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PowerShell: Update ActiveDirectory Distribution Groups #Exchange #PowerShell #EmbededPost #ActiveDirectory
$Metadata = @{
Title = "Update ActiveDirectory Distribution Groups"
Filename = "Update-ADDistributionGroups.ps1"
Description = "Create or update ActiveDirectory distribution groups"
Tags = "powershell, activedirectory, distribution, groups, create, update"
Project = ""
Author = "Janik von Rotz"
AuthorContact = ""
CreateDate = "2013-08-27"
LastEditDate = "2013-11-11"
Url = ""
Version = "2.0.0"
License = @'
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Switzerland License.
To view a copy of this license, visit or
send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.
# modules
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
# settings
# run the script in these OUs
$OUs = @(
@{Name = "OU=Betrieb,OU=vblusers2,DC=vbl,DC=ch"},
@{Name = "OU=Direktion,OU=vblusers2,DC=vbl,DC=ch"},
@{Name = "OU=Finanzen,OU=vblusers2,DC=vbl,DC=ch"},
@{Name = "OU=Personal,OU=vblusers2,DC=vbl,DC=ch"},
@{Name = "OU=Technik,OU=vblusers2,DC=vbl,DC=ch"}
# list of distribution groups to exclude
$ExcludeOUs = "Extern",""
# list of users to exclude in distribution groups
$ExcludeADUsers = ""
$ExcludeADGroups = "F_Service Benutzer"
# groupmembers and users to include on specific lists
$IncludeADUserAndGroup = @(
DistributionGroupName = "Betriebszentrale"
UsersAndGroups = "Leitst"
DistributionGroupName = "Fahrdienst"
UsersAndGroups = "Betriebszentrale"
# config task to create advanced distribution lists
$Configs = @(
Name = "KST-Verantwortlichen"
Options = @("UpdateFromGroups")
AddGroups = @("F_Verantwortlicher Kostenstelle")
Name = "GL"
Options = @("UpdateFromGroups")
AddGroups = @("Geschäftsleitung Gruppe")
Name = "GL erw"
Options = @("UpdateFromGroups")
AddGroups = @("Erweiterte Geschäftsleitung Gruppe")
Name = "Alle"
Options = @("UpdateFromGroups")
AddGroups = @("vblusers2 Abteilungen")
Name = "Alle mit Arbeitsplatz"
Options = @("UpdateFromGroups")
AddGroups = @("F_Mitarbeiter mit Arbeitsplatz")
Name = "Alle ohne Arbeitsplatz"
Options = @("UpdateFromGroups")
AddGroups = @("F_Mitarbeiter ohne Arbeitsplatz")
Name = "Personalkommission"
Options = @("UpdateFromGroups")
AddGroups = @("Personalkommission Abteilung")
Name = "Adressmutationen"
Options = @("UpdateFromGroups")
AddGroups = @("Teamleitung Abteilung","F_Kaufm. Mitarbeiter Empfang","F_Betriebsdisponent","F_Personalassistentin","F_Leiter Einkauf")
# functions
function Validate-ADUserForDistributionGroups{
$Identity | %{
$User =$_
$_ | where{
($_.enabled -eq $true) -and
(($ExcludeADUsers -notcontains $_.UserPrincipalName) -or
($IncludeADUserAndGroup | where{
($_.DistributionGroupName -eq $DistributionGroupName) -and
($IncludeADUser -contains $User.UserPrincipalName)
} | select -Unique
# extend exclude users
$ExcludeADUsers = ($ExcludeADUsers | where{$_ -ne ""} | %{(Get-ADUser $_).UserPrincipalName}) + ($ExcludeADGroups | %{Get-ADGroupMember $_ | Get-ADUser | %{$_.UserPrincipalName}})
# extend include users
$IncludeADUser = @()
$IncludeADUserAndGroup = $IncludeADUserAndGroup | %{
$_.UsersAndGroups = $_.UsersAndGroups | %{
Get-ADObject -Filter {Name -eq $_} | %{
if($_.ObjectClass -eq "user"){
Get-ADUser $_.DistinguishedName
}elseif($_.ObjectClass -eq "group"){
Get-ADGroupMember $_.DistinguishedName -Recursive | Get-ADUser
} | %{
$IncludeADUser += "$($_.UserPrincipalName)"
# get all OUs recursive
$OUs = $OUs | %{Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Filter "*" -SearchBase $_.Name} | where {-not ($ExcludeOUs -contains $_.Name)}
# check in every OU if a distribution group with the same name as the OU exist
$OUs | %{$OU = $_.DistinguishedName;
if(Get-ADGroup -Filter {SamAccountName -eq $_.Name -and GroupCategory -eq "Distribution"} | Where-Object{$_.DistinguishedName -like "*$OU"}){
Write-Host "Update users in distribution group $($_.Name)."
$ADGroup = Get-ADGroup -Filter {SamAccountName -eq $_.Name -and GroupCategory -eq "Distribution"}
$Name = $_.Name
$Member = $(Get-ADUser -Filter {EmailAddress -like "*"} -SearchBase $OU)
$($IncludeADUserAndGroup | where{$_.DistributionGroupName -eq $Name} | %{$Member += $_.UsersAndGroups})
$Member = Validate-ADUserForDistributionGroups $Member -DistributionGroupName $_.Name
if($Member){Sync-ADGroupMember -ADGroup $ADGroup -Member $Member -LogScriptBlock{Write-PPEventLog $Message -Source "Update Distribution Groups" -WriteMessage}}
Write-PPEventLog -Message "Create distribution group $($_.Name)." -Source "Update Distribution Groups" -WriteMessage
New-ADGroup -Name $_.Name -SamAccountName $_.Name -GroupCategory Distribution -GroupScope Universal -DisplayName $_.Name -Path $($_.DistinguishedName) -Description "Distribution group for $($_.Name)."
$ADGroup = Get-ADGroup $_.Name
Get-ADUser -Filter {EmailAddress -like "*"} -SearchBase $_.DistinguishedName | where{($_.enabled -eq $true) -and ($ExcludeADUsers -notcontains $_.UserPrincipalName)} | where{$_ -ne $null} | %{Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $ADGroup -Members $_}
# custom configuration
$Configs | %{
$ADGroup = Get-ADGroup -Identity $_.Name
$Config = $_
if($_.Options -match "UpdateFromGroups"){
Write-Host "Update users in distribution group $($ADGroup.Name)."
$Member = Validate-ADUserForDistributionGroups ($Config.AddGroups | %{Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $_ -Recursive | Get-ADUser}) -DistributionGroupName $ADGroup.Name
if($Member){Sync-ADGroupMember -ADGroup $ADGroup -Member $Member -LogScriptBlock{Write-PPEventLog $Message -Source "Update Distribution Groups" -WriteMessage}}
if($_.Options -match "AddFromGroups"){
Write-Host "Add users in distribution group $($ADGroup.Name)."
$Member = Validate-ADUserForDistributionGroups ($Config.AddGroups | %{Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $_ -Recursive | Get-ADUser}) -DistributionGroupName $ADGroup.Name
if($Member){Sync-ADGroupMember -OnlyAdd -ADGroup $ADGroup -Member $Member -LogScriptBlock{Write-PPEventLog $Message -Source "Update Distribution Groups" -WriteMessage}}
Write-PPErrorEventLog -Source "Update Distribution Groups" -ClearErrorVariable
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<Task version="1.2" xmlns="">
<Author>Janik von Rotz (</Author>
<Description>Update Distribution Groups</Description>
<Actions Context="Author">
<Arguments>$(Get-ChildItem -Path $PSscripts.Path -Filter "Update-ADDistributionGroups.ps1" -Recurse).Fullname</Arguments>
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