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jan-glx / google_wordcloud.R
Last active July 17, 2016 21:07 — forked from noamross/google_wordcloud.R
Create a wordcloud of your google search history
# Script to make a word cloud of your google searches. Get your google search
# history at . This script assumes the JSON files
# exported are in a 'Searches' subfolder
jan-glx / .gitignore
Last active August 29, 2015 14:20 — forked from kogakure/.gitignore
function cell2csv(fileName, cellArray, append, separator, excelYear, decimal)
% Writes cell array content into a *.csv file.
% CELL2CSV(fileName, cellArray, append, separator, excelYear, decimal)
% fileName = Name of the file to save. [ i.e. 'text.csv' ]
% cellArray = Name of the Cell Array where the data is in
% append = false to open a new file, or true to go on with the existent.
% separator = sign separating the values (default = ';')
% excelYear = depending on the Excel version, the cells are put into