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Type-safe Redux reducers in TypeScript using Immutable.js and typed-immutable-record

Type-safe Redux reducers in TypeScript using Immutable.js and typed-immutable-record

Copyright (C) 2017 Leonidas Oy Ltd
Written by <>
Licensed under the MIT license

We attempt to harness the friendly API of Immutable.js to build Redux reducers while trying to preserve as much type safety as possible.

State branches are TypedRecords. A combineReducers that outputs TypedRecords is provided.




  • Reduce boilerplate
  • Typesafe setters
  • Wrap into a library and release into NPM
import { TypedRecord } from 'typed-immutable-record';
interface Reducer<StateType, ActionType> {
(state?: StateType, action?: ActionType): StateType;
interface RecordReducer<RecordType extends TypedRecord<RecordType>, ActionType> {
(state?: RecordType, action?: ActionType): RecordType;
type RecordReducerMap<PlainType, ActionType> = {
[P in keyof PlainType]: Reducer<PlainType[P], ActionType>;
export default function combineReducers<RecordType extends TypedRecord<RecordType>, PlainType, ActionType>(
reducerMap: RecordReducerMap<PlainType, ActionType>,
initialState: RecordType,
): RecordReducer<RecordType, ActionType> {
return function(state: RecordType = initialState, action: ActionType): RecordType {
let newState = state;
for (const key in reducerMap) {
if (reducerMap.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
const reducer = reducerMap[key];
newState = newState.set(key, reducer(newState.get(key), action));
return newState;
// Used to denote "any action type not handled by this reducer".
export type OtherAction = { type: '' };
export const OtherAction: OtherAction = { type: '' };
import * as assert from 'assert';
import tasks, { TasksRecord, makeTasks, addTask, setTaskEstimate } from './tasks';
describe('tasks', () => {
const initialState: TasksRecord = makeTasks();
describe('addTask', () => {
it('adds a task', () => {
const title = 'IAmA Task, AMA';
const newState = tasks(initialState, addTask(title));
assert.equal(newState.allTasks.first().title, title);
describe('setTaskEstimate', () => {
it('sets the estimate of the correct task', () => {
const newState = [
addTask('First task'),
addTask('Second task'),
addTask('Third task'),
setTaskEstimate(1, 5),
].reduce<TasksRecord>(tasks, initialState);
assert.equal(newState.allTasks.get(1).estimate, 5);
import { TypedRecord, makeTypedFactory } from 'typed-immutable-record';
import { List } from 'immutable';
import { OtherAction } from './other';
import combineReducers from './combineReducers';
export type ADD_TASK = 'tasker/tasks/ADD_TASK';
export const ADD_TASK: ADD_TASK = 'tasker/tasks/ADD_TASK';
export type AddTaskAction = {
type: ADD_TASK,
payload: {
title: string,
export function addTask(title: string): AddTaskAction {
return {
type: ADD_TASK,
payload: { title },
export type SET_TASK_ESTIMATE = 'tasker/tasks/SET_TASK_ESTIMATE';
export type SetTaskEstimateAction = {
payload: {
index: number,
estimate: number,
export function setTaskEstimate(index: number, estimate: number): SetTaskEstimateAction {
return {
payload: { index, estimate },
export interface Task {
title: string;
estimate?: number;
export interface TaskRecord extends TypedRecord<TaskRecord>, Task {}
const makeTask = makeTypedFactory<Task, TaskRecord>({
title: '',
estimate: undefined
export interface Tasks {
allTasks: List<TaskRecord>;
export interface TasksRecord extends TypedRecord<TasksRecord>, Tasks {}
export const makeTasks = makeTypedFactory<Tasks, TasksRecord>({
allTasks: List<TaskRecord>(),
export type TasksAction = AddTaskAction | SetTaskEstimateAction | OtherAction;
function allTasks(
state: List<TaskRecord> = List<TaskRecord>(),
action: TasksAction = OtherAction
): List<TaskRecord> {
switch (action.type) {
case ADD_TASK:
return state.push(makeTask(action.payload));
const newTask = state
.set('estimate', action.payload.estimate); // TODO typesafe setters
return state.set(action.payload.index, newTask);
return state;
export default combineReducers<TasksRecord, Tasks, TasksAction>(
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txomon commented Jun 13, 2017

Hello, did you advance on the creation of this NPM library? I have reached a similar solution with the same packages and I was wondering if this could be an official package =)


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