't need no stinkin' license.
# This code is in the public domain. Knock yourself out. Use it however
# you want. Please prefer good over evil.
require 'chunky_png'
# number of cells on a side, on each face of the cube
DIM = (ARGV[0] || 5).to_i
# the number to seed the random number generator with
SEED = (ARGV[1] ||
# Various constants to use during the maze generation process
N = 1
S = 2
E = 4
W = 8
DIRS = [N, S, E, W]
DX = { N => 0, S => 0, E => 1, W => -1 }
DY = { N => -1, S => 1, E => 0, W => 0 }
OPP = { N => S, S => N, E => W, W => E }
0 => { N => [3, { :x => :x, :y => :max, :d => S }],
S => [1, { :x => :x, :y => 0, :d => N }],
W => [4, { :x => :y, :y => 0, :d => N }],
E => [5, { :x => :dy, :y => 0, :d => N }] },
1 => { N => [0, { :x => :x, :y => :max, :d => S }],
S => [2, { :x => :x, :y => 0, :d => N }],
W => [4, { :x => :max, :y => :y, :d => E }],
E => [5, { :x => 0, :y => :y, :d => W }] },
2 => { N => [1, { :x => :x, :y => :max, :d => S }],
S => [3, { :x => :x, :y => 0, :d => N }],
W => [4, { :x => :dy, :y => :max, :d => S }],
E => [5, { :x => :y, :y => :max, :d => S }] },
3 => { N => [2, { :x => :x, :y => :max, :d => S }],
S => [0, { :x => :x, :y => 0, :d => N }],
W => [4, { :x => 0, :y => :dy, :d => W }],
E => [5, { :x => :max, :y => :dy, :d => E }] },
4 => { N => [0, { :x => 0, :y => :x, :d => W }],
S => [2, { :x => 0, :y => :dx, :d => W }],
W => [3, { :x => 0, :y => :dy, :d => W }],
E => [1, { :x => 0, :y => :y, :d => W }] },
5 => { N => [0, { :x => :max, :y => :dx, :d => E }],
S => [2, { :x => :max, :y => :x, :d => E }],
W => [1, { :x => :max, :y => :y, :d => E }],
E => [3, { :x => :max, :y => :dy, :d => E }] }
_ = nil
[ _, 0, _ ],
[ 4, 1, 5 ],
[ _, 2, _ ],
[ _, 3, _ ]
UTF8_LINES = [" ", "╵", "╷", "│", "╶", "└", "┌", "├", "╴", "┘", "┐", "┤", "─", "┴", "┬", "┼"]
# Some helper functions
def map(x, y, cmd)
case cmd
when :x then x
when :y then y
when :max then DIM-1
when :dx then DIM - x - 1
when :dy then DIM - y - 1
else cmd
def move(from_face, from_x, from_y, dir)
to_face = from_face
to_x = from_x + DX[dir]
to_y = from_y + DY[dir]
if to_x < 0 || to_x >= DIM || to_y < 0 || to_y >= DIM
to_face, mapping = WRAPS[from_face][dir]
new_x = map(to_x, to_y, mapping[:x])
new_y = map(to_x, to_y, mapping[:y])
route = mapping[:d]
to_x, to_y = new_x, new_y
route = OPP[dir]
[to_face, to_x, to_y, route]
COLORS = [7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2]
def draw(faces)
print "\e[H" # move to upper-left
LAYOUT.each do |row|
DIM.times do |y|
row.each do |face|
print "\e[#{face ? 40+COLORS[face] : 40};#{face ? 30 : 37}m"
DIM.times do |x|
print(face ? UTF8_LINES[faces[face][y][x]] : " ")
print "\e[0m"
# The data structures for use in the algorithm
faces = { {, 0) } }
queue = [ [0, 0, 0] ]
print "\e[2J" # clear the screen
# Use the "growing tree" algorithm to build the maze, with a
# cell-selection heuristic of "last added". This gives long,
# windy passages and fewer dead-ends.
while queue.any?
face, x, y = queue.last
moved = false
DIRS.shuffle.each do |dir|
new_face, new_x, new_y, route = move(face, x, y, dir)
if faces[new_face][new_y][new_x] == 0
faces[face][y][x] |= dir
faces[new_face][new_y][new_x] = route
queue << [new_face, new_x, new_y]
moved = true
queue.pop if !moved
puts "generating `cube.png'..."
# Build the PNG output file.
CELL_MID = (CELL_DIM + 1) / 2
[DIM * CELL_DIM + 10, 10], # 0
[DIM * CELL_DIM + 10, DIM * CELL_DIM + 10], # 1
[DIM * CELL_DIM + 10, 2 * DIM * CELL_DIM + 10], # 2
[DIM * CELL_DIM + 10, 3 * DIM * CELL_DIM + 10], # 3
[10, DIM * CELL_DIM + 10], # 4
[2 * DIM * CELL_DIM + 10, DIM * CELL_DIM + 10], # 5
png = * CELL_DIM * 3 + 20, DIM * CELL_DIM * 4 + 20, ChunkyPNG::Color::TRANSPARENT)
CORNERS.each_with_index do |(x, y), face|
# draw face boxes
png.rect(x, y, x + DIM * CELL_DIM, y + DIM * CELL_DIM, ChunkyPNG::Color.rgb(127, 127, 127))
DIM.times do |cy|
DIM.times do |cx|
cell = faces[face][cy][cx]
x_edge = x + cx * CELL_DIM
x_mid = x_edge + CELL_MID
y_edge = y + cy * CELL_DIM
y_mid = y_edge + CELL_MID
png.line(x_mid, y_edge, x_mid, y_mid, ChunkyPNG::Color::BLACK) if (cell & N) == N
png.line(x_mid, y_mid, x_mid, y_edge+CELL_DIM, ChunkyPNG::Color::BLACK) if (cell & S) == S
png.line(x_edge, y_mid, x_mid, y_mid, ChunkyPNG::Color::BLACK) if (cell & W) == W
png.line(x_mid, y_mid, x_edge+CELL_DIM, y_mid, ChunkyPNG::Color::BLACK) if (cell & E) == E
puts "done: #{$0} #{DIM} #{SEED}"
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