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Last active June 4, 2019 21:41
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#!/usr/bin/env node
const fs = require('fs')
const words = fs.readFileSync('/usr/share/dict/words').toString().split(/\n+/g)
const spells = ["Abi-Dalzim’s Horrid Wilting","Absorb Elements","Acid Splash","Aganazzar’s Scorcher","Aid","Alarm (Ritual)","Alter Self","Animal Friendship","Animal Messenger (Ritual)","Animal Shapes","Animate Dead","Animate Objects","Antilife Shell","Antimagic Field","Antipathy/Sympathy","Arcane Eye","Arcane Gate","Arcane Lock","Armor of Agathys","Arms of Hadar","Astral Projection","Augury (Ritual)","Aura of Life","Aura of Purity","Aura of Vitality","Awaken","Bane","Banishing Smite","Banishment","Barkskin","Beacon of Hope","Beast Bond","Beast Sense (Ritual)","Bestow Curse","Bigby’s Hand","Blade Barrier","Blade Ward","Bless","Blight","Blinding Smite","Blindness/Deafness","Blink","Blur","Bones of the Earth","Booming Blade","Branding Smite","Burning Hands","Call Lightning","Calm Emotions","Catapult","Catnap","Cause Fear","Ceremony (Ritual)","Chain Lightning","Chaos Bolt","Charm Monster","Charm Person","Chill Touch","Chromatic Orb","Circle of Death","Circle of Power","Clairvoyance","Clone","Cloud of Daggers","Cloudkill","Color Spray","Command","Commune (Ritual)","Commune with Nature (Ritual)","Compelled Duel","Comprehend Languages (Ritual)","Compulsion","Cone of Cold","Confusion","Conjure Animals","Conjure Barrage","Conjure Celestial","Conjure Elemental","Conjure Fey","Conjure Minor Elementals","Conjure Volley","Conjure Woodland Beings","Contact Other Plane (Ritual)","Contagion","Contingency","Continual Flame","Control Flames","Control Water","Control Weather","Control Winds","Cordon of Arrows","Counterspell","Create Bonfire","Create Food and Water","Create Homunculus","Create or Destroy Water","Create Undead","Creation","Crown of Madness","Crown of Stars","Crusader’s Mantle","Cure Wounds","Dancing Lights","Danse Macabre","Darkness","Darkvision","Dawn","Daylight","Death Ward","Delayed Blast Fireball","Demiplane","Destructive Wave","Detect Evil and Good","Detect Magic (Ritual)","Detect Poison and Disease","Detect Thoughts","Dimension Door","Disguise Self","Disintegrate","Dispel Evil and Good","Dispel Magic","Dissonant Whispers","Divination (Ritual)","Divine Favor","Divine Word","Dominate Beast","Dominate Monster","Dominate Person","Dragon's Breath","Drawmij’s Instant Summons (Ritual)","Dream","Druid Grove","Druidcraft","Dust Devil","Earth Tremor","Earthbind","Earthquake","Eldritch Blast","Elemental Bane","Elemental Weapon","Enemies abound","Enervation","Enhance Ability","Enlarge/Reduce","Ensnaring Strike","Entangle","Enthrall","Erupting Earth","Etherealness","Evard’s Black Tentacles","Expeditious Retreat","Eyebite","Fabricate","Faerie Fire","False Life","Far Step","Fear","Feather Fall","Feeblemind","Feign Death (Ritual)","Find Familiar (Ritual)","Find Greater Steed","Find Steed","Find the Path","Find Traps","Finger of Death","Fire Bolt","Fire Shield","Fire Storm","Fireball","Flame Arrows","Flame Blade","Flame Strike","Flaming Sphere","Flesh to Stone","Fly","Fog Cloud","Forbiddance (Ritual)","Forcecage","Foresight","Freedom of Movement","Friends","Frostbite","Gaseous Form","Gate","Geas","Gentle Repose (Ritual)","Giant Insect","Glibness","Globe of Invulnerability","Glyph of Warding","Goodberry","Grasping Vine","Grease","Greater Invisibility","Greater Restoration","Green-Flame Blade","Guardian of Faith","Guardian of Nature","Guards and Wards","Guidance","Guiding Bolt","Gust","Gust of Wind","Hail of Thorns","Hallow","Hallucinatory Terrain","Harm","Haste","Heal","Healing Spirit","Healing Word","Heat Metal","Hellish Rebuke","Heroes’ Feast","Heroism","Hex","Hold Monster","Hold Person","Holy Aura","Holy Weapon","Hunger of Hadar","Hunter’s Mark","Hypnotic Pattern","Ice Knife","Ice Storm","Identify (Ritual)","Illusory Dragon","Illusory Script (Ritual)","Immolation","Imprisonment","Incendiary Cloud","Infernal Calling","Infestation","Inflict Wounds","Insect Plague","Investiture of Flame","Investiture of Ice","Investiture of Stone","Investiture of Wind","Invisibility","Invulnerability","Jump","Knock","Legend Lore","Leomund’s Secret Chest","Leomund’s Tiny Hut (Ritual)","Lesser Restoration","Levitate","Life Transference","Light","Lightning Arrow","Lightning Bolt","Lightning Lure","Locate Animals or Plants (Ritual)","Locate Creature","Locate Object","Longstrider","Maddening Darkness","Maelstrom","Mage Armor","Mage Hand","Magic Circle","Magic Jar","Magic Missile","Magic Mouth (Ritual)","Magic Stone","Magic Weapon","Major Image","Mass Cure Wounds","Mass Heal","Mass Healing Word","Mass Polymorph","Mass Suggestion","Maximilian’s Earthen Grasp","Maze","Meld into Stone (Ritual)","Melf’s Acid Arrow","Melf’s Minute Meteors","Mending","Mental Prison","Message","Meteor Swarm","Mighty Fortress","Mind Blank","Mind Spike","Minor Illusion","Mirage Arcane","Mirror Image","Mislead","Misty Step","Modify Memory","Mold earth","Moonbeam","Mordenkainen’s Faithful Hound","Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Mansion","Mordenkainen’s Private Sanctum","Mordenkainen’s Sword","Move Earth","Negative Energy Flood","Nondetection","Nystul’s Magic Aura","Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere","Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere","Otto’s Irresistible Dance","Pass Without Trace","Passwall","Phantasmal Force","Phantasmal Killer","Phantom Steed (Ritual)","Planar Ally","Planar Binding","Plane Shift","Plant Growth","Poison Spray","Polymorph","Power Word Heal","Power Word Kill","Power Word Pain","Power Word Stun","Prayer of Healing","Prestidigitation","Primal Savagery","Primordial Ward","Primordial Ward","Prismatic Spray","Prismatic Wall","Produce Flame","Programmed Illusion","Project Image","Protection from Energy","Protection from Evil and Good","Protection from Poison","Psychic Scream","Purify Food and Drink (Ritual)","Pyrotechnics","Raise Dead","Rary’s Telepathic Bond (Ritual)","Ray of Enfeeblement","Ray of Frost","Ray of Sickness","Regenerate","Reincarnate","Remove Curse","Resistance","Resurrection","Reverse Gravity","Revivify","Rope Trick","Sacred Flame","Sanctuary","Scatter","Scorching Ray","Scrying","Searing Smite","See invisibility","Seeming","Sending","Sequester","Shadow Blade","Shadow of Moil","Shape Water","Shapechange","Shatter","Shield","Shield of Faith","Shillelagh","Shocking Grasp","Sickening Radiance","Silence (Ritual)","Silent Image","Simulacrum","Skill Empowerment","Skywrite (Ritual)","Sleep","Sleet Storm","Slow","Snare","Snilloc’s Snowball Swarm","Soul Cage","Spare the Dying","Speak with Animals (Ritual)","Speak with Dead","Speak with Plants","Spider Climb","Spike Growth","Spirit Guardians","Spiritual Weapon","Staggering Smite","Steel Wind Strike","Stinking Cloud","Stone Shape","Stoneskin","Storm of Vengeance","Storm Sphere","Suggestion","Summon Greater Demon","Summon Lesser Demons","Sunbeam","Sunburst","Swift Quiver","Sword Burst","Symbol","Synaptic Static","Tasha’s Hideous Laughter","Telekinesis","Telepathy","Teleport","Teleportation Circle","Temple of the Gods","Tenser’s Floating Disk (Ritual)","Tenser’s Transformation","Thaumaturgy","Thorn Whip","Thunder Step","Thunderclap","Thunderous Smite","Thunderwave","Tidal Wave","Time Stop","Tiny Servant","Toll the Dead","Tongues","Transmute Rock","Transport via Plants","Trap the Soul","Tree Stride","True Polymorph","True Resurrection","True Seeing","True Strike","Tsunami","Unseen Servant (Ritual)","Vampiric Touch","Vicious Mockery","Vitriolic Sphere","Wall of Fire","Wall of Force","Wall of Ice","Wall of Light","Wall of Sand","Wall of Stone","Wall of Thorns","Wall of Water","Warding Bond","Warding Wind","Water Breathing (Ritual)","Water Walk (Ritual)","Watery Sphere","Web","Weird","Whirlwind","Wind Walk","Wind Wall","Wish","Witch Bolt","Word of Radiance","Word of Recall","Wrath of Nature","Wrathful Smite","Zephyr Strike","Zone of Truth"]
const alternateSpells = {}
spells.forEach(spell => {
const spellWords = spell.split(/\s+/)
spellWords.forEach((spellWord, index) => {
const alternateWords = findAlternateWords(spellWord)
alternateWords.forEach(alternateWord => {
const newSpellWords = [...spellWords]
newSpellWords[index] = alternateWord
alternateSpells[spell] = alternateSpells[spell] || []
alternateSpells[spell].push(newSpellWords.join(' '))
console.log(JSON.stringify(alternateSpells, null, 2))
function findAlternateWords(spellWord){
spellWord = spellWord.toLowerCase()
return words.filter(word => {
word = word.toLowerCase()
if (word === spellWord) return false
if (word.length !== spellWord.length) return false
const differences = word.split('').filter((letter, index) =>
letter !== spellWord[index]
return differences.length === 1
"Abi-Dalzim’s Horrid Wilting": [
"Abi-Dalzim’s torrid Wilting",
"Abi-Dalzim’s Horrid kilting",
"Abi-Dalzim’s Horrid silting",
"Abi-Dalzim’s Horrid tilting",
"Abi-Dalzim’s Horrid welting",
"Abi-Dalzim’s Horrid wilding",
"Abi-Dalzim’s Horrid willing",
"Abi-Dalzim’s Horrid witting"
"Absorb Elements": [
"adsorb Elements"
"Acid Splash": [
"Acis Splash",
"amid Splash",
"arid Splash",
"avid Splash",
"Acid splosh"
"Aganazzar’s Scorcher": [
"Aganazzar’s scorched",
"Aganazzar’s scotcher"
"Aid": [
"Alarm (Ritual)": [
"alary (Ritual)"
"Alter Self": [
"after Self",
"alder Self",
"aller Self",
"altar Self",
"aster Self",
"atter Self",
"Alter delf",
"Alter pelf",
"Alter sele",
"Alter sell",
"Alter selt",
"Alter serf",
"Alter Welf"
"Animal Friendship": [
"anisal Friendship"
"Animal Messenger (Ritual)": [
"anisal Messenger (Ritual)"
"Animal Shapes": [
"anisal Shapes",
"Animal shaped",
"Animal shapen",
"Animal shaper",
"Animal stapes",
"Animal thapes"
"Animate Dead": [
"anisate Dead",
"Animate bead",
"Animate deaf",
"Animate deal",
"Animate Dean",
"Animate dean",
"Animate dear",
"Animate deed",
"Animate duad",
"Animate dyad",
"Animate head",
"Animate Lead",
"Animate lead",
"Animate mead",
"Animate read",
"Animate tead"
"Animate Objects": [
"anisate Objects"
"Antilife Shell": [
"antilift Shell",
"Antilife shall",
"Antilife sheal",
"Antilife shela",
"Antilife sheld",
"Antilife shelf",
"Antilife Sheol",
"Antilife shill",
"Antilife skell",
"Antilife smell",
"Antilife snell",
"Antilife spell",
"Antilife stell",
"Antilife swell"
"Antimagic Field": [
"Antimagic bield",
"Antimagic fiend",
"Antimagic fjeld",
"Antimagic hield",
"Antimagic wield",
"Antimagic yield"
"Arcane Eye": [
"arcade Eye",
"arcana Eye",
"arcate Eye",
"Arcane aye",
"Arcane bye",
"Arcane dye",
"Arcane eke",
"Arcane eme",
"Arcane ere",
"Arcane Eve",
"Arcane eve",
"Arcane Ewe",
"Arcane ewe",
"Arcane eyn",
"Arcane lye",
"Arcane nye",
"Arcane rye",
"Arcane sye",
"Arcane tye",
"Arcane wye"
"Arcane Gate": [
"arcade Gate",
"arcana Gate",
"arcate Gate",
"Arcane bate",
"Arcane cate",
"Arcane date",
"Arcane fate",
"Arcane Gabe",
"Arcane gade",
"Arcane gage",
"Arcane Gale",
"Arcane gale",
"Arcane game",
"Arcane gane",
"Arcane gape",
"Arcane gare",
"Arcane gata",
"Arcane gave",
"Arcane gaze",
"Arcane gote",
"Arcane gyte",
"Arcane hate",
"Arcane Kate",
"Arcane late",
"Arcane mate",
"Arcane Nate",
"Arcane pate",
"Arcane rate",
"Arcane sate",
"Arcane tate",
"Arcane yate"
"Arcane Lock": [
"arcade Lock",
"arcana Lock",
"arcate Lock",
"Arcane bock",
"Arcane cock",
"Arcane dock",
"Arcane hock",
"Arcane Jock",
"Arcane jock",
"Arcane lack",
"Arcane leck",
"Arcane lick",
"Arcane loca",
"Arcane loch",
"Arcane loci",
"Arcane loco",
"Arcane Lonk",
"Arcane look",
"Arcane louk",
"Arcane luck",
"Arcane mock",
"Arcane nock",
"Arcane pock",
"Arcane rock",
"Arcane sock",
"Arcane tock",
"Arcane yock"
"Armor of Agathys": [
"arbor of Agathys",
"ardor of Agathys",
"armer of Agathys",
"Armor if Agathys",
"Armor Od Agathys",
"Armor od Agathys",
"Armor oe Agathys",
"Armor Og Agathys",
"Armor oh Agathys",
"Armor Ok Agathys",
"Armor om Agathys",
"Armor on Agathys",
"Armor or Agathys",
"Armor Os Agathys",
"Armor os Agathys",
"Armor ow Agathys",
"Armor ox Agathys",
"Armor of Agathis"
"Arms of Hadar": [
"alms of Hadar",
"army of Hadar",
"Arms if Hadar",
"Arms Od Hadar",
"Arms od Hadar",
"Arms oe Hadar",
"Arms Og Hadar",
"Arms oh Hadar",
"Arms Ok Hadar",
"Arms om Hadar",
"Arms on Hadar",
"Arms or Hadar",
"Arms Os Hadar",
"Arms os Hadar",
"Arms ow Hadar",
"Arms ox Hadar",
"Arms of radar"
"Astral Projection": [
"antral Projection",
"astray Projection",
"Astral profection",
"Astral prosection",
"Astral protection",
"Astral provection"
"Aura of Life": [
"Agra of Life",
"Aira of Life",
"Akra of Life",
"akra of Life",
"amra of Life",
"Auca of Life",
"auca of Life",
"aula of Life",
"dura of Life",
"Hura of Life",
"hura of Life",
"Jura of Life",
"lura of Life",
"Mura of Life",
"mura of Life",
"sura of Life",
"Aura if Life",
"Aura Od Life",
"Aura od Life",
"Aura oe Life",
"Aura Og Life",
"Aura oh Life",
"Aura Ok Life",
"Aura om Life",
"Aura on Life",
"Aura or Life",
"Aura Os Life",
"Aura os Life",
"Aura ow Life",
"Aura ox Life",
"Aura of Fife",
"Aura of fife",
"Aura of Lide",
"Aura of lifo",
"Aura of lift",
"Aura of like",
"Aura of lile",
"Aura of lime",
"Aura of line",
"Aura of lire",
"Aura of Lise",
"Aura of lite",
"Aura of live",
"Aura of nife",
"Aura of rife",
"Aura of sife",
"Aura of wife"
"Aura of Purity": [
"Agra of Purity",
"Aira of Purity",
"Akra of Purity",
"akra of Purity",
"amra of Purity",
"Auca of Purity",
"auca of Purity",
"aula of Purity",
"dura of Purity",
"Hura of Purity",
"hura of Purity",
"Jura of Purity",
"lura of Purity",
"Mura of Purity",
"mura of Purity",
"sura of Purity",
"Aura if Purity",
"Aura Od Purity",
"Aura od Purity",
"Aura oe Purity",
"Aura Og Purity",
"Aura oh Purity",
"Aura Ok Purity",
"Aura om Purity",
"Aura on Purity",
"Aura or Purity",
"Aura Os Purity",
"Aura os Purity",
"Aura ow Purity",
"Aura ox Purity",
"Aura of durity",
"Aura of parity",
"Aura of purify"
"Aura of Vitality": [
"Agra of Vitality",
"Aira of Vitality",
"Akra of Vitality",
"akra of Vitality",
"amra of Vitality",
"Auca of Vitality",
"auca of Vitality",
"aula of Vitality",
"dura of Vitality",
"Hura of Vitality",
"hura of Vitality",
"Jura of Vitality",
"lura of Vitality",
"Mura of Vitality",
"mura of Vitality",
"sura of Vitality",
"Aura if Vitality",
"Aura Od Vitality",
"Aura od Vitality",
"Aura oe Vitality",
"Aura Og Vitality",
"Aura oh Vitality",
"Aura Ok Vitality",
"Aura om Vitality",
"Aura on Vitality",
"Aura or Vitality",
"Aura Os Vitality",
"Aura os Vitality",
"Aura ow Vitality",
"Aura ox Vitality"
"Bane": [
"Banishing Smite": [
"vanishing Smite",
"Banishing Saite",
"Banishing skite",
"Banishing slite",
"Banishing smile",
"Banishing smith",
"Banishing smote",
"Banishing snite",
"Banishing spite",
"Banishing stite",
"Banishing suite"
"Banishment": [
"Barkskin": [
"Beacon of Hope": [
"Bracon of Hope",
"deacon of Hope",
"Beacon if Hope",
"Beacon Od Hope",
"Beacon od Hope",
"Beacon oe Hope",
"Beacon Og Hope",
"Beacon oh Hope",
"Beacon Ok Hope",
"Beacon om Hope",
"Beacon on Hope",
"Beacon or Hope",
"Beacon Os Hope",
"Beacon os Hope",
"Beacon ow Hope",
"Beacon ox Hope",
"Beacon of cope",
"Beacon of dope",
"Beacon of hipe",
"Beacon of Hohe",
"Beacon of hole",
"Beacon of home",
"Beacon of hone",
"Beacon of Hopi",
"Beacon of hopi",
"Beacon of hose",
"Beacon of hove",
"Beacon of howe",
"Beacon of lope",
"Beacon of mope",
"Beacon of nope",
"Beacon of pope",
"Beacon of rope",
"Beacon of sope",
"Beacon of tope"
"Beast Bond": [
"beant Bond",
"beest Bond",
"blast Bond",
"boast Bond",
"feast Bond",
"least Bond",
"yeast Bond",
"Beast band",
"Beast bend",
"Beast bind",
"Beast boid",
"Beast bold",
"Beast bone",
"Beast bong",
"Beast Boni",
"Beast bonk",
"Beast bony",
"Beast bood",
"Beast bord",
"Beast boud",
"Beast Boyd",
"Beast bund",
"Beast cond",
"Beast Gond",
"Beast pond",
"Beast rond",
"Beast sond",
"Beast yond"
"Beast Sense (Ritual)": [
"beant Sense (Ritual)",
"beest Sense (Ritual)",
"blast Sense (Ritual)",
"boast Sense (Ritual)",
"feast Sense (Ritual)",
"least Sense (Ritual)",
"yeast Sense (Ritual)",
"Beast cense (Ritual)",
"Beast dense (Ritual)",
"Beast mense (Ritual)",
"Beast seise (Ritual)",
"Beast sence (Ritual)",
"Beast sensa (Ritual)",
"Beast senso (Ritual)",
"Beast tense (Ritual)"
"Bestow Curse": [
"beshow Curse",
"beslow Curse",
"besnow Curse",
"restow Curse",
"Bestow burse",
"Bestow carse",
"Bestow corse",
"Bestow curie",
"Bestow Cursa",
"Bestow curst",
"Bestow curve",
"Bestow nurse",
"Bestow purse",
"Bestow turse"
"Bigby’s Hand": [
"Bigby’s band",
"Bigby’s cand",
"Bigby’s dand",
"Bigby’s fand",
"Bigby’s Hank",
"Bigby’s hank",
"Bigby’s Hano",
"Bigby’s Hans",
"Bigby’s hant",
"Bigby’s hard",
"Bigby’s hend",
"Bigby’s hind",
"Bigby’s land",
"Bigby’s mand",
"Bigby’s pand",
"Bigby’s Rand",
"Bigby’s rand",
"Bigby’s sand",
"Bigby’s wand"
"Blade Barrier": [
"blady Barrier",
"Blake Barrier",
"blake Barrier",
"blame Barrier",
"blare Barrier",
"blase Barrier",
"blate Barrier",
"blaze Barrier",
"glade Barrier",
"slade Barrier",
"Blade berrier",
"Blade carrier",
"Blade farrier",
"Blade harrier",
"Blade marrier",
"Blade parrier",
"Blade tarrier"
"Blade Ward": [
"blady Ward",
"Blake Ward",
"blake Ward",
"blame Ward",
"blare Ward",
"blase Ward",
"blate Ward",
"blaze Ward",
"glade Ward",
"slade Ward",
"Blade bard",
"Blade card",
"Blade Dard",
"Blade hard",
"Blade lard",
"Blade nard",
"Blade pard",
"Blade Sard",
"Blade sard",
"Blade Wafd",
"Blade wand",
"Blade ware",
"Blade warf",
"Blade wark",
"Blade warl",
"Blade warm",
"Blade warn",
"Blade warp",
"Blade wart",
"Blade wary",
"Blade wird",
"Blade word",
"Blade yard"
"Bless": [
"Blight": [
"Blinding Smite": [
"blending Smite",
"blinking Smite",
"Blinding Saite",
"Blinding skite",
"Blinding slite",
"Blinding smile",
"Blinding smith",
"Blinding smote",
"Blinding snite",
"Blinding spite",
"Blinding stite",
"Blinding suite"
"Blink": [
"Blur": [
"Bones of the Earth": [
"boned of the Earth",
"boner of the Earth",
"Boney of the Earth",
"bonus of the Earth",
"cones of the Earth",
"Jones of the Earth",
"nones of the Earth",
"Bones if the Earth",
"Bones Od the Earth",
"Bones od the Earth",
"Bones oe the Earth",
"Bones Og the Earth",
"Bones oh the Earth",
"Bones Ok the Earth",
"Bones om the Earth",
"Bones on the Earth",
"Bones or the Earth",
"Bones Os the Earth",
"Bones os the Earth",
"Bones ow the Earth",
"Bones ox the Earth",
"Bones of che Earth",
"Bones of rhe Earth",
"Bones of she Earth",
"Bones of tae Earth",
"Bones of tee Earth",
"Bones of tha Earth",
"Bones of Tho Earth",
"Bones of tho Earth",
"Bones of thy Earth",
"Bones of tie Earth",
"Bones of toe Earth",
"Bones of tue Earth",
"Bones of tye Earth",
"Bones of the barth",
"Bones of the garth",
"Bones of the warth",
"Bones of the yarth"
"Booming Blade": [
"booking Blade",
"booting Blade",
"looming Blade",
"Booming blady",
"Booming Blake",
"Booming blake",
"Booming blame",
"Booming blare",
"Booming blase",
"Booming blate",
"Booming blaze",
"Booming glade",
"Booming slade"
"Branding Smite": [
"braiding Smite",
"Branding Saite",
"Branding skite",
"Branding slite",
"Branding smile",
"Branding smith",
"Branding smote",
"Branding snite",
"Branding spite",
"Branding stite",
"Branding suite"
"Burning Hands": [
"borning Hands",
"burring Hands",
"burying Hands",
"turning Hands",
"Burning handy"
"Call Lightning": [
"ball Lightning",
"calf Lightning",
"calk Lightning",
"calm Lightning",
"calp Lightning",
"calx Lightning",
"Carl Lightning",
"carl Lightning",
"caul Lightning",
"cell Lightning",
"coll Lightning",
"cull Lightning",
"fall Lightning",
"gall Lightning",
"hall Lightning",
"lall Lightning",
"mall Lightning",
"pall Lightning",
"tall Lightning",
"vall Lightning",
"wall Lightning"
"Calm Emotions": [
"balm Emotions",
"caam Emotions",
"calf Emotions",
"calk Emotions",
"call Emotions",
"calp Emotions",
"calx Emotions",
"caum Emotions",
"culm Emotions",
"malm Emotions",
"palm Emotions",
"Salm Emotions"
"Catnap": [
"Cause Fear": [
"carse Fear",
"casse Fear",
"cruse Fear",
"fause Fear",
"hause Fear",
"pause Fear",
"Cause bear",
"Cause dear",
"Cause feak",
"Cause feal",
"Cause feat",
"Cause feer",
"Cause fiar",
"Cause gear",
"Cause hear",
"Cause Lear",
"Cause lear",
"Cause pear",
"Cause rear",
"Cause sear",
"Cause tear",
"Cause wear",
"Cause year"
"Chain Lightning": [
"chair Lightning",
"chais Lightning",
"Chait Lightning",
"crain Lightning"
"Chaos Bolt": [
"chais Bolt",
"chaps Bolt",
"chaus Bolt",
"Chaos Balt",
"Chaos belt",
"Chaos boat",
"Chaos bola",
"Chaos bold",
"Chaos bole",
"Chaos bolk",
"Chaos boll",
"Chaos Bolo",
"Chaos bolo",
"Chaos boot",
"Chaos bort",
"Chaos bott",
"Chaos bout",
"Chaos bult",
"Chaos Colt",
"Chaos colt",
"Chaos dolt",
"Chaos holt",
"Chaos jolt",
"Chaos molt",
"Chaos polt",
"Chaos tolt",
"Chaos volt"
"Charm Monster": [
"Chara Monster",
"chard Monster",
"chare Monster",
"chark Monster",
"charr Monster",
"chart Monster",
"chary Monster",
"chasm Monster",
"chirm Monster",
"churm Monster",
"tharm Monster",
"Charm minster",
"Charm mobster"
"Charm Person": [
"Chara Person",
"chard Person",
"chare Person",
"chark Person",
"charr Person",
"chart Person",
"chary Person",
"chasm Person",
"chirm Person",
"churm Person",
"tharm Person",
"Charm parson",
"Charm peason",
"Charm perron"
"Chill Touch": [
"child Touch",
"chile Touch",
"chili Touch",
"Phill Touch",
"shill Touch",
"thill Touch",
"whill Touch",
"Chill couch",
"Chill louch",
"Chill pouch",
"Chill torch",
"Chill tough",
"Chill vouch",
"Chill wouch"
"Chromatic Orb": [
"chromatid Orb",
"chromatin Orb",
"Chromatic ora",
"Chromatic orc",
"Chromatic ore",
"Chromatic orf",
"Chromatic ort",
"Chromatic ory"
"Circle of Death": [
"Circle if Death",
"Circle Od Death",
"Circle od Death",
"Circle oe Death",
"Circle Og Death",
"Circle oh Death",
"Circle Ok Death",
"Circle om Death",
"Circle on Death",
"Circle or Death",
"Circle Os Death",
"Circle os Death",
"Circle ow Death",
"Circle ox Death",
"Circle of beath",
"Circle of deash",
"Circle of depth",
"Circle of heath",
"Circle of leath",
"Circle of neath"
"Circle of Power": [
"Circle if Power",
"Circle Od Power",
"Circle od Power",
"Circle oe Power",
"Circle Og Power",
"Circle oh Power",
"Circle Ok Power",
"Circle om Power",
"Circle on Power",
"Circle or Power",
"Circle Os Power",
"Circle os Power",
"Circle ow Power",
"Circle ox Power",
"Circle of bower",
"Circle of cower",
"Circle of dower",
"Circle of jower",
"Circle of lower",
"Circle of mower",
"Circle of pawer",
"Circle of poker",
"Circle of poler",
"Circle of porer",
"Circle of poser",
"Circle of poter",
"Circle of rower",
"Circle of sower",
"Circle of tower",
"Circle of vower"
"Clairvoyance": [
"Clone": [
"Cloud of Daggers": [
"aloud of Daggers",
"clour of Daggers",
"clout of Daggers",
"Cloud if Daggers",
"Cloud Od Daggers",
"Cloud od Daggers",
"Cloud oe Daggers",
"Cloud Og Daggers",
"Cloud oh Daggers",
"Cloud Ok Daggers",
"Cloud om Daggers",
"Cloud on Daggers",
"Cloud or Daggers",
"Cloud Os Daggers",
"Cloud os Daggers",
"Cloud ow Daggers",
"Cloud ox Daggers"
"Color Spray": [
"calor Spray",
"chlor Spray",
"colon Spray",
"Conor Spray",
"dolor Spray",
"Color scray",
"Color splay",
"Color sprad",
"Color sprag",
"Color sprat",
"Color stray"
"Command": [
"Commune (Ritual)": [
"communa (Ritual)",
"commute (Ritual)"
"Commune with Nature (Ritual)": [
"communa with Nature (Ritual)",
"commute with Nature (Ritual)",
"Commune gith Nature (Ritual)",
"Commune kith Nature (Ritual)",
"Commune lith Nature (Ritual)",
"Commune pith Nature (Ritual)",
"Commune sith Nature (Ritual)",
"Commune wath Nature (Ritual)",
"Commune wish Nature (Ritual)",
"Commune wite Nature (Ritual)",
"Commune with mature (Ritual)"
"Compelled Duel": [
"compeller Duel",
"Compelled dual",
"Compelled duer",
"Compelled duet",
"Compelled dull",
"Compelled fuel"
"Comprehend Languages (Ritual)": [
"Comprehend languaged (Ritual)"
"Compulsion": [
"Cone of Cold": [
"bone of Cold",
"cane of Cold",
"cine of Cold",
"code of Cold",
"coke of Cold",
"Cole of Cold",
"cole of Cold",
"come of Cold",
"cond of Cold",
"conk of Cold",
"conn of Cold",
"cony of Cold",
"cope of Cold",
"core of Cold",
"cote of Cold",
"coue of Cold",
"cove of Cold",
"coze of Cold",
"done of Cold",
"gone of Cold",
"hone of Cold",
"Ione of Cold",
"lone of Cold",
"mone of Cold",
"none of Cold",
"pone of Cold",
"rone of Cold",
"tone of Cold",
"wone of Cold",
"zone of Cold",
"Cone if Cold",
"Cone Od Cold",
"Cone od Cold",
"Cone oe Cold",
"Cone Og Cold",
"Cone oh Cold",
"Cone Ok Cold",
"Cone om Cold",
"Cone on Cold",
"Cone or Cold",
"Cone Os Cold",
"Cone os Cold",
"Cone ow Cold",
"Cone ox Cold",
"Cone of bold",
"Cone of coed",
"Cone of Cola",
"Cone of cola",
"Cone of Cole",
"Cone of cole",
"Cone of coli",
"Cone of colk",
"Cone of coll",
"Cone of colp",
"Cone of Colt",
"Cone of colt",
"Cone of coly",
"Cone of cond",
"Cone of cord",
"Cone of fold",
"Cone of Gold",
"Cone of gold",
"Cone of hold",
"Cone of mold",
"Cone of sold",
"Cone of told",
"Cone of wold"
"Confusion": [
"Conjure Animals": [
"conjury Animals"
"Conjure Barrage": [
"conjury Barrage"
"Conjure Celestial": [
"conjury Celestial",
"Conjure telestial"
"Conjure Elemental": [
"conjury Elemental"
"Conjure Fey": [
"conjury Fey",
"Conjure bey",
"Conjure dey",
"Conjure Fay",
"Conjure fay",
"Conjure fed",
"Conjure fee",
"Conjure fei",
"Conjure fen",
"Conjure fet",
"Conjure feu",
"Conjure few",
"Conjure fez",
"Conjure fly",
"Conjure foy",
"Conjure fry",
"Conjure gey",
"Conjure hey",
"Conjure key",
"Conjure ley",
"Conjure sey",
"Conjure wey"
"Conjure Minor Elementals": [
"conjury Minor Elementals",
"Conjure manor Elementals",
"Conjure minar Elementals",
"Conjure miner Elementals",
"Conjure Minos Elementals",
"Conjure minot Elementals"
"Conjure Volley": [
"conjury Volley",
"Conjure colley",
"Conjure rolley",
"Conjure valley"
"Conjure Woodland Beings": [
"conjury Woodland Beings"
"Contact Other Plane (Ritual)": [
"confact Other Plane (Ritual)",
"contect Other Plane (Ritual)",
"Contact ether Plane (Ritual)",
"Contact ither Plane (Ritual)",
"Contact ocher Plane (Ritual)",
"Contact otter Plane (Ritual)",
"Contact Other flane (Ritual)",
"Contact Other place (Ritual)",
"Contact Other plage (Ritual)",
"Contact Other plang (Ritual)",
"Contact Other plank (Ritual)",
"Contact Other plant (Ritual)",
"Contact Other plate (Ritual)",
"Contact Other slane (Ritual)"
"Contagion": [
"Contingency": [
"Continual Flame": [
"Continual blame",
"Continual clame",
"Continual flake",
"Continual flamb",
"Continual flamy",
"Continual flane",
"Continual flare",
"Continual flume",
"Continual frame"
"Control Flames": [
"Control flamed",
"Control flamen",
"Control flamer"
"Control Water": [
"Control bater",
"Control cater",
"Control dater",
"Control eater",
"Control gater",
"Control hater",
"Control later",
"Control mater",
"Control pater",
"Control rater",
"Control tater",
"Control wader",
"Control wafer",
"Control wager",
"Control waker",
"Control Waler",
"Control waler",
"Control waver",
"Control waxer"
"Control Weather": [
"Control feather",
"Control Heather",
"Control heather",
"Control leather",
"Control teather",
"Control Werther",
"Control yeather"
"Control Winds": [
"Control windy"
"Cordon of Arrows": [
"cardon of Arrows",
"Corton of Arrows",
"Gordon of Arrows",
"Cordon if Arrows",
"Cordon Od Arrows",
"Cordon od Arrows",
"Cordon oe Arrows",
"Cordon Og Arrows",
"Cordon oh Arrows",
"Cordon Ok Arrows",
"Cordon om Arrows",
"Cordon on Arrows",
"Cordon or Arrows",
"Cordon Os Arrows",
"Cordon os Arrows",
"Cordon ow Arrows",
"Cordon ox Arrows",
"Cordon of arrowy"
"Create Bonfire": [
"crease Bonfire"
"Create Food and Water": [
"crease Food and Water",
"Create bood and Water",
"Create feod and Water",
"Create fold and Water",
"Create fool and Water",
"Create foot and Water",
"Create ford and Water",
"Create foud and Water",
"Create good and Water",
"Create hood and Water",
"Create lood and Water",
"Create mood and Water",
"Create rood and Water",
"Create wood and Water",
"Create Food add Water",
"Create Food aid Water",
"Create Food Ana Water",
"Create Food ana Water",
"Create Food ani Water",
"Create Food Ann Water",
"Create Food ann Water",
"Create Food ant Water",
"Create Food any Water",
"Create Food awd Water",
"Create Food end Water",
"Create Food Ind Water",
"Create Food and bater",
"Create Food and cater",
"Create Food and dater",
"Create Food and eater",
"Create Food and gater",
"Create Food and hater",
"Create Food and later",
"Create Food and mater",
"Create Food and pater",
"Create Food and rater",
"Create Food and tater",
"Create Food and wader",
"Create Food and wafer",
"Create Food and wager",
"Create Food and waker",
"Create Food and Waler",
"Create Food and waler",
"Create Food and waver",
"Create Food and waxer"
"Create Homunculus": [
"crease Homunculus"
"Create or Destroy Water": [
"crease or Destroy Water",
"Create ar Destroy Water",
"Create er Destroy Water",
"Create Mr Destroy Water",
"Create Od Destroy Water",
"Create od Destroy Water",
"Create oe Destroy Water",
"Create of Destroy Water",
"Create Og Destroy Water",
"Create oh Destroy Water",
"Create Ok Destroy Water",
"Create om Destroy Water",
"Create on Destroy Water",
"Create Os Destroy Water",
"Create os Destroy Water",
"Create ow Destroy Water",
"Create ox Destroy Water",
"Create ur Destroy Water",
"Create yr Destroy Water",
"Create or Destroy bater",
"Create or Destroy cater",
"Create or Destroy dater",
"Create or Destroy eater",
"Create or Destroy gater",
"Create or Destroy hater",
"Create or Destroy later",
"Create or Destroy mater",
"Create or Destroy pater",
"Create or Destroy rater",
"Create or Destroy tater",
"Create or Destroy wader",
"Create or Destroy wafer",
"Create or Destroy wager",
"Create or Destroy waker",
"Create or Destroy Waler",
"Create or Destroy waler",
"Create or Destroy waver",
"Create or Destroy waxer"
"Create Undead": [
"crease Undead",
"Create undeaf",
"Create undean",
"Create undear",
"Create unhead",
"Create unlead",
"Create unread"
"Crown of Madness": [
"brown of Madness",
"clown of Madness",
"croon of Madness",
"crowd of Madness",
"crowl of Madness",
"drown of Madness",
"frown of Madness",
"grown of Madness",
"Crown if Madness",
"Crown Od Madness",
"Crown od Madness",
"Crown oe Madness",
"Crown Og Madness",
"Crown oh Madness",
"Crown Ok Madness",
"Crown om Madness",
"Crown on Madness",
"Crown or Madness",
"Crown Os Madness",
"Crown os Madness",
"Crown ow Madness",
"Crown ox Madness",
"Crown of badness",
"Crown of manness",
"Crown of sadness"
"Crown of Stars": [
"brown of Stars",
"clown of Stars",
"croon of Stars",
"crowd of Stars",
"crowl of Stars",
"drown of Stars",
"frown of Stars",
"grown of Stars",
"Crown if Stars",
"Crown Od Stars",
"Crown od Stars",
"Crown oe Stars",
"Crown Og Stars",
"Crown oh Stars",
"Crown Ok Stars",
"Crown om Stars",
"Crown on Stars",
"Crown or Stars",
"Crown Os Stars",
"Crown os Stars",
"Crown ow Stars",
"Crown ox Stars",
"Crown of stare",
"Crown of stark",
"Crown of starn",
"Crown of start",
"Crown of stary",
"Crown of stays"
"Crusader’s Mantle": [
"Crusader’s cantle",
"Crusader’s hantle",
"Crusader’s mangle",
"Crusader’s nantle",
"Crusader’s pantle",
"Crusader’s tantle"
"Cure Wounds": [
"bure Wounds",
"care Wounds",
"cere Wounds",
"core Wounds",
"cube Wounds",
"cuke Wounds",
"curb Wounds",
"curd Wounds",
"curl Wounds",
"curn Wounds",
"curr Wounds",
"Curt Wounds",
"curt Wounds",
"cute Wounds",
"dure Wounds",
"hure Wounds",
"jure Wounds",
"lure Wounds",
"mure Wounds",
"pure Wounds",
"sure Wounds",
"Cure woundy",
"Cure zounds"
"Dancing Lights": [
"Dancing nights",
"Dancing tights"
"Danse Macabre": [
"dance Macabre",
"dense Macabre",
"Hanse Macabre",
"hanse Macabre",
"manse Macabre",
"panse Macabre"
"Darkness": [
"Dawn": [
"Death Ward": [
"beath Ward",
"deash Ward",
"depth Ward",
"heath Ward",
"leath Ward",
"neath Ward",
"Death bard",
"Death card",
"Death Dard",
"Death hard",
"Death lard",
"Death nard",
"Death pard",
"Death Sard",
"Death sard",
"Death Wafd",
"Death wand",
"Death ware",
"Death warf",
"Death wark",
"Death warl",
"Death warm",
"Death warn",
"Death warp",
"Death wart",
"Death wary",
"Death wird",
"Death word",
"Death yard"
"Delayed Blast Fireball": [
"decayed Blast Fireball",
"delayer Blast Fireball",
"Delayed beast Fireball",
"Delayed blart Fireball",
"Delayed blase Fireball",
"Delayed blash Fireball",
"Delayed blest Fireball",
"Delayed boast Fireball",
"Delayed Blast firefall"
"Demiplane": [
"Destructive Wave": [
"Destructive cave",
"Destructive Dave",
"Destructive eave",
"Destructive gave",
"Destructive have",
"Destructive lave",
"Destructive nave",
"Destructive pave",
"Destructive rave",
"Destructive save",
"Destructive Tave",
"Destructive tave",
"Destructive wabe",
"Destructive wace",
"Destructive Wade",
"Destructive wade",
"Destructive wage",
"Destructive wake",
"Destructive wale",
"Destructive wame",
"Destructive wane",
"Destructive ware",
"Destructive wase",
"Destructive wavy",
"Destructive weve",
"Destructive wive",
"Destructive wove",
"Destructive wyve"
"Detect Evil and Good": [
"defect Evil and Good",
"deject Evil and Good",
"detent Evil and Good",
"detest Evil and Good",
"Detect Emil and Good",
"Detect Evil add Good",
"Detect Evil aid Good",
"Detect Evil Ana Good",
"Detect Evil ana Good",
"Detect Evil ani Good",
"Detect Evil Ann Good",
"Detect Evil ann Good",
"Detect Evil ant Good",
"Detect Evil any Good",
"Detect Evil awd Good",
"Detect Evil end Good",
"Detect Evil Ind Good",
"Detect Evil and bood",
"Detect Evil and food",
"Detect Evil and goad",
"Detect Evil and Gold",
"Detect Evil and gold",
"Detect Evil and Gond",
"Detect Evil and goof",
"Detect Evil and gook",
"Detect Evil and gool",
"Detect Evil and goon",
"Detect Evil and Goop",
"Detect Evil and hood",
"Detect Evil and lood",
"Detect Evil and mood",
"Detect Evil and rood",
"Detect Evil and wood"
"Detect Magic (Ritual)": [
"defect Magic (Ritual)",
"deject Magic (Ritual)",
"detent Magic (Ritual)",
"detest Magic (Ritual)",
"Detect mafic (Ritual)",
"Detect malic (Ritual)",
"Detect manic (Ritual)",
"Detect mazic (Ritual)"
"Detect Poison and Disease": [
"defect Poison and Disease",
"deject Poison and Disease",
"detent Poison and Disease",
"detest Poison and Disease",
"Detect foison and Disease",
"Detect prison and Disease",
"Detect Poison add Disease",
"Detect Poison aid Disease",
"Detect Poison Ana Disease",
"Detect Poison ana Disease",
"Detect Poison ani Disease",
"Detect Poison Ann Disease",
"Detect Poison ann Disease",
"Detect Poison ant Disease",
"Detect Poison any Disease",
"Detect Poison awd Disease",
"Detect Poison end Disease",
"Detect Poison Ind Disease",
"Detect Poison and discase",
"Detect Poison and misease"
"Detect Thoughts": [
"defect Thoughts",
"deject Thoughts",
"detent Thoughts",
"detest Thoughts",
"Detect thoughty"
"Dimension Door": [
"Dimension boor",
"Dimension doer",
"Dimension doob",
"Dimension dook",
"Dimension dool",
"Dimension doom",
"Dimension doon",
"Dimension dour",
"Dimension Moor",
"Dimension moor",
"Dimension poor"
"Disguise Self": [
"Disguise delf",
"Disguise pelf",
"Disguise sele",
"Disguise sell",
"Disguise selt",
"Disguise serf",
"Disguise Welf"
"Dispel Evil and Good": [
"Dispel Emil and Good",
"Dispel Evil add Good",
"Dispel Evil aid Good",
"Dispel Evil Ana Good",
"Dispel Evil ana Good",
"Dispel Evil ani Good",
"Dispel Evil Ann Good",
"Dispel Evil ann Good",
"Dispel Evil ant Good",
"Dispel Evil any Good",
"Dispel Evil awd Good",
"Dispel Evil end Good",
"Dispel Evil Ind Good",
"Dispel Evil and bood",
"Dispel Evil and food",
"Dispel Evil and goad",
"Dispel Evil and Gold",
"Dispel Evil and gold",
"Dispel Evil and Gond",
"Dispel Evil and goof",
"Dispel Evil and gook",
"Dispel Evil and gool",
"Dispel Evil and goon",
"Dispel Evil and Goop",
"Dispel Evil and hood",
"Dispel Evil and lood",
"Dispel Evil and mood",
"Dispel Evil and rood",
"Dispel Evil and wood"
"Dispel Magic": [
"Dispel mafic",
"Dispel malic",
"Dispel manic",
"Dispel mazic"
"Dissonant Whispers": [
"Dissonant whispery"
"Divine Favor": [
"didine Favor",
"divide Favor",
"diving Favor",
"Divine savor"
"Divine Word": [
"didine Word",
"divide Word",
"diving Word",
"Divine bord",
"Divine cord",
"Divine ford",
"Divine Lord",
"Divine lord",
"Divine oord",
"Divine ward",
"Divine wird",
"Divine woad",
"Divine wold",
"Divine wood",
"Divine wore",
"Divine work",
"Divine worm",
"Divine worn",
"Divine wort"
"Dominate Beast": [
"nominate Beast",
"Dominate beant",
"Dominate beest",
"Dominate blast",
"Dominate boast",
"Dominate feast",
"Dominate least",
"Dominate yeast"
"Dominate Monster": [
"nominate Monster",
"Dominate minster",
"Dominate mobster"
"Dominate Person": [
"nominate Person",
"Dominate parson",
"Dominate peason",
"Dominate perron"
"Dragon's Breath": [
"Dragon's breach",
"Dragon's freath",
"Dragon's wreath"
"Dream": [
"Druid Grove": [
"Druid drove",
"Druid glove",
"Druid grave",
"Druid grope",
"Druid grovy",
"Druid prove",
"Druid trove"
"Dust Devil": [
"bust Devil",
"duct Devil",
"duet Devil",
"Duit Devil",
"duit Devil",
"dult Devil",
"dunt Devil",
"dush Devil",
"dusk Devil",
"fust Devil",
"gust Devil",
"just Devil",
"lust Devil",
"must Devil",
"oust Devil",
"rust Devil",
"wust Devil",
"Dust decil"
"Earth Tremor": [
"barth Tremor",
"garth Tremor",
"warth Tremor",
"yarth Tremor",
"Earth cremor",
"Earth Trevor"
"Eldritch Blast": [
"Eldritch beast",
"Eldritch blart",
"Eldritch blase",
"Eldritch blash",
"Eldritch blest",
"Eldritch boast"
"Elemental Bane": [
"Elemental babe",
"Elemental bade",
"Elemental bake",
"Elemental bale",
"Elemental Bana",
"Elemental banc",
"Elemental band",
"Elemental bang",
"Elemental bani",
"Elemental bank",
"Elemental bant",
"Elemental Bare",
"Elemental bare",
"Elemental base",
"Elemental bate",
"Elemental baze",
"Elemental bene",
"Elemental bine",
"Elemental bone",
"Elemental cane",
"Elemental Dane",
"Elemental gane",
"Elemental Jane",
"Elemental jane",
"Elemental lane",
"Elemental mane",
"Elemental nane",
"Elemental pane",
"Elemental rane",
"Elemental sane",
"Elemental tane",
"Elemental vane",
"Elemental wane"
"Elemental Weapon": [
"Elemental weason"
"Enemies abound": [
"Enemies around"
"Enhance Ability": [
"Enhance agility",
"Enhance anility"
"Ensnaring Strike": [
"Ensnaring scrike",
"Ensnaring shrike",
"Ensnaring skrike",
"Ensnaring strake",
"Ensnaring streke",
"Ensnaring striae",
"Ensnaring stride",
"Ensnaring strife",
"Ensnaring stripe",
"Ensnaring strive",
"Ensnaring stroke"
"Entangle": [
"Enthrall": [
"Erupting Earth": [
"Erupting barth",
"Erupting garth",
"Erupting warth",
"Erupting yarth"
"Evard’s Black Tentacles": [
"Evard’s alack Tentacles",
"Evard’s blank Tentacles",
"Evard’s bleck Tentacles",
"Evard’s blick Tentacles",
"Evard’s block Tentacles",
"Evard’s brack Tentacles",
"Evard’s clack Tentacles",
"Evard’s flack Tentacles",
"Evard’s glack Tentacles",
"Evard’s plack Tentacles",
"Evard’s slack Tentacles",
"Evard’s Black tentacled"
"Expeditious Retreat": [
"Expeditious retread"
"Faerie Fire": [
"Faeroe Fire",
"Faerie aire",
"Faerie dire",
"Faerie fare",
"Faerie fice",
"Faerie fide",
"Faerie Fife",
"Faerie fife",
"Faerie fike",
"Faerie file",
"Faerie fine",
"Faerie firk",
"Faerie firm",
"Faerie firn",
"Faerie fise",
"Faerie five",
"Faerie fore",
"Faerie hire",
"Faerie lire",
"Faerie mire",
"Faerie sire",
"Faerie tire",
"Faerie vire",
"Faerie wire"
"False Life": [
"farse Life",
"fause Life",
"halse Life",
"salse Life",
"valse Life",
"False Fife",
"False fife",
"False Lide",
"False lifo",
"False lift",
"False like",
"False lile",
"False lime",
"False line",
"False lire",
"False Lise",
"False lite",
"False live",
"False nife",
"False rife",
"False sife",
"False wife"
"Far Step": [
"bar Step",
"car Step",
"dar Step",
"ear Step",
"fad Step",
"fae Step",
"fag Step",
"fam Step",
"Fan Step",
"fan Step",
"fat Step",
"Fay Step",
"fay Step",
"fir Step",
"For Step",
"for Step",
"Fur Step",
"fur Step",
"gar Step",
"jar Step",
"Lar Step",
"lar Step",
"Mar Step",
"mar Step",
"nar Step",
"oar Step",
"par Step",
"sar Step",
"tar Step",
"war Step",
"yar Step",
"zar Step",
"Far seep",
"Far skep",
"Far stap",
"Far steg",
"Far stem",
"Far sten",
"Far stet",
"Far stew",
"Far stey",
"Far stop",
"Far swep"
"Fear": [
"Feather Fall": [
"Heather Fall",
"heather Fall",
"leather Fall",
"teather Fall",
"weather Fall",
"yeather Fall",
"Feather ball",
"Feather call",
"Feather fail",
"Feather falx",
"Feather farl",
"Feather fell",
"Feather fill",
"Feather full",
"Feather gall",
"Feather hall",
"Feather lall",
"Feather mall",
"Feather pall",
"Feather tall",
"Feather vall",
"Feather wall"
"Feign Death (Ritual)": [
"deign Death (Ritual)",
"reign Death (Ritual)",
"Feign beath (Ritual)",
"Feign deash (Ritual)",
"Feign depth (Ritual)",
"Feign heath (Ritual)",
"Feign leath (Ritual)",
"Feign neath (Ritual)"
"Find Familiar (Ritual)": [
"bind Familiar (Ritual)",
"fand Familiar (Ritual)",
"fend Familiar (Ritual)",
"fine Familiar (Ritual)",
"fink Familiar (Ritual)",
"Finn Familiar (Ritual)",
"fund Familiar (Ritual)",
"hind Familiar (Ritual)",
"kind Familiar (Ritual)",
"mind Familiar (Ritual)",
"pind Familiar (Ritual)",
"Rind Familiar (Ritual)",
"rind Familiar (Ritual)",
"sind Familiar (Ritual)",
"tind Familiar (Ritual)",
"Wind Familiar (Ritual)",
"wind Familiar (Ritual)",
"Find familial (Ritual)"
"Find Greater Steed": [
"bind Greater Steed",
"fand Greater Steed",
"fend Greater Steed",
"fine Greater Steed",
"fink Greater Steed",
"Finn Greater Steed",
"fund Greater Steed",
"hind Greater Steed",
"kind Greater Steed",
"mind Greater Steed",
"pind Greater Steed",
"Rind Greater Steed",
"rind Greater Steed",
"sind Greater Steed",
"tind Greater Steed",
"Wind Greater Steed",
"wind Greater Steed",
"Find greaser Steed",
"Find greaten Steed",
"Find greeter Steed",
"Find treater Steed",
"Find Greater skeed",
"Find Greater speed",
"Find Greater stead",
"Find Greater steek",
"Find Greater steel",
"Find Greater Steen",
"Find Greater steen",
"Find Greater steep",
"Find Greater steer",
"Find Greater steid",
"Find Greater stend"
"Find Steed": [
"bind Steed",
"fand Steed",
"fend Steed",
"fine Steed",
"fink Steed",
"Finn Steed",
"fund Steed",
"hind Steed",
"kind Steed",
"mind Steed",
"pind Steed",
"Rind Steed",
"rind Steed",
"sind Steed",
"tind Steed",
"Wind Steed",
"wind Steed",
"Find skeed",
"Find speed",
"Find stead",
"Find steek",
"Find steel",
"Find Steen",
"Find steen",
"Find steep",
"Find steer",
"Find steid",
"Find stend"
"Find the Path": [
"bind the Path",
"fand the Path",
"fend the Path",
"fine the Path",
"fink the Path",
"Finn the Path",
"fund the Path",
"hind the Path",
"kind the Path",
"mind the Path",
"pind the Path",
"Rind the Path",
"rind the Path",
"sind the Path",
"tind the Path",
"Wind the Path",
"wind the Path",
"Find che Path",
"Find rhe Path",
"Find she Path",
"Find tae Path",
"Find tee Path",
"Find tha Path",
"Find Tho Path",
"Find tho Path",
"Find thy Path",
"Find tie Path",
"Find toe Path",
"Find tue Path",
"Find tye Path",
"Find the Bath",
"Find the bath",
"Find the hath",
"Find the kath",
"Find the lath",
"Find the math",
"Find the oath",
"Find the pash",
"Find the pata",
"Find the pate",
"Find the pato",
"Find the patu",
"Find the paty",
"Find the pith",
"Find the rath",
"Find the tath",
"Find the wath"
"Find Traps": [
"bind Traps",
"fand Traps",
"fend Traps",
"fine Traps",
"fink Traps",
"Finn Traps",
"fund Traps",
"hind Traps",
"kind Traps",
"mind Traps",
"pind Traps",
"Rind Traps",
"rind Traps",
"sind Traps",
"tind Traps",
"Wind Traps",
"wind Traps",
"Find craps",
"Find Trapa",
"Find trass"
"Finger of Death": [
"finder of Death",
"finner of Death",
"ginger of Death",
"hinger of Death",
"linger of Death",
"ringer of Death",
"singer of Death",
"tinger of Death",
"winger of Death",
"Finger if Death",
"Finger Od Death",
"Finger od Death",
"Finger oe Death",
"Finger Og Death",
"Finger oh Death",
"Finger Ok Death",
"Finger om Death",
"Finger on Death",
"Finger or Death",
"Finger Os Death",
"Finger os Death",
"Finger ow Death",
"Finger ox Death",
"Finger of beath",
"Finger of deash",
"Finger of depth",
"Finger of heath",
"Finger of leath",
"Finger of neath"
"Fire Bolt": [
"aire Bolt",
"dire Bolt",
"fare Bolt",
"fice Bolt",
"fide Bolt",
"Fife Bolt",
"fife Bolt",
"fike Bolt",
"file Bolt",
"fine Bolt",
"firk Bolt",
"firm Bolt",
"firn Bolt",
"fise Bolt",
"five Bolt",
"fore Bolt",
"hire Bolt",
"lire Bolt",
"mire Bolt",
"sire Bolt",
"tire Bolt",
"vire Bolt",
"wire Bolt",
"Fire Balt",
"Fire belt",
"Fire boat",
"Fire bola",
"Fire bold",
"Fire bole",
"Fire bolk",
"Fire boll",
"Fire Bolo",
"Fire bolo",
"Fire boot",
"Fire bort",
"Fire bott",
"Fire bout",
"Fire bult",
"Fire Colt",
"Fire colt",
"Fire dolt",
"Fire holt",
"Fire jolt",
"Fire molt",
"Fire polt",
"Fire tolt",
"Fire volt"
"Fire Shield": [
"aire Shield",
"dire Shield",
"fare Shield",
"fice Shield",
"fide Shield",
"Fife Shield",
"fife Shield",
"fike Shield",
"file Shield",
"fine Shield",
"firk Shield",
"firm Shield",
"firn Shield",
"fise Shield",
"five Shield",
"fore Shield",
"hire Shield",
"lire Shield",
"mire Shield",
"sire Shield",
"tire Shield",
"vire Shield",
"wire Shield",
"Fire chield"
"Fire Storm": [
"aire Storm",
"dire Storm",
"fare Storm",
"fice Storm",
"fide Storm",
"Fife Storm",
"fife Storm",
"fike Storm",
"file Storm",
"fine Storm",
"firk Storm",
"firm Storm",
"firn Storm",
"fise Storm",
"five Storm",
"fore Storm",
"hire Storm",
"lire Storm",
"mire Storm",
"sire Storm",
"tire Storm",
"vire Storm",
"wire Storm",
"Fire store",
"Fire stork",
"Fire story"
"Fireball": [
"Flame Arrows": [
"blame Arrows",
"clame Arrows",
"flake Arrows",
"flamb Arrows",
"flamy Arrows",
"flane Arrows",
"flare Arrows",
"flume Arrows",
"frame Arrows",
"Flame arrowy"
"Flame Blade": [
"blame Blade",
"clame Blade",
"flake Blade",
"flamb Blade",
"flamy Blade",
"flane Blade",
"flare Blade",
"flume Blade",
"frame Blade",
"Flame blady",
"Flame Blake",
"Flame blake",
"Flame blame",
"Flame blare",
"Flame blase",
"Flame blate",
"Flame blaze",
"Flame glade",
"Flame slade"
"Flame Strike": [
"blame Strike",
"clame Strike",
"flake Strike",
"flamb Strike",
"flamy Strike",
"flane Strike",
"flare Strike",
"flume Strike",
"frame Strike",
"Flame scrike",
"Flame shrike",
"Flame skrike",
"Flame strake",
"Flame streke",
"Flame striae",
"Flame stride",
"Flame strife",
"Flame stripe",
"Flame strive",
"Flame stroke"
"Flaming Sphere": [
"blaming Sphere",
"flaring Sphere",
"Fleming Sphere",
"foaming Sphere",
"framing Sphere",
"Flaming sphene",
"Flaming sphery"
"Flesh to Stone": [
"flash to Stone",
"flosh to Stone",
"flush to Stone",
"fresh to Stone",
"Flesh Ao Stone",
"Flesh bo Stone",
"Flesh do Stone",
"Flesh Fo Stone",
"Flesh go Stone",
"Flesh Ho Stone",
"Flesh ho Stone",
"Flesh Io Stone",
"Flesh io Stone",
"Flesh Jo Stone",
"Flesh jo Stone",
"Flesh Ko Stone",
"Flesh ko Stone",
"Flesh Lo Stone",
"Flesh lo Stone",
"Flesh Mo Stone",
"Flesh mo Stone",
"Flesh No Stone",
"Flesh no Stone",
"Flesh Po Stone",
"Flesh po Stone",
"Flesh Ro Stone",
"Flesh so Stone",
"Flesh ta Stone",
"Flesh Td Stone",
"Flesh te Stone",
"Flesh th Stone",
"Flesh Ti Stone",
"Flesh ti Stone",
"Flesh tu Stone",
"Flesh wo Stone",
"Flesh yo Stone",
"Flesh zo Stone",
"Flesh to atone",
"Flesh to scone",
"Flesh to shone",
"Flesh to slone",
"Flesh to stane",
"Flesh to stine",
"Flesh to stoke",
"Flesh to stole",
"Flesh to stond",
"Flesh to stong",
"Flesh to stony",
"Flesh to stope",
"Flesh to store",
"Flesh to stove"
"Fly": [
"Fog Cloud": [
"bog Cloud",
"cog Cloud",
"dog Cloud",
"fag Cloud",
"fig Cloud",
"fob Cloud",
"fod Cloud",
"foe Cloud",
"Fon Cloud",
"foo Cloud",
"fop Cloud",
"For Cloud",
"for Cloud",
"fot Cloud",
"fou Cloud",
"fow Cloud",
"fox Cloud",
"foy Cloud",
"gog Cloud",
"hog Cloud",
"jog Cloud",
"log Cloud",
"mog Cloud",
"nog Cloud",
"rog Cloud",
"sog Cloud",
"tog Cloud",
"vog Cloud",
"wog Cloud",
"Fog aloud",
"Fog clour",
"Fog clout"
"Foresight": [
"Freedom of Movement": [
"Freedom if Movement",
"Freedom Od Movement",
"Freedom od Movement",
"Freedom oe Movement",
"Freedom Og Movement",
"Freedom oh Movement",
"Freedom Ok Movement",
"Freedom om Movement",
"Freedom on Movement",
"Freedom or Movement",
"Freedom Os Movement",
"Freedom os Movement",
"Freedom ow Movement",
"Freedom ox Movement"
"Gaseous Form": [
"caseous Form",
"Gaseous corm",
"Gaseous dorm",
"Gaseous farm",
"Gaseous firm",
"Gaseous foam",
"Gaseous fora",
"Gaseous forb",
"Gaseous ford",
"Gaseous fore",
"Gaseous fork",
"Gaseous fort",
"Gaseous Norm",
"Gaseous norm",
"Gaseous worm"
"Gate": [
"Geas": [
"Gentle Repose (Ritual)": [
"gently Repose (Ritual)",
"Gentle depose (Ritual)",
"Gentle relose (Ritual)",
"Gentle repone (Ritual)",
"Gentle repope (Ritual)",
"Gentle repost (Ritual)"
"Giant Insect": [
"Grant Insect",
"grant Insect",
"hiant Insect",
"riant Insect",
"Giant infect",
"Giant inject",
"Giant insert"
"Globe of Invulnerability": [
"glebe of Invulnerability",
"globy of Invulnerability",
"glome of Invulnerability",
"glore of Invulnerability",
"glove of Invulnerability",
"gloze of Invulnerability",
"Globe if Invulnerability",
"Globe Od Invulnerability",
"Globe od Invulnerability",
"Globe oe Invulnerability",
"Globe Og Invulnerability",
"Globe oh Invulnerability",
"Globe Ok Invulnerability",
"Globe om Invulnerability",
"Globe on Invulnerability",
"Globe or Invulnerability",
"Globe Os Invulnerability",
"Globe os Invulnerability",
"Globe ow Invulnerability",
"Globe ox Invulnerability"
"Glyph of Warding": [
"Glyph if Warding",
"Glyph Od Warding",
"Glyph od Warding",
"Glyph oe Warding",
"Glyph Og Warding",
"Glyph oh Warding",
"Glyph Ok Warding",
"Glyph om Warding",
"Glyph on Warding",
"Glyph or Warding",
"Glyph Os Warding",
"Glyph os Warding",
"Glyph ow Warding",
"Glyph ox Warding",
"Glyph of barding",
"Glyph of carding",
"Glyph of wadding",
"Glyph of warming",
"Glyph of warning",
"Glyph of warping",
"Glyph of wording",
"Glyph of yarding"
"Grasping Vine": [
"grassing Vine",
"Grasping bine",
"Grasping cine",
"Grasping dine",
"Grasping fine",
"Grasping line",
"Grasping mine",
"Grasping nine",
"Grasping pine",
"Grasping rine",
"Grasping sine",
"Grasping tine",
"Grasping vane",
"Grasping Vice",
"Grasping vice",
"Grasping vile",
"Grasping vina",
"Grasping vino",
"Grasping vint",
"Grasping viny",
"Grasping vire",
"Grasping vise",
"Grasping vive",
"Grasping wine"
"Grease": [
"Greater Invisibility": [
"greaser Invisibility",
"greaten Invisibility",
"greeter Invisibility",
"treater Invisibility"
"Greater Restoration": [
"greaser Restoration",
"greaten Restoration",
"greeter Restoration",
"treater Restoration"
"Green-Flame Blade": [
"Green-Flame blady",
"Green-Flame Blake",
"Green-Flame blake",
"Green-Flame blame",
"Green-Flame blare",
"Green-Flame blase",
"Green-Flame blate",
"Green-Flame blaze",
"Green-Flame glade",
"Green-Flame slade"
"Guardian of Faith": [
"Guardian if Faith",
"Guardian Od Faith",
"Guardian od Faith",
"Guardian oe Faith",
"Guardian Og Faith",
"Guardian oh Faith",
"Guardian Ok Faith",
"Guardian om Faith",
"Guardian on Faith",
"Guardian or Faith",
"Guardian Os Faith",
"Guardian os Faith",
"Guardian ow Faith",
"Guardian ox Faith",
"Guardian of baith",
"Guardian of frith"
"Guardian of Nature": [
"Guardian if Nature",
"Guardian Od Nature",
"Guardian od Nature",
"Guardian oe Nature",
"Guardian Og Nature",
"Guardian oh Nature",
"Guardian Ok Nature",
"Guardian om Nature",
"Guardian on Nature",
"Guardian or Nature",
"Guardian Os Nature",
"Guardian os Nature",
"Guardian ow Nature",
"Guardian ox Nature",
"Guardian of mature"
"Guards and Wards": [
"guardo and Wards",
"Guards add Wards",
"Guards aid Wards",
"Guards Ana Wards",
"Guards ana Wards",
"Guards ani Wards",
"Guards Ann Wards",
"Guards ann Wards",
"Guards ant Wards",
"Guards any Wards",
"Guards awd Wards",
"Guards end Wards",
"Guards Ind Wards"
"Guiding Bolt": [
"gliding Bolt",
"guising Bolt",
"Guiding Balt",
"Guiding belt",
"Guiding boat",
"Guiding bola",
"Guiding bold",
"Guiding bole",
"Guiding bolk",
"Guiding boll",
"Guiding Bolo",
"Guiding bolo",
"Guiding boot",
"Guiding bort",
"Guiding bott",
"Guiding bout",
"Guiding bult",
"Guiding Colt",
"Guiding colt",
"Guiding dolt",
"Guiding holt",
"Guiding jolt",
"Guiding molt",
"Guiding polt",
"Guiding tolt",
"Guiding volt"
"Gust": [
"Gust of Wind": [
"bust of Wind",
"dust of Wind",
"fust of Wind",
"gast of Wind",
"gest of Wind",
"gist of Wind",
"gurt of Wind",
"gush of Wind",
"guss of Wind",
"gutt of Wind",
"just of Wind",
"lust of Wind",
"must of Wind",
"oust of Wind",
"rust of Wind",
"wust of Wind",
"Gust if Wind",
"Gust Od Wind",
"Gust od Wind",
"Gust oe Wind",
"Gust Og Wind",
"Gust oh Wind",
"Gust Ok Wind",
"Gust om Wind",
"Gust on Wind",
"Gust or Wind",
"Gust Os Wind",
"Gust os Wind",
"Gust ow Wind",
"Gust ox Wind",
"Gust of bind",
"Gust of find",
"Gust of hind",
"Gust of kind",
"Gust of mind",
"Gust of pind",
"Gust of Rind",
"Gust of rind",
"Gust of sind",
"Gust of tind",
"Gust of wand",
"Gust of Wend",
"Gust of wend",
"Gust of wild",
"Gust of wine",
"Gust of wing",
"Gust of wink",
"Gust of wint",
"Gust of winy",
"Gust of wird",
"Gust of wynd"
"Hail of Thorns": [
"bail of Thorns",
"Dail of Thorns",
"fail of Thorns",
"Gail of Thorns",
"haik of Thorns",
"hain of Thorns",
"hair of Thorns",
"hall of Thorns",
"harl of Thorns",
"haul of Thorns",
"jail of Thorns",
"kail of Thorns",
"mail of Thorns",
"nail of Thorns",
"pail of Thorns",
"rail of Thorns",
"sail of Thorns",
"tail of Thorns",
"vail of Thorns",
"wail of Thorns",
"Hail if Thorns",
"Hail Od Thorns",
"Hail od Thorns",
"Hail oe Thorns",
"Hail Og Thorns",
"Hail oh Thorns",
"Hail Ok Thorns",
"Hail om Thorns",
"Hail on Thorns",
"Hail or Thorns",
"Hail Os Thorns",
"Hail os Thorns",
"Hail ow Thorns",
"Hail ox Thorns",
"Hail of thorny"
"Hallow": [
"Harm": [
"Haste": [
"Heal": [
"Healing Spirit": [
"bealing Spirit",
"dealing Spirit",
"heading Spirit",
"hearing Spirit",
"heating Spirit",
"heaving Spirit",
"herling Spirit",
"sealing Spirit",
"yealing Spirit"
"Healing Word": [
"bealing Word",
"dealing Word",
"heading Word",
"hearing Word",
"heating Word",
"heaving Word",
"herling Word",
"sealing Word",
"yealing Word",
"Healing bord",
"Healing cord",
"Healing ford",
"Healing Lord",
"Healing lord",
"Healing oord",
"Healing ward",
"Healing wird",
"Healing woad",
"Healing wold",
"Healing wood",
"Healing wore",
"Healing work",
"Healing worm",
"Healing worn",
"Healing wort"
"Heat Metal": [
"beat Metal",
"feat Metal",
"Geat Metal",
"geat Metal",
"head Metal",
"heaf Metal",
"heal Metal",
"heap Metal",
"hear Metal",
"heft Metal",
"hent Metal",
"hest Metal",
"hewt Metal",
"leat Metal",
"meat Metal",
"neat Metal",
"peat Metal",
"seat Metal",
"teat Metal",
"yeat Metal",
"Heat fetal",
"Heat ketal",
"Heat medal",
"Heat mesal",
"Heat metad",
"Heat metel",
"Heat Metol",
"Heat petal",
"Heat setal"
"Hellish Rebuke": [
"wellish Rebuke",
"Hellish rebake",
"Hellish rebute"
"Heroes’ Feast": [
"heroess Feast",
"Heroes’ beast",
"Heroes’ feist",
"Heroes’ least",
"Heroes’ yeast"
"Hex": [
"Hold Monster": [
"bold Monster",
"cold Monster",
"fold Monster",
"Gold Monster",
"gold Monster",
"hole Monster",
"holl Monster",
"holm Monster",
"holt Monster",
"holy Monster",
"hood Monster",
"mold Monster",
"sold Monster",
"told Monster",
"wold Monster",
"Hold minster",
"Hold mobster"
"Hold Person": [
"bold Person",
"cold Person",
"fold Person",
"Gold Person",
"gold Person",
"hole Person",
"holl Person",
"holm Person",
"holt Person",
"holy Person",
"hood Person",
"mold Person",
"sold Person",
"told Person",
"wold Person",
"Hold parson",
"Hold peason",
"Hold perron"
"Holy Aura": [
"coly Aura",
"hold Aura",
"hole Aura",
"holl Aura",
"holm Aura",
"holt Aura",
"homy Aura",
"hory Aura",
"moly Aura",
"poly Aura",
"Holy Agra",
"Holy Aira",
"Holy Akra",
"Holy akra",
"Holy amra",
"Holy Auca",
"Holy auca",
"Holy aula",
"Holy dura",
"Holy Hura",
"Holy hura",
"Holy Jura",
"Holy lura",
"Holy Mura",
"Holy mura",
"Holy sura"
"Holy Weapon": [
"coly Weapon",
"hold Weapon",
"hole Weapon",
"holl Weapon",
"holm Weapon",
"holt Weapon",
"homy Weapon",
"hory Weapon",
"moly Weapon",
"poly Weapon",
"Holy weason"
"Hunger of Hadar": [
"dunger of Hadar",
"hanger of Hadar",
"hinger of Hadar",
"hugger of Hadar",
"Hunker of Hadar",
"hunker of Hadar",
"Hunter of Hadar",
"lunger of Hadar",
"punger of Hadar",
"Hunger if Hadar",
"Hunger Od Hadar",
"Hunger od Hadar",
"Hunger oe Hadar",
"Hunger Og Hadar",
"Hunger oh Hadar",
"Hunger Ok Hadar",
"Hunger om Hadar",
"Hunger on Hadar",
"Hunger or Hadar",
"Hunger Os Hadar",
"Hunger os Hadar",
"Hunger ow Hadar",
"Hunger ox Hadar",
"Hunger of radar"
"Hunter’s Mark": [
"Hunter’s bark",
"Hunter’s cark",
"Hunter’s dark",
"Hunter’s hark",
"Hunter’s lark",
"Hunter’s mack",
"Hunter’s mank",
"Hunter’s Mara",
"Hunter’s Marc",
"Hunter’s marc",
"Hunter’s mare",
"Hunter’s Mari",
"Hunter’s marl",
"Hunter’s marm",
"Hunter’s maro",
"Hunter’s Mars",
"Hunter’s Mart",
"Hunter’s mart",
"Hunter’s maru",
"Hunter’s Mary",
"Hunter’s mary",
"Hunter’s mask",
"Hunter’s mawk",
"Hunter’s merk",
"Hunter’s mirk",
"Hunter’s murk",
"Hunter’s nark",
"Hunter’s park",
"Hunter’s sark",
"Hunter’s wark",
"Hunter’s yark"
"Hypnotic Pattern": [
"Hypnotic pastern"
"Ice Knife": [
"ace Knife",
"ich Knife",
"icy Knife",
"ide Knife",
"ife Knife",
"Ike Knife",
"ire Knife"
"Ice Storm": [
"ace Storm",
"ich Storm",
"icy Storm",
"ide Storm",
"ife Storm",
"Ike Storm",
"ire Storm",
"Ice store",
"Ice stork",
"Ice story"
"Identify (Ritual)": [
"identity (Ritual)"
"Illusory Script (Ritual)": [
"Illusory stript (Ritual)"
"Incendiary Cloud": [
"Incendiary aloud",
"Incendiary clour",
"Incendiary clout"
"Infernal Calling": [
"internal Calling",
"Infernal cabling",
"Infernal calking",
"Infernal carling",
"Infernal catling",
"Infernal colling",
"Infernal culling",
"Infernal falling",
"Infernal galling",
"Infernal halling",
"Infernal lalling",
"Infernal Malling",
"Infernal walling"
"Infestation": [
"Inflict Wounds": [
"inflect Wounds",
"Inflict woundy",
"Inflict zounds"
"Insect Plague": [
"infect Plague",
"inject Plague",
"insert Plague",
"Insect plaguy",
"Insect plaque"
"Investiture of Flame": [
"Investiture if Flame",
"Investiture Od Flame",
"Investiture od Flame",
"Investiture oe Flame",
"Investiture Og Flame",
"Investiture oh Flame",
"Investiture Ok Flame",
"Investiture om Flame",
"Investiture on Flame",
"Investiture or Flame",
"Investiture Os Flame",
"Investiture os Flame",
"Investiture ow Flame",
"Investiture ox Flame",
"Investiture of blame",
"Investiture of clame",
"Investiture of flake",
"Investiture of flamb",
"Investiture of flamy",
"Investiture of flane",
"Investiture of flare",
"Investiture of flume",
"Investiture of frame"
"Investiture of Ice": [
"Investiture if Ice",
"Investiture Od Ice",
"Investiture od Ice",
"Investiture oe Ice",
"Investiture Og Ice",
"Investiture oh Ice",
"Investiture Ok Ice",
"Investiture om Ice",
"Investiture on Ice",
"Investiture or Ice",
"Investiture Os Ice",
"Investiture os Ice",
"Investiture ow Ice",
"Investiture ox Ice",
"Investiture of ace",
"Investiture of ich",
"Investiture of icy",
"Investiture of ide",
"Investiture of ife",
"Investiture of Ike",
"Investiture of ire"
"Investiture of Stone": [
"Investiture if Stone",
"Investiture Od Stone",
"Investiture od Stone",
"Investiture oe Stone",
"Investiture Og Stone",
"Investiture oh Stone",
"Investiture Ok Stone",
"Investiture om Stone",
"Investiture on Stone",
"Investiture or Stone",
"Investiture Os Stone",
"Investiture os Stone",
"Investiture ow Stone",
"Investiture ox Stone",
"Investiture of atone",
"Investiture of scone",
"Investiture of shone",
"Investiture of slone",
"Investiture of stane",
"Investiture of stine",
"Investiture of stoke",
"Investiture of stole",
"Investiture of stond",
"Investiture of stong",
"Investiture of stony",
"Investiture of stope",
"Investiture of store",
"Investiture of stove"
"Investiture of Wind": [
"Investiture if Wind",
"Investiture Od Wind",
"Investiture od Wind",
"Investiture oe Wind",
"Investiture Og Wind",
"Investiture oh Wind",
"Investiture Ok Wind",
"Investiture om Wind",
"Investiture on Wind",
"Investiture or Wind",
"Investiture Os Wind",
"Investiture os Wind",
"Investiture ow Wind",
"Investiture ox Wind",
"Investiture of bind",
"Investiture of find",
"Investiture of hind",
"Investiture of kind",
"Investiture of mind",
"Investiture of pind",
"Investiture of Rind",
"Investiture of rind",
"Investiture of sind",
"Investiture of tind",
"Investiture of wand",
"Investiture of Wend",
"Investiture of wend",
"Investiture of wild",
"Investiture of wine",
"Investiture of wing",
"Investiture of wink",
"Investiture of wint",
"Investiture of winy",
"Investiture of wird",
"Investiture of wynd"
"Jump": [
"Knock": [
"Legend Lore": [
"lagend Lore",
"Legend bore",
"Legend core",
"Legend fore",
"Legend gore",
"Legend Kore",
"Legend kore",
"Legend lire",
"Legend lobe",
"Legend lode",
"Legend loge",
"Legend loke",
"Legend lone",
"Legend lope",
"Legend Lora",
"Legend lora",
"Legend Lord",
"Legend lord",
"Legend Lori",
"Legend lori",
"Legend lorn",
"Legend loro",
"Legend lors",
"Legend lory",
"Legend lose",
"Legend lote",
"Legend love",
"Legend lure",
"Legend lyre",
"Legend more",
"Legend pore",
"Legend sore",
"Legend tore",
"Legend wore",
"Legend yore"
"Leomund’s Secret Chest": [
"Leomund’s Secret cheat",
"Leomund’s Secret cheet",
"Leomund’s Secret chert",
"Leomund’s Secret chess",
"Leomund’s Secret crest"
"Leomund’s Tiny Hut (Ritual)": [
"Leomund’s liny Hut (Ritual)",
"Leomund’s miny Hut (Ritual)",
"Leomund’s piny Hut (Ritual)",
"Leomund’s tidy Hut (Ritual)",
"Leomund’s Tina Hut (Ritual)",
"Leomund’s tind Hut (Ritual)",
"Leomund’s tine Hut (Ritual)",
"Leomund’s Ting Hut (Ritual)",
"Leomund’s ting Hut (Ritual)",
"Leomund’s tink Hut (Ritual)",
"Leomund’s Tino Hut (Ritual)",
"Leomund’s tint Hut (Ritual)",
"Leomund’s tivy Hut (Ritual)",
"Leomund’s Tony Hut (Ritual)",
"Leomund’s tony Hut (Ritual)",
"Leomund’s tuny Hut (Ritual)",
"Leomund’s viny Hut (Ritual)",
"Leomund’s winy Hut (Ritual)",
"Leomund’s Tiny but (Ritual)",
"Leomund’s Tiny cut (Ritual)",
"Leomund’s Tiny fut (Ritual)",
"Leomund’s Tiny gut (Ritual)",
"Leomund’s Tiny hat (Ritual)",
"Leomund’s Tiny het (Ritual)",
"Leomund’s Tiny hit (Ritual)",
"Leomund’s Tiny hot (Ritual)",
"Leomund’s Tiny hub (Ritual)",
"Leomund’s Tiny hud (Ritual)",
"Leomund’s Tiny hue (Ritual)",
"Leomund’s Tiny hug (Ritual)",
"Leomund’s Tiny huh (Ritual)",
"Leomund’s Tiny Hui (Ritual)",
"Leomund’s Tiny Huk (Ritual)",
"Leomund’s Tiny hum (Ritual)",
"Leomund’s Tiny Hun (Ritual)",
"Leomund’s Tiny hup (Ritual)",
"Leomund’s Tiny jut (Ritual)",
"Leomund’s Tiny lut (Ritual)",
"Leomund’s Tiny nut (Ritual)",
"Leomund’s Tiny out (Ritual)",
"Leomund’s Tiny put (Ritual)",
"Leomund’s Tiny rut (Ritual)",
"Leomund’s Tiny tut (Ritual)",
"Leomund’s Tiny wut (Ritual)"
"Lesser Restoration": [
"cesser Restoration",
"leaser Restoration",
"lessee Restoration",
"lessen Restoration",
"lessor Restoration",
"Lester Restoration",
"messer Restoration"
"Levitate": [
"Life Transference": [
"Fife Transference",
"fife Transference",
"Lide Transference",
"lifo Transference",
"lift Transference",
"like Transference",
"lile Transference",
"lime Transference",
"line Transference",
"lire Transference",
"Lise Transference",
"lite Transference",
"live Transference",
"nife Transference",
"rife Transference",
"sife Transference",
"wife Transference"
"Light": [
"Lightning Bolt": [
"Lightning Balt",
"Lightning belt",
"Lightning boat",
"Lightning bola",
"Lightning bold",
"Lightning bole",
"Lightning bolk",
"Lightning boll",
"Lightning Bolo",
"Lightning bolo",
"Lightning boot",
"Lightning bort",
"Lightning bott",
"Lightning bout",
"Lightning bult",
"Lightning Colt",
"Lightning colt",
"Lightning dolt",
"Lightning holt",
"Lightning jolt",
"Lightning molt",
"Lightning polt",
"Lightning tolt",
"Lightning volt"
"Lightning Lure": [
"Lightning bure",
"Lightning cure",
"Lightning dure",
"Lightning hure",
"Lightning jure",
"Lightning lire",
"Lightning lore",
"Lightning lube",
"Lightning luce",
"Lightning luge",
"Lightning Luke",
"Lightning luke",
"Lightning lune",
"Lightning lupe",
"Lightning lura",
"Lightning lurg",
"Lightning Luri",
"Lightning lurk",
"Lightning lute",
"Lightning luxe",
"Lightning lyre",
"Lightning mure",
"Lightning pure",
"Lightning sure"
"Locate Animals or Plants (Ritual)": [
"lobate Animals or Plants (Ritual)",
"locale Animals or Plants (Ritual)",
"lorate Animals or Plants (Ritual)",
"vocate Animals or Plants (Ritual)",
"Locate Animals ar Plants (Ritual)",
"Locate Animals er Plants (Ritual)",
"Locate Animals Mr Plants (Ritual)",
"Locate Animals Od Plants (Ritual)",
"Locate Animals od Plants (Ritual)",
"Locate Animals oe Plants (Ritual)",
"Locate Animals of Plants (Ritual)",
"Locate Animals Og Plants (Ritual)",
"Locate Animals oh Plants (Ritual)",
"Locate Animals Ok Plants (Ritual)",
"Locate Animals om Plants (Ritual)",
"Locate Animals on Plants (Ritual)",
"Locate Animals Os Plants (Ritual)",
"Locate Animals os Plants (Ritual)",
"Locate Animals ow Plants (Ritual)",
"Locate Animals ox Plants (Ritual)",
"Locate Animals ur Plants (Ritual)",
"Locate Animals yr Plants (Ritual)",
"Locate Animals or planta (Ritual)"
"Locate Creature": [
"lobate Creature",
"locale Creature",
"lorate Creature",
"vocate Creature"
"Locate Object": [
"lobate Object",
"locale Object",
"lorate Object",
"vocate Object",
"Locate abject",
"Locate obtect"
"Maddening Darkness": [
"saddening Darkness",
"Maddening dankness"
"Mage Armor": [
"cage Armor",
"fage Armor",
"gage Armor",
"mace Armor",
"made Armor",
"Maga Armor",
"Magh Armor",
"Magi Armor",
"magi Armor",
"make Armor",
"Male Armor",
"male Armor",
"mane Armor",
"mare Armor",
"mate Armor",
"maze Armor",
"Page Armor",
"page Armor",
"rage Armor",
"sage Armor",
"vage Armor",
"wage Armor",
"Mage arbor",
"Mage ardor",
"Mage armer"
"Mage Hand": [
"cage Hand",
"fage Hand",
"gage Hand",
"mace Hand",
"made Hand",
"Maga Hand",
"Magh Hand",
"Magi Hand",
"magi Hand",
"make Hand",
"Male Hand",
"male Hand",
"mane Hand",
"mare Hand",
"mate Hand",
"maze Hand",
"Page Hand",
"page Hand",
"rage Hand",
"sage Hand",
"vage Hand",
"wage Hand",
"Mage band",
"Mage cand",
"Mage dand",
"Mage fand",
"Mage Hank",
"Mage hank",
"Mage Hano",
"Mage Hans",
"Mage hant",
"Mage hard",
"Mage hend",
"Mage hind",
"Mage land",
"Mage mand",
"Mage pand",
"Mage Rand",
"Mage rand",
"Mage sand",
"Mage wand"
"Magic Circle": [
"mafic Circle",
"malic Circle",
"manic Circle",
"mazic Circle"
"Magic Jar": [
"mafic Jar",
"malic Jar",
"manic Jar",
"mazic Jar",
"Magic bar",
"Magic car",
"Magic dar",
"Magic ear",
"Magic far",
"Magic gar",
"Magic jab",
"Magic jag",
"Magic Jam",
"Magic jam",
"Magic Jan",
"Magic Jap",
"Magic jap",
"Magic Jat",
"Magic jaw",
"Magic Jay",
"Magic jay",
"Magic Jur",
"Magic Lar",
"Magic lar",
"Magic Mar",
"Magic mar",
"Magic nar",
"Magic oar",
"Magic par",
"Magic sar",
"Magic tar",
"Magic war",
"Magic yar",
"Magic zar"
"Magic Missile": [
"mafic Missile",
"malic Missile",
"manic Missile",
"mazic Missile",
"Magic fissile",
"Magic misfile",
"Magic missive"
"Magic Mouth (Ritual)": [
"mafic Mouth (Ritual)",
"malic Mouth (Ritual)",
"manic Mouth (Ritual)",
"mazic Mouth (Ritual)",
"Magic couth (Ritual)",
"Magic fouth (Ritual)",
"Magic month (Ritual)",
"Magic mooth (Ritual)",
"Magic morth (Ritual)",
"Magic mowth (Ritual)",
"Magic routh (Ritual)",
"Magic South (Ritual)",
"Magic south (Ritual)",
"Magic youth (Ritual)"
"Magic Stone": [
"mafic Stone",
"malic Stone",
"manic Stone",
"mazic Stone",
"Magic atone",
"Magic scone",
"Magic shone",
"Magic slone",
"Magic stane",
"Magic stine",
"Magic stoke",
"Magic stole",
"Magic stond",
"Magic stong",
"Magic stony",
"Magic stope",
"Magic store",
"Magic stove"
"Magic Weapon": [
"mafic Weapon",
"malic Weapon",
"manic Weapon",
"mazic Weapon",
"Magic weason"
"Major Image": [
"manor Image",
"mayor Image",
"Major imago"
"Mass Cure Wounds": [
"bass Cure Wounds",
"cass Cure Wounds",
"fass Cure Wounds",
"jass Cure Wounds",
"lass Cure Wounds",
"Mans Cure Wounds",
"Mars Cure Wounds",
"masa Cure Wounds",
"mash Cure Wounds",
"mask Cure Wounds",
"mast Cure Wounds",
"masu Cure Wounds",
"Mats Cure Wounds",
"mess Cure Wounds",
"miss Cure Wounds",
"moss Cure Wounds",
"muss Cure Wounds",
"pass Cure Wounds",
"Tass Cure Wounds",
"tass Cure Wounds",
"Mass bure Wounds",
"Mass care Wounds",
"Mass cere Wounds",
"Mass core Wounds",
"Mass cube Wounds",
"Mass cuke Wounds",
"Mass curb Wounds",
"Mass curd Wounds",
"Mass curl Wounds",
"Mass curn Wounds",
"Mass curr Wounds",
"Mass Curt Wounds",
"Mass curt Wounds",
"Mass cute Wounds",
"Mass dure Wounds",
"Mass hure Wounds",
"Mass jure Wounds",
"Mass lure Wounds",
"Mass mure Wounds",
"Mass pure Wounds",
"Mass sure Wounds",
"Mass Cure woundy",
"Mass Cure zounds"
"Mass Heal": [
"bass Heal",
"cass Heal",
"fass Heal",
"jass Heal",
"lass Heal",
"Mans Heal",
"Mars Heal",
"masa Heal",
"mash Heal",
"mask Heal",
"mast Heal",
"masu Heal",
"Mats Heal",
"mess Heal",
"miss Heal",
"moss Heal",
"muss Heal",
"pass Heal",
"Tass Heal",
"tass Heal",
"Mass beal",
"Mass deal",
"Mass feal",
"Mass geal",
"Mass head",
"Mass heaf",
"Mass heap",
"Mass hear",
"Mass heat",
"Mass heel",
"Mass hell",
"Mass heml",
"Mass herl",
"Mass leal",
"Mass meal",
"Mass Neal",
"Mass neal",
"Mass peal",
"Mass Real",
"Mass real",
"Mass seal",
"Mass teal",
"Mass veal",
"Mass weal",
"Mass zeal"
"Mass Healing Word": [
"bass Healing Word",
"cass Healing Word",
"fass Healing Word",
"jass Healing Word",
"lass Healing Word",
"Mans Healing Word",
"Mars Healing Word",
"masa Healing Word",
"mash Healing Word",
"mask Healing Word",
"mast Healing Word",
"masu Healing Word",
"Mats Healing Word",
"mess Healing Word",
"miss Healing Word",
"moss Healing Word",
"muss Healing Word",
"pass Healing Word",
"Tass Healing Word",
"tass Healing Word",
"Mass bealing Word",
"Mass dealing Word",
"Mass heading Word",
"Mass hearing Word",
"Mass heating Word",
"Mass heaving Word",
"Mass herling Word",
"Mass sealing Word",
"Mass yealing Word",
"Mass Healing bord",
"Mass Healing cord",
"Mass Healing ford",
"Mass Healing Lord",
"Mass Healing lord",
"Mass Healing oord",
"Mass Healing ward",
"Mass Healing wird",
"Mass Healing woad",
"Mass Healing wold",
"Mass Healing wood",
"Mass Healing wore",
"Mass Healing work",
"Mass Healing worm",
"Mass Healing worn",
"Mass Healing wort"
"Mass Polymorph": [
"bass Polymorph",
"cass Polymorph",
"fass Polymorph",
"jass Polymorph",
"lass Polymorph",
"Mans Polymorph",
"Mars Polymorph",
"masa Polymorph",
"mash Polymorph",
"mask Polymorph",
"mast Polymorph",
"masu Polymorph",
"Mats Polymorph",
"mess Polymorph",
"miss Polymorph",
"moss Polymorph",
"muss Polymorph",
"pass Polymorph",
"Tass Polymorph",
"tass Polymorph"
"Mass Suggestion": [
"bass Suggestion",
"cass Suggestion",
"fass Suggestion",
"jass Suggestion",
"lass Suggestion",
"Mans Suggestion",
"Mars Suggestion",
"masa Suggestion",
"mash Suggestion",
"mask Suggestion",
"mast Suggestion",
"masu Suggestion",
"Mats Suggestion",
"mess Suggestion",
"miss Suggestion",
"moss Suggestion",
"muss Suggestion",
"pass Suggestion",
"Tass Suggestion",
"tass Suggestion"
"Maximilian’s Earthen Grasp": [
"Maximilian’s earthed Grasp",
"Maximilian’s yarthen Grasp",
"Maximilian’s Earthen graip",
"Maximilian’s Earthen gramp",
"Maximilian’s Earthen grass"
"Maze": [
"Meld into Stone (Ritual)": [
"beld into Stone (Ritual)",
"geld into Stone (Ritual)",
"keld into Stone (Ritual)",
"mead into Stone (Ritual)",
"meed into Stone (Ritual)",
"mela into Stone (Ritual)",
"mele into Stone (Ritual)",
"mell into Stone (Ritual)",
"melt into Stone (Ritual)",
"mend into Stone (Ritual)",
"mild into Stone (Ritual)",
"mold into Stone (Ritual)",
"weld into Stone (Ritual)",
"yeld into Stone (Ritual)",
"Meld inro Stone (Ritual)",
"Meld onto Stone (Ritual)",
"Meld unto Stone (Ritual)",
"Meld into atone (Ritual)",
"Meld into scone (Ritual)",
"Meld into shone (Ritual)",
"Meld into slone (Ritual)",
"Meld into stane (Ritual)",
"Meld into stine (Ritual)",
"Meld into stoke (Ritual)",
"Meld into stole (Ritual)",
"Meld into stond (Ritual)",
"Meld into stong (Ritual)",
"Meld into stony (Ritual)",
"Meld into stope (Ritual)",
"Meld into store (Ritual)",
"Meld into stove (Ritual)"
"Melf’s Acid Arrow": [
"Melf’s Acis Arrow",
"Melf’s amid Arrow",
"Melf’s arid Arrow",
"Melf’s avid Arrow"
"Mending": [
"Mental Prison": [
"cental Prison",
"dental Prison",
"mantal Prison",
"meatal Prison",
"menial Prison",
"mensal Prison",
"rental Prison",
"Mental frison",
"Mental Grison",
"Mental grison",
"Mental orison",
"Mental poison"
"Message": [
"Meteor Swarm": [
"Meteor smarm",
"Meteor sparm",
"Meteor sward",
"Meteor sware",
"Meteor swarf",
"Meteor swart"
"Mighty Fortress": [
"eighty Fortress",
"righty Fortress",
"sighty Fortress",
"Mighty fostress",
"Mighty portress"
"Mind Blank": [
"bind Blank",
"find Blank",
"hind Blank",
"kind Blank",
"mand Blank",
"mend Blank",
"mild Blank",
"Mina Blank",
"mina Blank",
"mine Blank",
"Ming Blank",
"ming Blank",
"mink Blank",
"mino Blank",
"mint Blank",
"minx Blank",
"miny Blank",
"mird Blank",
"mund Blank",
"pind Blank",
"Rind Blank",
"rind Blank",
"sind Blank",
"tind Blank",
"Wind Blank",
"wind Blank",
"Mind black",
"Mind blanc",
"Mind bland",
"Mind blink",
"Mind blunk",
"Mind brank",
"Mind clank",
"Mind flank",
"Mind plank",
"Mind slank"
"Mind Spike": [
"bind Spike",
"find Spike",
"hind Spike",
"kind Spike",
"mand Spike",
"mend Spike",
"mild Spike",
"Mina Spike",
"mina Spike",
"mine Spike",
"Ming Spike",
"ming Spike",
"mink Spike",
"mino Spike",
"mint Spike",
"minx Spike",
"miny Spike",
"mird Spike",
"mund Spike",
"pind Spike",
"Rind Spike",
"rind Spike",
"sind Spike",
"tind Spike",
"Wind Spike",
"wind Spike",
"Mind spice",
"Mind spiky",
"Mind spile",
"Mind spine",
"Mind spire",
"Mind spise",
"Mind spite",
"Mind spoke",
"Mind spuke"
"Minor Illusion": [
"manor Illusion",
"minar Illusion",
"miner Illusion",
"Minos Illusion",
"minot Illusion",
"Minor allusion",
"Minor illision"
"Mirage Arcane": [
"miragy Arcane",
"mirate Arcane",
"murage Arcane",
"Mirage arcade",
"Mirage arcana",
"Mirage arcate"
"Mirror Image": [
"Mirror imago"
"Mislead": [
"Misty Step": [
"fisty Step",
"masty Step",
"milty Step",
"minty Step",
"misky Step",
"missy Step",
"mitty Step",
"musty Step",
"Misty seep",
"Misty skep",
"Misty stap",
"Misty steg",
"Misty stem",
"Misty sten",
"Misty stet",
"Misty stew",
"Misty stey",
"Misty stop",
"Misty swep"
"Modify Memory": [
"codify Memory"
"Mold earth": [
"bold earth",
"cold earth",
"fold earth",
"Gold earth",
"gold earth",
"hold earth",
"meld earth",
"mild earth",
"Moed earth",
"Mola earth",
"mola earth",
"Mole earth",
"mole earth",
"Moll earth",
"molt earth",
"moly earth",
"mood earth",
"moud earth",
"sold earth",
"told earth",
"wold earth",
"Mold barth",
"Mold garth",
"Mold warth",
"Mold yarth"
"Mordenkainen’s Faithful Hound": [
"Mordenkainen’s Faithful bound",
"Mordenkainen’s Faithful found",
"Mordenkainen’s Faithful mound",
"Mordenkainen’s Faithful pound",
"Mordenkainen’s Faithful round",
"Mordenkainen’s Faithful sound",
"Mordenkainen’s Faithful wound"
"Mordenkainen’s Private Sanctum": [
"Mordenkainen’s primate Sanctum",
"Mordenkainen’s Private Sanctus"
"Mordenkainen’s Sword": [
"Mordenkainen’s soord",
"Mordenkainen’s sward",
"Mordenkainen’s swerd",
"Mordenkainen’s swird",
"Mordenkainen’s swore",
"Mordenkainen’s sworn"
"Move Earth": [
"cove Earth",
"dove Earth",
"gove Earth",
"hove Earth",
"Jove Earth",
"love Earth",
"mode Earth",
"moke Earth",
"Mole Earth",
"mole Earth",
"mome Earth",
"mone Earth",
"mope Earth",
"more Earth",
"Mose Earth",
"mote Earth",
"rove Earth",
"wove Earth",
"Move barth",
"Move garth",
"Move warth",
"Move yarth"
"Negative Energy Flood": [
"legative Energy Flood",
"Negative anergy Flood",
"Negative Energy blood",
"Negative Energy floor",
"Negative Energy Floyd"
"Nondetection": [
"Nystul’s Magic Aura": [
"Nystul’s mafic Aura",
"Nystul’s malic Aura",
"Nystul’s manic Aura",
"Nystul’s mazic Aura",
"Nystul’s Magic Agra",
"Nystul’s Magic Aira",
"Nystul’s Magic Akra",
"Nystul’s Magic akra",
"Nystul’s Magic amra",
"Nystul’s Magic Auca",
"Nystul’s Magic auca",
"Nystul’s Magic aula",
"Nystul’s Magic dura",
"Nystul’s Magic Hura",
"Nystul’s Magic hura",
"Nystul’s Magic Jura",
"Nystul’s Magic lura",
"Nystul’s Magic Mura",
"Nystul’s Magic mura",
"Nystul’s Magic sura"
"Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere": [
"Otiluke’s Freezing sphene",
"Otiluke’s Freezing sphery"
"Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere": [
"Otiluke’s Resilient sphene",
"Otiluke’s Resilient sphery"
"Otto’s Irresistible Dance": [
"Otto’s irresistibly Dance",
"Otto’s Irresistible dunce",
"Otto’s Irresistible hance",
"Otto’s Irresistible Lance",
"Otto’s Irresistible lance",
"Otto’s Irresistible Nance",
"Otto’s Irresistible rance",
"Otto’s Irresistible Vance"
"Pass Without Trace": [
"bass Without Trace",
"cass Without Trace",
"fass Without Trace",
"jass Without Trace",
"lass Without Trace",
"Mass Without Trace",
"mass Without Trace",
"pais Without Trace",
"pash Without Trace",
"pasi Without Trace",
"past Without Trace",
"pess Without Trace",
"piss Without Trace",
"poss Without Trace",
"puss Without Trace",
"Tass Without Trace",
"tass Without Trace",
"Pass Without brace",
"Pass Without Grace",
"Pass Without grace",
"Pass Without track",
"Pass Without tract",
"Pass Without Tracy",
"Pass Without trade",
"Pass Without trame",
"Pass Without trave",
"Pass Without trice",
"Pass Without truce"
"Phantasmal Force": [
"Phantasmal farce",
"Phantasmal forge",
"Phantasmal forme",
"Phantasmal forte",
"Phantasmal gorce"
"Phantasmal Killer": [
"Phantasmal biller",
"Phantasmal filler",
"Phantasmal giller",
"Phantasmal hiller",
"Phantasmal kilter",
"Phantasmal koller",
"Phantasmal miller",
"Phantasmal siller",
"Phantasmal tiller",
"Phantasmal willer"
"Phantom Steed (Ritual)": [
"Phantom skeed (Ritual)",
"Phantom speed (Ritual)",
"Phantom stead (Ritual)",
"Phantom steek (Ritual)",
"Phantom steel (Ritual)",
"Phantom Steen (Ritual)",
"Phantom steen (Ritual)",
"Phantom steep (Ritual)",
"Phantom steer (Ritual)",
"Phantom steid (Ritual)",
"Phantom stend (Ritual)"
"Planar Ally": [
"Phanar Ally",
"planer Ally",
"Planar ably",
"Planar Algy",
"Planar alky",
"Planar Alle",
"Planar illy"
"Planar Binding": [
"Phanar Binding",
"planer Binding",
"Planar banding",
"Planar bending",
"Planar bidding",
"Planar binning",
"Planar birding",
"Planar bonding",
"Planar finding",
"Planar minding",
"Planar winding"
"Plane Shift": [
"flane Shift",
"place Shift",
"plage Shift",
"plang Shift",
"plank Shift",
"plant Shift",
"plate Shift",
"slane Shift",
"Plane shaft",
"Plane shirt",
"Plane skift",
"Plane snift",
"Plane swift",
"Plane whift"
"Plant Growth": [
"plait Growth",
"plane Growth",
"plang Growth",
"plank Growth",
"Platt Growth",
"slant Growth",
"Plant trowth"
"Poison Spray": [
"foison Spray",
"prison Spray",
"Poison scray",
"Poison splay",
"Poison sprad",
"Poison sprag",
"Poison sprat",
"Poison stray"
"Power Word Heal": [
"bower Word Heal",
"cower Word Heal",
"dower Word Heal",
"jower Word Heal",
"lower Word Heal",
"mower Word Heal",
"pawer Word Heal",
"poker Word Heal",
"poler Word Heal",
"porer Word Heal",
"poser Word Heal",
"poter Word Heal",
"rower Word Heal",
"sower Word Heal",
"tower Word Heal",
"vower Word Heal",
"Power bord Heal",
"Power cord Heal",
"Power ford Heal",
"Power Lord Heal",
"Power lord Heal",
"Power oord Heal",
"Power ward Heal",
"Power wird Heal",
"Power woad Heal",
"Power wold Heal",
"Power wood Heal",
"Power wore Heal",
"Power work Heal",
"Power worm Heal",
"Power worn Heal",
"Power wort Heal",
"Power Word beal",
"Power Word deal",
"Power Word feal",
"Power Word geal",
"Power Word head",
"Power Word heaf",
"Power Word heap",
"Power Word hear",
"Power Word heat",
"Power Word heel",
"Power Word hell",
"Power Word heml",
"Power Word herl",
"Power Word leal",
"Power Word meal",
"Power Word Neal",
"Power Word neal",
"Power Word peal",
"Power Word Real",
"Power Word real",
"Power Word seal",
"Power Word teal",
"Power Word veal",
"Power Word weal",
"Power Word zeal"
"Power Word Kill": [
"bower Word Kill",
"cower Word Kill",
"dower Word Kill",
"jower Word Kill",
"lower Word Kill",
"mower Word Kill",
"pawer Word Kill",
"poker Word Kill",
"poler Word Kill",
"porer Word Kill",
"poser Word Kill",
"poter Word Kill",
"rower Word Kill",
"sower Word Kill",
"tower Word Kill",
"vower Word Kill",
"Power bord Kill",
"Power cord Kill",
"Power ford Kill",
"Power Lord Kill",
"Power lord Kill",
"Power oord Kill",
"Power ward Kill",
"Power wird Kill",
"Power woad Kill",
"Power wold Kill",
"Power wood Kill",
"Power wore Kill",
"Power work Kill",
"Power worm Kill",
"Power worn Kill",
"Power wort Kill",
"Power Word Bill",
"Power Word bill",
"Power Word dill",
"Power Word fill",
"Power Word Gill",
"Power Word gill",
"Power Word hill",
"Power Word Jill",
"Power Word kell",
"Power Word kiel",
"Power Word kiln",
"Power Word kilo",
"Power Word kilp",
"Power Word kilt",
"Power Word lill",
"Power Word mill",
"Power Word pill",
"Power Word rill",
"Power Word sill",
"Power Word till",
"Power Word vill",
"Power Word Will",
"Power Word will",
"Power Word yill"
"Power Word Pain": [
"bower Word Pain",
"cower Word Pain",
"dower Word Pain",
"jower Word Pain",
"lower Word Pain",
"mower Word Pain",
"pawer Word Pain",
"poker Word Pain",
"poler Word Pain",
"porer Word Pain",
"poser Word Pain",
"poter Word Pain",
"rower Word Pain",
"sower Word Pain",
"tower Word Pain",
"vower Word Pain",
"Power bord Pain",
"Power cord Pain",
"Power ford Pain",
"Power Lord Pain",
"Power lord Pain",
"Power oord Pain",
"Power ward Pain",
"Power wird Pain",
"Power woad Pain",
"Power wold Pain",
"Power wood Pain",
"Power wore Pain",
"Power work Pain",
"Power worm Pain",
"Power worn Pain",
"Power wort Pain",
"Power Word bain",
"Power Word Cain",
"Power Word cain",
"Power Word dain",
"Power Word fain",
"Power Word gain",
"Power Word hain",
"Power Word Jain",
"Power Word lain",
"Power Word main",
"Power Word nain",
"Power Word paik",
"Power Word pail",
"Power Word paip",
"Power Word pair",
"Power Word pais",
"Power Word paon",
"Power Word pawn",
"Power Word pyin",
"Power Word rain",
"Power Word sain",
"Power Word tain",
"Power Word vain",
"Power Word wain",
"Power Word zain"
"Power Word Stun": [
"bower Word Stun",
"cower Word Stun",
"dower Word Stun",
"jower Word Stun",
"lower Word Stun",
"mower Word Stun",
"pawer Word Stun",
"poker Word Stun",
"poler Word Stun",
"porer Word Stun",
"poser Word Stun",
"poter Word Stun",
"rower Word Stun",
"sower Word Stun",
"tower Word Stun",
"vower Word Stun",
"Power bord Stun",
"Power cord Stun",
"Power ford Stun",
"Power Lord Stun",
"Power lord Stun",
"Power oord Stun",
"Power ward Stun",
"Power wird Stun",
"Power woad Stun",
"Power wold Stun",
"Power wood Stun",
"Power wore Stun",
"Power work Stun",
"Power worm Stun",
"Power worn Stun",
"Power wort Stun",
"Power Word scun",
"Power Word shun",
"Power Word skun",
"Power Word spun",
"Power Word Stan",
"Power Word sten",
"Power Word stub",
"Power Word stud",
"Power Word stue",
"Power Word stug",
"Power Word stum",
"Power Word stut",
"Power Word Syun"
"Prayer of Healing": [
"brayer of Healing",
"crayer of Healing",
"player of Healing",
"Prater of Healing",
"prater of Healing",
"preyer of Healing",
"Prayer if Healing",
"Prayer Od Healing",
"Prayer od Healing",
"Prayer oe Healing",
"Prayer Og Healing",
"Prayer oh Healing",
"Prayer Ok Healing",
"Prayer om Healing",
"Prayer on Healing",
"Prayer or Healing",
"Prayer Os Healing",
"Prayer os Healing",
"Prayer ow Healing",
"Prayer ox Healing",
"Prayer of bealing",
"Prayer of dealing",
"Prayer of heading",
"Prayer of hearing",
"Prayer of heating",
"Prayer of heaving",
"Prayer of herling",
"Prayer of sealing",
"Prayer of yealing"
"Primal Savagery": [
"primar Savagery",
"prisal Savagery",
"Primal savagely"
"Primordial Ward": [
"Primordial bard",
"Primordial card",
"Primordial Dard",
"Primordial hard",
"Primordial lard",
"Primordial nard",
"Primordial pard",
"Primordial Sard",
"Primordial sard",
"Primordial Wafd",
"Primordial wand",
"Primordial ware",
"Primordial warf",
"Primordial wark",
"Primordial warl",
"Primordial warm",
"Primordial warn",
"Primordial warp",
"Primordial wart",
"Primordial wary",
"Primordial wird",
"Primordial word",
"Primordial yard",
"Primordial bard",
"Primordial card",
"Primordial Dard",
"Primordial hard",
"Primordial lard",
"Primordial nard",
"Primordial pard",
"Primordial Sard",
"Primordial sard",
"Primordial Wafd",
"Primordial wand",
"Primordial ware",
"Primordial warf",
"Primordial wark",
"Primordial warl",
"Primordial warm",
"Primordial warn",
"Primordial warp",
"Primordial wart",
"Primordial wary",
"Primordial wird",
"Primordial word",
"Primordial yard"
"Prismatic Spray": [
"Prismatic scray",
"Prismatic splay",
"Prismatic sprad",
"Prismatic sprag",
"Prismatic sprat",
"Prismatic stray"
"Prismatic Wall": [
"Prismatic ball",
"Prismatic call",
"Prismatic fall",
"Prismatic gall",
"Prismatic hall",
"Prismatic lall",
"Prismatic mall",
"Prismatic pall",
"Prismatic tall",
"Prismatic vall",
"Prismatic wail",
"Prismatic wale",
"Prismatic wali",
"Prismatic walk",
"Prismatic Walt",
"Prismatic walt",
"Prismatic warl",
"Prismatic waul",
"Prismatic well",
"Prismatic Will",
"Prismatic will",
"Prismatic wull"
"Produce Flame": [
"product Flame",
"Produce blame",
"Produce clame",
"Produce flake",
"Produce flamb",
"Produce flamy",
"Produce flane",
"Produce flare",
"Produce flume",
"Produce frame"
"Programmed Illusion": [
"programmer Illusion",
"Programmed allusion",
"Programmed illision"
"Project Image": [
"prosect Image",
"protect Image",
"provect Image",
"Project imago"
"Protection from Energy": [
"profection from Energy",
"projection from Energy",
"prosection from Energy",
"provection from Energy",
"Protection Crom Energy",
"Protection Fram Energy",
"Protection frim Energy",
"Protection froe Energy",
"Protection frog Energy",
"Protection frot Energy",
"Protection frow Energy",
"Protection from anergy"
"Protection from Evil and Good": [
"profection from Evil and Good",
"projection from Evil and Good",
"prosection from Evil and Good",
"provection from Evil and Good",
"Protection Crom Evil and Good",
"Protection Fram Evil and Good",
"Protection frim Evil and Good",
"Protection froe Evil and Good",
"Protection frog Evil and Good",
"Protection frot Evil and Good",
"Protection frow Evil and Good",
"Protection from Emil and Good",
"Protection from Evil add Good",
"Protection from Evil aid Good",
"Protection from Evil Ana Good",
"Protection from Evil ana Good",
"Protection from Evil ani Good",
"Protection from Evil Ann Good",
"Protection from Evil ann Good",
"Protection from Evil ant Good",
"Protection from Evil any Good",
"Protection from Evil awd Good",
"Protection from Evil end Good",
"Protection from Evil Ind Good",
"Protection from Evil and bood",
"Protection from Evil and food",
"Protection from Evil and goad",
"Protection from Evil and Gold",
"Protection from Evil and gold",
"Protection from Evil and Gond",
"Protection from Evil and goof",
"Protection from Evil and gook",
"Protection from Evil and gool",
"Protection from Evil and goon",
"Protection from Evil and Goop",
"Protection from Evil and hood",
"Protection from Evil and lood",
"Protection from Evil and mood",
"Protection from Evil and rood",
"Protection from Evil and wood"
"Protection from Poison": [
"profection from Poison",
"projection from Poison",
"prosection from Poison",
"provection from Poison",
"Protection Crom Poison",
"Protection Fram Poison",
"Protection frim Poison",
"Protection froe Poison",
"Protection frog Poison",
"Protection frot Poison",
"Protection frow Poison",
"Protection from foison",
"Protection from prison"
"Psychic Scream": [
"psychid Scream",
"Psychic acream",
"Psychic screak",
"Psychic stream"
"Purify Food and Drink (Ritual)": [
"aurify Food and Drink (Ritual)",
"furify Food and Drink (Ritual)",
"parify Food and Drink (Ritual)",
"purity Food and Drink (Ritual)",
"Purify bood and Drink (Ritual)",
"Purify feod and Drink (Ritual)",
"Purify fold and Drink (Ritual)",
"Purify fool and Drink (Ritual)",
"Purify foot and Drink (Ritual)",
"Purify ford and Drink (Ritual)",
"Purify foud and Drink (Ritual)",
"Purify good and Drink (Ritual)",
"Purify hood and Drink (Ritual)",
"Purify lood and Drink (Ritual)",
"Purify mood and Drink (Ritual)",
"Purify rood and Drink (Ritual)",
"Purify wood and Drink (Ritual)",
"Purify Food add Drink (Ritual)",
"Purify Food aid Drink (Ritual)",
"Purify Food Ana Drink (Ritual)",
"Purify Food ana Drink (Ritual)",
"Purify Food ani Drink (Ritual)",
"Purify Food Ann Drink (Ritual)",
"Purify Food ann Drink (Ritual)",
"Purify Food ant Drink (Ritual)",
"Purify Food any Drink (Ritual)",
"Purify Food awd Drink (Ritual)",
"Purify Food end Drink (Ritual)",
"Purify Food Ind Drink (Ritual)",
"Purify Food and brink (Ritual)",
"Purify Food and crink (Ritual)",
"Purify Food and deink (Ritual)",
"Purify Food and drank (Ritual)",
"Purify Food and drinn (Ritual)",
"Purify Food and drisk (Ritual)",
"Purify Food and drunk (Ritual)",
"Purify Food and prink (Ritual)",
"Purify Food and trink (Ritual)"
"Raise Dead": [
"Raiae Dead",
"rasse Dead",
"taise Dead",
"waise Dead",
"Raise bead",
"Raise deaf",
"Raise deal",
"Raise Dean",
"Raise dean",
"Raise dear",
"Raise deed",
"Raise duad",
"Raise dyad",
"Raise head",
"Raise Lead",
"Raise lead",
"Raise mead",
"Raise read",
"Raise tead"
"Rary’s Telepathic Bond (Ritual)": [
"Rary’s Telepathic band (Ritual)",
"Rary’s Telepathic bend (Ritual)",
"Rary’s Telepathic bind (Ritual)",
"Rary’s Telepathic boid (Ritual)",
"Rary’s Telepathic bold (Ritual)",
"Rary’s Telepathic bone (Ritual)",
"Rary’s Telepathic bong (Ritual)",
"Rary’s Telepathic Boni (Ritual)",
"Rary’s Telepathic bonk (Ritual)",
"Rary’s Telepathic bony (Ritual)",
"Rary’s Telepathic bood (Ritual)",
"Rary’s Telepathic bord (Ritual)",
"Rary’s Telepathic boud (Ritual)",
"Rary’s Telepathic Boyd (Ritual)",
"Rary’s Telepathic bund (Ritual)",
"Rary’s Telepathic cond (Ritual)",
"Rary’s Telepathic Gond (Ritual)",
"Rary’s Telepathic pond (Ritual)",
"Rary’s Telepathic rond (Ritual)",
"Rary’s Telepathic sond (Ritual)",
"Rary’s Telepathic yond (Ritual)"
"Ray of Enfeeblement": [
"bay of Enfeeblement",
"cay of Enfeeblement",
"day of Enfeeblement",
"Fay of Enfeeblement",
"fay of Enfeeblement",
"gay of Enfeeblement",
"hay of Enfeeblement",
"Jay of Enfeeblement",
"jay of Enfeeblement",
"Kay of Enfeeblement",
"kay of Enfeeblement",
"lay of Enfeeblement",
"May of Enfeeblement",
"may of Enfeeblement",
"nay of Enfeeblement",
"pay of Enfeeblement",
"Rab of Enfeeblement",
"rab of Enfeeblement",
"rad of Enfeeblement",
"rag of Enfeeblement",
"rah of Enfeeblement",
"Raj of Enfeeblement",
"raj of Enfeeblement",
"Ram of Enfeeblement",
"ram of Enfeeblement",
"Ran of Enfeeblement",
"ran of Enfeeblement",
"rap of Enfeeblement",
"ras of Enfeeblement",
"rat of Enfeeblement",
"raw of Enfeeblement",
"rax of Enfeeblement",
"Roy of Enfeeblement",
"say of Enfeeblement",
"tay of Enfeeblement",
"way of Enfeeblement",
"Ray if Enfeeblement",
"Ray Od Enfeeblement",
"Ray od Enfeeblement",
"Ray oe Enfeeblement",
"Ray Og Enfeeblement",
"Ray oh Enfeeblement",
"Ray Ok Enfeeblement",
"Ray om Enfeeblement",
"Ray on Enfeeblement",
"Ray or Enfeeblement",
"Ray Os Enfeeblement",
"Ray os Enfeeblement",
"Ray ow Enfeeblement",
"Ray ox Enfeeblement"
"Ray of Frost": [
"bay of Frost",
"cay of Frost",
"day of Frost",
"Fay of Frost",
"fay of Frost",
"gay of Frost",
"hay of Frost",
"Jay of Frost",
"jay of Frost",
"Kay of Frost",
"kay of Frost",
"lay of Frost",
"May of Frost",
"may of Frost",
"nay of Frost",
"pay of Frost",
"Rab of Frost",
"rab of Frost",
"rad of Frost",
"rag of Frost",
"rah of Frost",
"Raj of Frost",
"raj of Frost",
"Ram of Frost",
"ram of Frost",
"Ran of Frost",
"ran of Frost",
"rap of Frost",
"ras of Frost",
"rat of Frost",
"raw of Frost",
"rax of Frost",
"Roy of Frost",
"say of Frost",
"tay of Frost",
"way of Frost",
"Ray if Frost",
"Ray Od Frost",
"Ray od Frost",
"Ray oe Frost",
"Ray Og Frost",
"Ray oh Frost",
"Ray Ok Frost",
"Ray om Frost",
"Ray on Frost",
"Ray or Frost",
"Ray Os Frost",
"Ray os Frost",
"Ray ow Frost",
"Ray ox Frost",
"Ray of frist",
"Ray of front",
"Ray of frosh"
"Ray of Sickness": [
"bay of Sickness",
"cay of Sickness",
"day of Sickness",
"Fay of Sickness",
"fay of Sickness",
"gay of Sickness",
"hay of Sickness",
"Jay of Sickness",
"jay of Sickness",
"Kay of Sickness",
"kay of Sickness",
"lay of Sickness",
"May of Sickness",
"may of Sickness",
"nay of Sickness",
"pay of Sickness",
"Rab of Sickness",
"rab of Sickness",
"rad of Sickness",
"rag of Sickness",
"rah of Sickness",
"Raj of Sickness",
"raj of Sickness",
"Ram of Sickness",
"ram of Sickness",
"Ran of Sickness",
"ran of Sickness",
"rap of Sickness",
"ras of Sickness",
"rat of Sickness",
"raw of Sickness",
"rax of Sickness",
"Roy of Sickness",
"say of Sickness",
"tay of Sickness",
"way of Sickness",
"Ray if Sickness",
"Ray Od Sickness",
"Ray od Sickness",
"Ray oe Sickness",
"Ray Og Sickness",
"Ray oh Sickness",
"Ray Ok Sickness",
"Ray om Sickness",
"Ray on Sickness",
"Ray or Sickness",
"Ray Os Sickness",
"Ray os Sickness",
"Ray ow Sickness",
"Ray ox Sickness",
"Ray of sickless",
"Ray of silkness"
"Regenerate": [
"Remove Curse": [
"relove Curse",
"remote Curse",
"rewove Curse",
"Remove burse",
"Remove carse",
"Remove corse",
"Remove curie",
"Remove Cursa",
"Remove curst",
"Remove curve",
"Remove nurse",
"Remove purse",
"Remove turse"
"Resistance": [
"Reverse Gravity": [
"beverse Gravity",
"reverie Gravity",
"reversi Gravity",
"reverso Gravity",
"Reverse pravity"
"Rope Trick": [
"cope Trick",
"dope Trick",
"hope Trick",
"lope Trick",
"mope Trick",
"nope Trick",
"pope Trick",
"rape Trick",
"ripe Trick",
"robe Trick",
"rode Trick",
"roke Trick",
"role Trick",
"Rome Trick",
"rone Trick",
"ropp Trick",
"ropy Trick",
"rose Trick",
"rote Trick",
"roue Trick",
"rove Trick",
"rype Trick",
"sope Trick",
"tope Trick",
"Rope brick",
"Rope crick",
"Rope Erick",
"Rope prick",
"Rope thick",
"Rope track",
"Rope trica",
"Rope trice",
"Rope trink",
"Rope trock",
"Rope truck",
"Rope twick",
"Rope wrick"
"Sacred Flame": [
"nacred Flame",
"sacked Flame",
"sacrad Flame",
"Sacred blame",
"Sacred clame",
"Sacred flake",
"Sacred flamb",
"Sacred flamy",
"Sacred flane",
"Sacred flare",
"Sacred flume",
"Sacred frame"
"Scatter": [
"Scorching Ray": [
"scotching Ray",
"Scorching bay",
"Scorching cay",
"Scorching day",
"Scorching Fay",
"Scorching fay",
"Scorching gay",
"Scorching hay",
"Scorching Jay",
"Scorching jay",
"Scorching Kay",
"Scorching kay",
"Scorching lay",
"Scorching May",
"Scorching may",
"Scorching nay",
"Scorching pay",
"Scorching Rab",
"Scorching rab",
"Scorching rad",
"Scorching rag",
"Scorching rah",
"Scorching Raj",
"Scorching raj",
"Scorching Ram",
"Scorching ram",
"Scorching Ran",
"Scorching ran",
"Scorching rap",
"Scorching ras",
"Scorching rat",
"Scorching raw",
"Scorching rax",
"Scorching Roy",
"Scorching say",
"Scorching tay",
"Scorching way"
"Searing Smite": [
"bearing Smite",
"gearing Smite",
"hearing Smite",
"sealing Smite",
"seaming Smite",
"seating Smite",
"soaring Smite",
"sparing Smite",
"staring Smite",
"tearing Smite",
"wearing Smite",
"Searing Saite",
"Searing skite",
"Searing slite",
"Searing smile",
"Searing smith",
"Searing smote",
"Searing snite",
"Searing spite",
"Searing stite",
"Searing suite"
"See invisibility": [
"Bee invisibility",
"bee invisibility",
"cee invisibility",
"dee invisibility",
"fee invisibility",
"Gee invisibility",
"gee invisibility",
"Kee invisibility",
"Lee invisibility",
"lee invisibility",
"nee invisibility",
"pee invisibility",
"Ree invisibility",
"ree invisibility",
"sea invisibility",
"sec invisibility",
"seg invisibility",
"sen invisibility",
"ser invisibility",
"set invisibility",
"sew invisibility",
"sex invisibility",
"sey invisibility",
"she invisibility",
"sie invisibility",
"soe invisibility",
"Sue invisibility",
"sue invisibility",
"sye invisibility",
"tee invisibility",
"vee invisibility",
"wee invisibility",
"yee invisibility",
"zee invisibility"
"Seeming": [
"Sending": [
"Sequester": [
"Shadow Blade": [
"Shadow blady",
"Shadow Blake",
"Shadow blake",
"Shadow blame",
"Shadow blare",
"Shadow blase",
"Shadow blate",
"Shadow blaze",
"Shadow glade",
"Shadow slade"
"Shadow of Moil": [
"Shadow if Moil",
"Shadow Od Moil",
"Shadow od Moil",
"Shadow oe Moil",
"Shadow Og Moil",
"Shadow oh Moil",
"Shadow Ok Moil",
"Shadow om Moil",
"Shadow on Moil",
"Shadow or Moil",
"Shadow Os Moil",
"Shadow os Moil",
"Shadow ow Moil",
"Shadow ox Moil",
"Shadow of boil",
"Shadow of coil",
"Shadow of foil",
"Shadow of koil",
"Shadow of mail",
"Shadow of moio",
"Shadow of moit",
"Shadow of Moll",
"Shadow of mool",
"Shadow of moul",
"Shadow of noil",
"Shadow of poil",
"Shadow of roil",
"Shadow of soil",
"Shadow of toil"
"Shape Water": [
"chape Water",
"scape Water",
"shade Water",
"shake Water",
"shale Water",
"shame Water",
"Shane Water",
"shaps Water",
"shapy Water",
"share Water",
"shave Water",
"slape Water",
"snape Water",
"swape Water",
"Shape bater",
"Shape cater",
"Shape dater",
"Shape eater",
"Shape gater",
"Shape hater",
"Shape later",
"Shape mater",
"Shape pater",
"Shape rater",
"Shape tater",
"Shape wader",
"Shape wafer",
"Shape wager",
"Shape waker",
"Shape Waler",
"Shape waler",
"Shape waver",
"Shape waxer"
"Shatter": [
"Shield": [
"Shield of Faith": [
"chield of Faith",
"Shield if Faith",
"Shield Od Faith",
"Shield od Faith",
"Shield oe Faith",
"Shield Og Faith",
"Shield oh Faith",
"Shield Ok Faith",
"Shield om Faith",
"Shield on Faith",
"Shield or Faith",
"Shield Os Faith",
"Shield os Faith",
"Shield ow Faith",
"Shield ox Faith",
"Shield of baith",
"Shield of frith"
"Shocking Grasp": [
"shucking Grasp",
"smocking Grasp",
"stocking Grasp",
"Shocking graip",
"Shocking gramp",
"Shocking grass"
"Sickening Radiance": [
"Sickening radiancy"
"Silence (Ritual)": [
"silency (Ritual)"
"Silent Image": [
"Silene Image",
"sileni Image",
"sklent Image",
"solent Image",
"Silent imago"
"Skill Empowerment": [
"shill Empowerment",
"skell Empowerment",
"skirl Empowerment",
"skull Empowerment",
"spill Empowerment",
"still Empowerment",
"swill Empowerment",
"Skill embowerment"
"Sleep": [
"Sleet Storm": [
"fleet Storm",
"gleet Storm",
"sheet Storm",
"skeet Storm",
"sleek Storm",
"sleep Storm",
"sleer Storm",
"slent Storm",
"slept Storm",
"sweet Storm",
"Sleet store",
"Sleet stork",
"Sleet story"
"Slow": [
"Snare": [
"Snilloc’s Snowball Swarm": [
"Snilloc’s snowbell Swarm",
"Snilloc’s snowfall Swarm",
"Snilloc’s Snowball smarm",
"Snilloc’s Snowball sparm",
"Snilloc’s Snowball sward",
"Snilloc’s Snowball sware",
"Snilloc’s Snowball swarf",
"Snilloc’s Snowball swart"
"Soul Cage": [
"Aoul Cage",
"coul Cage",
"foul Cage",
"moul Cage",
"Saul Cage",
"shul Cage",
"soil Cage",
"sool Cage",
"soud Cage",
"soum Cage",
"soup Cage",
"sour Cage",
"sowl Cage",
"youl Cage",
"Soul cade",
"Soul Cagn",
"Soul cake",
"Soul Came",
"Soul came",
"Soul cane",
"Soul Cape",
"Soul cape",
"Soul care",
"Soul Case",
"Soul case",
"Soul cate",
"Soul cave",
"Soul fage",
"Soul gage",
"Soul mage",
"Soul Page",
"Soul page",
"Soul rage",
"Soul sage",
"Soul vage",
"Soul wage"
"Spare the Dying": [
"scare the Dying",
"share the Dying",
"slare the Dying",
"snare the Dying",
"Space the Dying",
"space the Dying",
"spade the Dying",
"spale the Dying",
"spane the Dying",
"spark the Dying",
"sparm the Dying",
"spart the Dying",
"spary the Dying",
"spate the Dying",
"spave the Dying",
"spire the Dying",
"spore the Dying",
"stare the Dying",
"sware the Dying",
"Spare che Dying",
"Spare rhe Dying",
"Spare she Dying",
"Spare tae Dying",
"Spare tee Dying",
"Spare tha Dying",
"Spare Tho Dying",
"Spare tho Dying",
"Spare thy Dying",
"Spare tie Dying",
"Spare toe Dying",
"Spare tue Dying",
"Spare tye Dying",
"Spare the doing",
"Spare the eying",
"Spare the hying",
"Spare the lying",
"Spare the tying",
"Spare the vying"
"Speak with Animals (Ritual)": [
"apeak with Animals (Ritual)",
"sneak with Animals (Ritual)",
"speal with Animals (Ritual)",
"spean with Animals (Ritual)",
"spear with Animals (Ritual)",
"speck with Animals (Ritual)",
"spelk with Animals (Ritual)",
"steak with Animals (Ritual)",
"Speak gith Animals (Ritual)",
"Speak kith Animals (Ritual)",
"Speak lith Animals (Ritual)",
"Speak pith Animals (Ritual)",
"Speak sith Animals (Ritual)",
"Speak wath Animals (Ritual)",
"Speak wish Animals (Ritual)",
"Speak wite Animals (Ritual)"
"Speak with Dead": [
"apeak with Dead",
"sneak with Dead",
"speal with Dead",
"spean with Dead",
"spear with Dead",
"speck with Dead",
"spelk with Dead",
"steak with Dead",
"Speak gith Dead",
"Speak kith Dead",
"Speak lith Dead",
"Speak pith Dead",
"Speak sith Dead",
"Speak wath Dead",
"Speak wish Dead",
"Speak wite Dead",
"Speak with bead",
"Speak with deaf",
"Speak with deal",
"Speak with Dean",
"Speak with dean",
"Speak with dear",
"Speak with deed",
"Speak with duad",
"Speak with dyad",
"Speak with head",
"Speak with Lead",
"Speak with lead",
"Speak with mead",
"Speak with read",
"Speak with tead"
"Speak with Plants": [
"apeak with Plants",
"sneak with Plants",
"speal with Plants",
"spean with Plants",
"spear with Plants",
"speck with Plants",
"spelk with Plants",
"steak with Plants",
"Speak gith Plants",
"Speak kith Plants",
"Speak lith Plants",
"Speak pith Plants",
"Speak sith Plants",
"Speak wath Plants",
"Speak wish Plants",
"Speak wite Plants",
"Speak with planta"
"Spider Climb": [
"slider Climb",
"spader Climb",
"spicer Climb",
"spiker Climb",
"spiler Climb",
"Spider clamb",
"Spider clima",
"Spider clime",
"Spider clomb"
"Spike Growth": [
"spice Growth",
"spiky Growth",
"spile Growth",
"spine Growth",
"spire Growth",
"spise Growth",
"spite Growth",
"spoke Growth",
"spuke Growth",
"Spike trowth"
"Spiritual Weapon": [
"Spiritual weason"
"Staggering Smite": [
"swaggering Smite",
"Staggering Saite",
"Staggering skite",
"Staggering slite",
"Staggering smile",
"Staggering smith",
"Staggering smote",
"Staggering snite",
"Staggering spite",
"Staggering stite",
"Staggering suite"
"Steel Wind Strike": [
"skeel Wind Strike",
"speel Wind Strike",
"steal Wind Strike",
"steed Wind Strike",
"steek Wind Strike",
"Steen Wind Strike",
"steen Wind Strike",
"steep Wind Strike",
"steer Wind Strike",
"stell Wind Strike",
"Steel bind Strike",
"Steel find Strike",
"Steel hind Strike",
"Steel kind Strike",
"Steel mind Strike",
"Steel pind Strike",
"Steel Rind Strike",
"Steel rind Strike",
"Steel sind Strike",
"Steel tind Strike",
"Steel wand Strike",
"Steel Wend Strike",
"Steel wend Strike",
"Steel wild Strike",
"Steel wine Strike",
"Steel wing Strike",
"Steel wink Strike",
"Steel wint Strike",
"Steel winy Strike",
"Steel wird Strike",
"Steel wynd Strike",
"Steel Wind scrike",
"Steel Wind shrike",
"Steel Wind skrike",
"Steel Wind strake",
"Steel Wind streke",
"Steel Wind striae",
"Steel Wind stride",
"Steel Wind strife",
"Steel Wind stripe",
"Steel Wind strive",
"Steel Wind stroke"
"Stinking Cloud": [
"skinking Cloud",
"slinking Cloud",
"sticking Cloud",
"stinging Cloud",
"Stinking aloud",
"Stinking clour",
"Stinking clout"
"Stone Shape": [
"atone Shape",
"scone Shape",
"shone Shape",
"slone Shape",
"stane Shape",
"stine Shape",
"stoke Shape",
"stole Shape",
"stond Shape",
"stong Shape",
"stony Shape",
"stope Shape",
"store Shape",
"stove Shape",
"Stone chape",
"Stone scape",
"Stone shade",
"Stone shake",
"Stone shale",
"Stone shame",
"Stone Shane",
"Stone shaps",
"Stone shapy",
"Stone share",
"Stone shave",
"Stone slape",
"Stone snape",
"Stone swape"
"Storm of Vengeance": [
"store of Vengeance",
"stork of Vengeance",
"story of Vengeance",
"Storm if Vengeance",
"Storm Od Vengeance",
"Storm od Vengeance",
"Storm oe Vengeance",
"Storm Og Vengeance",
"Storm oh Vengeance",
"Storm Ok Vengeance",
"Storm om Vengeance",
"Storm on Vengeance",
"Storm or Vengeance",
"Storm Os Vengeance",
"Storm os Vengeance",
"Storm ow Vengeance",
"Storm ox Vengeance"
"Storm Sphere": [
"store Sphere",
"stork Sphere",
"story Sphere",
"Storm sphene",
"Storm sphery"
"Summon Greater Demon": [
"simmon Greater Demon",
"Summon greaser Demon",
"Summon greaten Demon",
"Summon greeter Demon",
"Summon treater Demon",
"Summon Greater Damon",
"Summon Greater demob",
"Summon Greater demos",
"Summon Greater Devon",
"Summon Greater lemon"
"Summon Lesser Demons": [
"simmon Lesser Demons",
"Summon cesser Demons",
"Summon leaser Demons",
"Summon lessee Demons",
"Summon lessen Demons",
"Summon lessor Demons",
"Summon Lester Demons",
"Summon messer Demons"
"Sunburst": [
"Swift Quiver": [
"shift Quiver",
"skift Quiver",
"snift Quiver",
"Swift quaver"
"Sword Burst": [
"soord Burst",
"sward Burst",
"swerd Burst",
"swird Burst",
"swore Burst",
"sworn Burst",
"Sword buist",
"Sword buret",
"Sword burnt",
"Sword bursa",
"Sword burse",
"Sword Burut",
"Sword curst",
"Sword durst",
"Sword hurst"
"Synaptic Static": [
"synactic Static",
"synoptic Static",
"Synaptic stadic"
"Tasha’s Hideous Laughter": [
"Tasha’s Hideous daughter"
"Telekinesis": [
"Teleport": [
"Temple of the Gods": [
"kemple of the Gods",
"tempre of the Gods",
"Temple if the Gods",
"Temple Od the Gods",
"Temple od the Gods",
"Temple oe the Gods",
"Temple Og the Gods",
"Temple oh the Gods",
"Temple Ok the Gods",
"Temple om the Gods",
"Temple on the Gods",
"Temple or the Gods",
"Temple Os the Gods",
"Temple os the Gods",
"Temple ow the Gods",
"Temple ox the Gods",
"Temple of che Gods",
"Temple of rhe Gods",
"Temple of she Gods",
"Temple of tae Gods",
"Temple of tee Gods",
"Temple of tha Gods",
"Temple of Tho Gods",
"Temple of tho Gods",
"Temple of thy Gods",
"Temple of tie Gods",
"Temple of toe Gods",
"Temple of tue Gods",
"Temple of tye Gods",
"Temple of the gode",
"Temple of the goes"
"Tenser’s Floating Disk (Ritual)": [
"Tenser’s bloating Disk (Ritual)",
"Tenser’s flouting Disk (Ritual)",
"Tenser’s gloating Disk (Ritual)",
"Tenser’s Floating desk (Ritual)",
"Tenser’s Floating Dick (Ritual)",
"Tenser’s Floating dick (Ritual)",
"Tenser’s Floating dink (Ritual)",
"Tenser’s Floating Dirk (Ritual)",
"Tenser’s Floating dirk (Ritual)",
"Tenser’s Floating Disa (Ritual)",
"Tenser’s Floating disc (Ritual)",
"Tenser’s Floating dish (Ritual)",
"Tenser’s Floating diss (Ritual)",
"Tenser’s Floating dusk (Ritual)",
"Tenser’s Floating lisk (Ritual)",
"Tenser’s Floating pisk (Ritual)",
"Tenser’s Floating risk (Ritual)"
"Thaumaturgy": [
"Thorn Whip": [
"shorn Whip",
"thore Whip",
"thoro Whip",
"thorp Whip",
"thort Whip",
"Thorn Chip",
"Thorn chip",
"Thorn ship",
"Thorn whap",
"Thorn whid",
"Thorn Whig",
"Thorn whig",
"Thorn whim",
"Thorn whin",
"Thorn whir",
"Thorn Whit",
"Thorn whit",
"Thorn whiz",
"Thorn whop",
"Thorn whup"
"Thunder Step": [
"thonder Step",
"Thunder seep",
"Thunder skep",
"Thunder stap",
"Thunder steg",
"Thunder stem",
"Thunder sten",
"Thunder stet",
"Thunder stew",
"Thunder stey",
"Thunder stop",
"Thunder swep"
"Thunderous Smite": [
"Thunderous Saite",
"Thunderous skite",
"Thunderous slite",
"Thunderous smile",
"Thunderous smith",
"Thunderous smote",
"Thunderous snite",
"Thunderous spite",
"Thunderous stite",
"Thunderous suite"
"Tidal Wave": [
"nidal Wave",
"tical Wave",
"Tidal cave",
"Tidal Dave",
"Tidal eave",
"Tidal gave",
"Tidal have",
"Tidal lave",
"Tidal nave",
"Tidal pave",
"Tidal rave",
"Tidal save",
"Tidal Tave",
"Tidal tave",
"Tidal wabe",
"Tidal wace",
"Tidal Wade",
"Tidal wade",
"Tidal wage",
"Tidal wake",
"Tidal wale",
"Tidal wame",
"Tidal wane",
"Tidal ware",
"Tidal wase",
"Tidal wavy",
"Tidal weve",
"Tidal wive",
"Tidal wove",
"Tidal wyve"
"Time Stop": [
"dime Stop",
"lime Stop",
"Mime Stop",
"mime Stop",
"oime Stop",
"rime Stop",
"sime Stop",
"Tame Stop",
"tame Stop",
"tice Stop",
"tide Stop",
"tige Stop",
"tile Stop",
"Timo Stop",
"tine Stop",
"tipe Stop",
"tire Stop",
"tite Stop",
"tome Stop",
"tume Stop",
"wime Stop",
"Time atop",
"Time shop",
"Time slop",
"Time snop",
"Time stap",
"Time step",
"Time stoa",
"Time stob",
"Time stod",
"Time stof",
"Time stog",
"Time stot",
"Time stow"
"Tiny Servant": [
"liny Servant",
"miny Servant",
"piny Servant",
"tidy Servant",
"Tina Servant",
"tind Servant",
"tine Servant",
"Ting Servant",
"ting Servant",
"tink Servant",
"Tino Servant",
"tint Servant",
"tivy Servant",
"Tony Servant",
"tony Servant",
"tuny Servant",
"viny Servant",
"winy Servant"
"Toll the Dead": [
"boll the Dead",
"coll the Dead",
"doll the Dead",
"Goll the Dead",
"holl the Dead",
"joll the Dead",
"loll the Dead",
"Moll the Dead",
"Noll the Dead",
"noll the Dead",
"Poll the Dead",
"poll the Dead",
"roll the Dead",
"tall the Dead",
"tell the Dead",
"till the Dead",
"toil the Dead",
"told the Dead",
"tole the Dead",
"tolt the Dead",
"tolu the Dead",
"tool the Dead",
"zoll the Dead",
"Toll che Dead",
"Toll rhe Dead",
"Toll she Dead",
"Toll tae Dead",
"Toll tee Dead",
"Toll tha Dead",
"Toll Tho Dead",
"Toll tho Dead",
"Toll thy Dead",
"Toll tie Dead",
"Toll toe Dead",
"Toll tue Dead",
"Toll tye Dead",
"Toll the bead",
"Toll the deaf",
"Toll the deal",
"Toll the Dean",
"Toll the dean",
"Toll the dear",
"Toll the deed",
"Toll the duad",
"Toll the dyad",
"Toll the head",
"Toll the Lead",
"Toll the lead",
"Toll the mead",
"Toll the read",
"Toll the tead"
"Tongues": [
"Transmute Rock": [
"Transmute bock",
"Transmute cock",
"Transmute dock",
"Transmute hock",
"Transmute Jock",
"Transmute jock",
"Transmute lock",
"Transmute mock",
"Transmute nock",
"Transmute pock",
"Transmute rack",
"Transmute reck",
"Transmute Rick",
"Transmute rick",
"Transmute rook",
"Transmute ruck",
"Transmute sock",
"Transmute tock",
"Transmute yock"
"Transport via Plants": [
"Transport hia Plants",
"Transport Pia Plants",
"Transport pia Plants",
"Transport ria Plants",
"Transport Sia Plants",
"Transport Vic Plants",
"Transport vie Plants",
"Transport vim Plants",
"Transport Vip Plants",
"Transport vis Plants",
"Transport via planta"
"Trap the Soul": [
"crap the Soul",
"frap the Soul",
"teap the Soul",
"trag the Soul",
"trah the Soul",
"tram the Soul",
"Tran the Soul",
"tray the Soul",
"trip the Soul",
"tryp the Soul",
"wrap the Soul",
"Trap che Soul",
"Trap rhe Soul",
"Trap she Soul",
"Trap tae Soul",
"Trap tee Soul",
"Trap tha Soul",
"Trap Tho Soul",
"Trap tho Soul",
"Trap thy Soul",
"Trap tie Soul",
"Trap toe Soul",
"Trap tue Soul",
"Trap tye Soul",
"Trap the Aoul",
"Trap the coul",
"Trap the foul",
"Trap the moul",
"Trap the Saul",
"Trap the shul",
"Trap the soil",
"Trap the sool",
"Trap the soud",
"Trap the soum",
"Trap the soup",
"Trap the sour",
"Trap the sowl",
"Trap the youl"
"Tree Stride": [
"bree Stride",
"Cree Stride",
"cree Stride",
"dree Stride",
"free Stride",
"gree Stride",
"thee Stride",
"tref Stride",
"trek Stride",
"tret Stride",
"Trey Stride",
"trey Stride",
"true Stride",
"twee Stride",
"tyee Stride",
"Tree scride",
"Tree strade",
"Tree striae",
"Tree strife",
"Tree strike",
"Tree stripe",
"Tree strive",
"Tree strode"
"True Polymorph": [
"grue Polymorph",
"Prue Polymorph",
"tree Polymorph",
"trub Polymorph",
"trug Polymorph",
"trun Polymorph"
"True Resurrection": [
"grue Resurrection",
"Prue Resurrection",
"tree Resurrection",
"trub Resurrection",
"trug Resurrection",
"trun Resurrection"
"True Seeing": [
"grue Seeing",
"Prue Seeing",
"tree Seeing",
"trub Seeing",
"trug Seeing",
"trun Seeing",
"True sewing"
"True Strike": [
"grue Strike",
"Prue Strike",
"tree Strike",
"trub Strike",
"trug Strike",
"trun Strike",
"True scrike",
"True shrike",
"True skrike",
"True strake",
"True streke",
"True striae",
"True stride",
"True strife",
"True stripe",
"True strive",
"True stroke"
"Unseen Servant (Ritual)": [
"unsewn Servant (Ritual)"
"Vampiric Touch": [
"Vampiric couch",
"Vampiric louch",
"Vampiric pouch",
"Vampiric torch",
"Vampiric tough",
"Vampiric vouch",
"Vampiric wouch"
"Vicious Mockery": [
"Vicious monkery",
"Vicious rockery"
"Vitriolic Sphere": [
"Vitriolic sphene",
"Vitriolic sphery"
"Wall of Fire": [
"ball of Fire",
"call of Fire",
"fall of Fire",
"gall of Fire",
"hall of Fire",
"lall of Fire",
"mall of Fire",
"pall of Fire",
"tall of Fire",
"vall of Fire",
"wail of Fire",
"wale of Fire",
"wali of Fire",
"walk of Fire",
"Walt of Fire",
"walt of Fire",
"warl of Fire",
"waul of Fire",
"well of Fire",
"Will of Fire",
"will of Fire",
"wull of Fire",
"Wall if Fire",
"Wall Od Fire",
"Wall od Fire",
"Wall oe Fire",
"Wall Og Fire",
"Wall oh Fire",
"Wall Ok Fire",
"Wall om Fire",
"Wall on Fire",
"Wall or Fire",
"Wall Os Fire",
"Wall os Fire",
"Wall ow Fire",
"Wall ox Fire",
"Wall of aire",
"Wall of dire",
"Wall of fare",
"Wall of fice",
"Wall of fide",
"Wall of Fife",
"Wall of fife",
"Wall of fike",
"Wall of file",
"Wall of fine",
"Wall of firk",
"Wall of firm",
"Wall of firn",
"Wall of fise",
"Wall of five",
"Wall of fore",
"Wall of hire",
"Wall of lire",
"Wall of mire",
"Wall of sire",
"Wall of tire",
"Wall of vire",
"Wall of wire"
"Wall of Force": [
"ball of Force",
"call of Force",
"fall of Force",
"gall of Force",
"hall of Force",
"lall of Force",
"mall of Force",
"pall of Force",
"tall of Force",
"vall of Force",
"wail of Force",
"wale of Force",
"wali of Force",
"walk of Force",
"Walt of Force",
"walt of Force",
"warl of Force",
"waul of Force",
"well of Force",
"Will of Force",
"will of Force",
"wull of Force",
"Wall if Force",
"Wall Od Force",
"Wall od Force",
"Wall oe Force",
"Wall Og Force",
"Wall oh Force",
"Wall Ok Force",
"Wall om Force",
"Wall on Force",
"Wall or Force",
"Wall Os Force",
"Wall os Force",
"Wall ow Force",
"Wall ox Force",
"Wall of farce",
"Wall of forge",
"Wall of forme",
"Wall of forte",
"Wall of gorce"
"Wall of Ice": [
"ball of Ice",
"call of Ice",
"fall of Ice",
"gall of Ice",
"hall of Ice",
"lall of Ice",
"mall of Ice",
"pall of Ice",
"tall of Ice",
"vall of Ice",
"wail of Ice",
"wale of Ice",
"wali of Ice",
"walk of Ice",
"Walt of Ice",
"walt of Ice",
"warl of Ice",
"waul of Ice",
"well of Ice",
"Will of Ice",
"will of Ice",
"wull of Ice",
"Wall if Ice",
"Wall Od Ice",
"Wall od Ice",
"Wall oe Ice",
"Wall Og Ice",
"Wall oh Ice",
"Wall Ok Ice",
"Wall om Ice",
"Wall on Ice",
"Wall or Ice",
"Wall Os Ice",
"Wall os Ice",
"Wall ow Ice",
"Wall ox Ice",
"Wall of ace",
"Wall of ich",
"Wall of icy",
"Wall of ide",
"Wall of ife",
"Wall of Ike",
"Wall of ire"
"Wall of Light": [
"ball of Light",
"call of Light",
"fall of Light",
"gall of Light",
"hall of Light",
"lall of Light",
"mall of Light",
"pall of Light",
"tall of Light",
"vall of Light",
"wail of Light",
"wale of Light",
"wali of Light",
"walk of Light",
"Walt of Light",
"walt of Light",
"warl of Light",
"waul of Light",
"well of Light",
"Will of Light",
"will of Light",
"wull of Light",
"Wall if Light",
"Wall Od Light",
"Wall od Light",
"Wall oe Light",
"Wall Og Light",
"Wall oh Light",
"Wall Ok Light",
"Wall om Light",
"Wall on Light",
"Wall or Light",
"Wall Os Light",
"Wall os Light",
"Wall ow Light",
"Wall ox Light",
"Wall of bight",
"Wall of dight",
"Wall of eight",
"Wall of fight",
"Wall of hight",
"Wall of might",
"Wall of night",
"Wall of right",
"Wall of sight",
"Wall of tight",
"Wall of wight"
"Wall of Sand": [
"ball of Sand",
"call of Sand",
"fall of Sand",
"gall of Sand",
"hall of Sand",
"lall of Sand",
"mall of Sand",
"pall of Sand",
"tall of Sand",
"vall of Sand",
"wail of Sand",
"wale of Sand",
"wali of Sand",
"walk of Sand",
"Walt of Sand",
"walt of Sand",
"warl of Sand",
"waul of Sand",
"well of Sand",
"Will of Sand",
"will of Sand",
"wull of Sand",
"Wall if Sand",
"Wall Od Sand",
"Wall od Sand",
"Wall oe Sand",
"Wall Og Sand",
"Wall oh Sand",
"Wall Ok Sand",
"Wall om Sand",
"Wall on Sand",
"Wall or Sand",
"Wall Os Sand",
"Wall os Sand",
"Wall ow Sand",
"Wall ox Sand",
"Wall of band",
"Wall of cand",
"Wall of dand",
"Wall of fand",
"Wall of hand",
"Wall of land",
"Wall of mand",
"Wall of pand",
"Wall of Rand",
"Wall of rand",
"Wall of Saad",
"Wall of said",
"Wall of sane",
"Wall of sang",
"Wall of sank",
"Wall of sans",
"Wall of sant",
"Wall of Sard",
"Wall of sard",
"Wall of send",
"Wall of sind",
"Wall of sond",
"Wall of wand"
"Wall of Stone": [
"ball of Stone",
"call of Stone",
"fall of Stone",
"gall of Stone",
"hall of Stone",
"lall of Stone",
"mall of Stone",
"pall of Stone",
"tall of Stone",
"vall of Stone",
"wail of Stone",
"wale of Stone",
"wali of Stone",
"walk of Stone",
"Walt of Stone",
"walt of Stone",
"warl of Stone",
"waul of Stone",
"well of Stone",
"Will of Stone",
"will of Stone",
"wull of Stone",
"Wall if Stone",
"Wall Od Stone",
"Wall od Stone",
"Wall oe Stone",
"Wall Og Stone",
"Wall oh Stone",
"Wall Ok Stone",
"Wall om Stone",
"Wall on Stone",
"Wall or Stone",
"Wall Os Stone",
"Wall os Stone",
"Wall ow Stone",
"Wall ox Stone",
"Wall of atone",
"Wall of scone",
"Wall of shone",
"Wall of slone",
"Wall of stane",
"Wall of stine",
"Wall of stoke",
"Wall of stole",
"Wall of stond",
"Wall of stong",
"Wall of stony",
"Wall of stope",
"Wall of store",
"Wall of stove"
"Wall of Thorns": [
"ball of Thorns",
"call of Thorns",
"fall of Thorns",
"gall of Thorns",
"hall of Thorns",
"lall of Thorns",
"mall of Thorns",
"pall of Thorns",
"tall of Thorns",
"vall of Thorns",
"wail of Thorns",
"wale of Thorns",
"wali of Thorns",
"walk of Thorns",
"Walt of Thorns",
"walt of Thorns",
"warl of Thorns",
"waul of Thorns",
"well of Thorns",
"Will of Thorns",
"will of Thorns",
"wull of Thorns",
"Wall if Thorns",
"Wall Od Thorns",
"Wall od Thorns",
"Wall oe Thorns",
"Wall Og Thorns",
"Wall oh Thorns",
"Wall Ok Thorns",
"Wall om Thorns",
"Wall on Thorns",
"Wall or Thorns",
"Wall Os Thorns",
"Wall os Thorns",
"Wall ow Thorns",
"Wall ox Thorns",
"Wall of thorny"
"Wall of Water": [
"ball of Water",
"call of Water",
"fall of Water",
"gall of Water",
"hall of Water",
"lall of Water",
"mall of Water",
"pall of Water",
"tall of Water",
"vall of Water",
"wail of Water",
"wale of Water",
"wali of Water",
"walk of Water",
"Walt of Water",
"walt of Water",
"warl of Water",
"waul of Water",
"well of Water",
"Will of Water",
"will of Water",
"wull of Water",
"Wall if Water",
"Wall Od Water",
"Wall od Water",
"Wall oe Water",
"Wall Og Water",
"Wall oh Water",
"Wall Ok Water",
"Wall om Water",
"Wall on Water",
"Wall or Water",
"Wall Os Water",
"Wall os Water",
"Wall ow Water",
"Wall ox Water",
"Wall of bater",
"Wall of cater",
"Wall of dater",
"Wall of eater",
"Wall of gater",
"Wall of hater",
"Wall of later",
"Wall of mater",
"Wall of pater",
"Wall of rater",
"Wall of tater",
"Wall of wader",
"Wall of wafer",
"Wall of wager",
"Wall of waker",
"Wall of Waler",
"Wall of waler",
"Wall of waver",
"Wall of waxer"
"Warding Bond": [
"barding Bond",
"carding Bond",
"wadding Bond",
"warming Bond",
"warning Bond",
"warping Bond",
"wording Bond",
"yarding Bond",
"Warding band",
"Warding bend",
"Warding bind",
"Warding boid",
"Warding bold",
"Warding bone",
"Warding bong",
"Warding Boni",
"Warding bonk",
"Warding bony",
"Warding bood",
"Warding bord",
"Warding boud",
"Warding Boyd",
"Warding bund",
"Warding cond",
"Warding Gond",
"Warding pond",
"Warding rond",
"Warding sond",
"Warding yond"
"Warding Wind": [
"barding Wind",
"carding Wind",
"wadding Wind",
"warming Wind",
"warning Wind",
"warping Wind",
"wording Wind",
"yarding Wind",
"Warding bind",
"Warding find",
"Warding hind",
"Warding kind",
"Warding mind",
"Warding pind",
"Warding Rind",
"Warding rind",
"Warding sind",
"Warding tind",
"Warding wand",
"Warding Wend",
"Warding wend",
"Warding wild",
"Warding wine",
"Warding wing",
"Warding wink",
"Warding wint",
"Warding winy",
"Warding wird",
"Warding wynd"
"Water Breathing (Ritual)": [
"bater Breathing (Ritual)",
"cater Breathing (Ritual)",
"dater Breathing (Ritual)",
"eater Breathing (Ritual)",
"gater Breathing (Ritual)",
"hater Breathing (Ritual)",
"later Breathing (Ritual)",
"mater Breathing (Ritual)",
"pater Breathing (Ritual)",
"rater Breathing (Ritual)",
"tater Breathing (Ritual)",
"wader Breathing (Ritual)",
"wafer Breathing (Ritual)",
"wager Breathing (Ritual)",
"waker Breathing (Ritual)",
"Waler Breathing (Ritual)",
"waler Breathing (Ritual)",
"waver Breathing (Ritual)",
"waxer Breathing (Ritual)"
"Water Walk (Ritual)": [
"bater Walk (Ritual)",
"cater Walk (Ritual)",
"dater Walk (Ritual)",
"eater Walk (Ritual)",
"gater Walk (Ritual)",
"hater Walk (Ritual)",
"later Walk (Ritual)",
"mater Walk (Ritual)",
"pater Walk (Ritual)",
"rater Walk (Ritual)",
"tater Walk (Ritual)",
"wader Walk (Ritual)",
"wafer Walk (Ritual)",
"wager Walk (Ritual)",
"waker Walk (Ritual)",
"Waler Walk (Ritual)",
"waler Walk (Ritual)",
"waver Walk (Ritual)",
"waxer Walk (Ritual)",
"Water balk (Ritual)",
"Water calk (Ritual)",
"Water dalk (Ritual)",
"Water talk (Ritual)",
"Water wack (Ritual)",
"Water waik (Ritual)",
"Water wale (Ritual)",
"Water wali (Ritual)",
"Water wall (Ritual)",
"Water Walt (Ritual)",
"Water walt (Ritual)",
"Water wark (Ritual)",
"Water welk (Ritual)",
"Water wilk (Ritual)",
"Water wulk (Ritual)"
"Watery Sphere": [
"eatery Sphere",
"wafery Sphere",
"wavery Sphere",
"Watery sphene",
"Watery sphery"
"Web": [
"Weird": [
"Wind Walk": [
"bind Walk",
"find Walk",
"hind Walk",
"kind Walk",
"mind Walk",
"pind Walk",
"Rind Walk",
"rind Walk",
"sind Walk",
"tind Walk",
"wand Walk",
"Wend Walk",
"wend Walk",
"wild Walk",
"wine Walk",
"wing Walk",
"wink Walk",
"wint Walk",
"winy Walk",
"wird Walk",
"wynd Walk",
"Wind balk",
"Wind calk",
"Wind dalk",
"Wind talk",
"Wind wack",
"Wind waik",
"Wind wale",
"Wind wali",
"Wind wall",
"Wind Walt",
"Wind walt",
"Wind wark",
"Wind welk",
"Wind wilk",
"Wind wulk"
"Wind Wall": [
"bind Wall",
"find Wall",
"hind Wall",
"kind Wall",
"mind Wall",
"pind Wall",
"Rind Wall",
"rind Wall",
"sind Wall",
"tind Wall",
"wand Wall",
"Wend Wall",
"wend Wall",
"wild Wall",
"wine Wall",
"wing Wall",
"wink Wall",
"wint Wall",
"winy Wall",
"wird Wall",
"wynd Wall",
"Wind ball",
"Wind call",
"Wind fall",
"Wind gall",
"Wind hall",
"Wind lall",
"Wind mall",
"Wind pall",
"Wind tall",
"Wind vall",
"Wind wail",
"Wind wale",
"Wind wali",
"Wind walk",
"Wind Walt",
"Wind walt",
"Wind warl",
"Wind waul",
"Wind well",
"Wind Will",
"Wind will",
"Wind wull"
"Wish": [
"Witch Bolt": [
"aitch Bolt",
"bitch Bolt",
"ditch Bolt",
"fitch Bolt",
"hitch Bolt",
"litch Bolt",
"Mitch Bolt",
"nitch Bolt",
"pitch Bolt",
"sitch Bolt",
"watch Bolt",
"winch Bolt",
"Witch Balt",
"Witch belt",
"Witch boat",
"Witch bola",
"Witch bold",
"Witch bole",
"Witch bolk",
"Witch boll",
"Witch Bolo",
"Witch bolo",
"Witch boot",
"Witch bort",
"Witch bott",
"Witch bout",
"Witch bult",
"Witch Colt",
"Witch colt",
"Witch dolt",
"Witch holt",
"Witch jolt",
"Witch molt",
"Witch polt",
"Witch tolt",
"Witch volt"
"Word of Radiance": [
"bord of Radiance",
"cord of Radiance",
"ford of Radiance",
"Lord of Radiance",
"lord of Radiance",
"oord of Radiance",
"ward of Radiance",
"wird of Radiance",
"woad of Radiance",
"wold of Radiance",
"wood of Radiance",
"wore of Radiance",
"work of Radiance",
"worm of Radiance",
"worn of Radiance",
"wort of Radiance",
"Word if Radiance",
"Word Od Radiance",
"Word od Radiance",
"Word oe Radiance",
"Word Og Radiance",
"Word oh Radiance",
"Word Ok Radiance",
"Word om Radiance",
"Word on Radiance",
"Word or Radiance",
"Word Os Radiance",
"Word os Radiance",
"Word ow Radiance",
"Word ox Radiance",
"Word of radiancy"
"Word of Recall": [
"bord of Recall",
"cord of Recall",
"ford of Recall",
"Lord of Recall",
"lord of Recall",
"oord of Recall",
"ward of Recall",
"wird of Recall",
"woad of Recall",
"wold of Recall",
"wood of Recall",
"wore of Recall",
"work of Recall",
"worm of Recall",
"worn of Recall",
"wort of Recall",
"Word if Recall",
"Word Od Recall",
"Word od Recall",
"Word oe Recall",
"Word Og Recall",
"Word oh Recall",
"Word Ok Recall",
"Word om Recall",
"Word on Recall",
"Word or Recall",
"Word Os Recall",
"Word os Recall",
"Word ow Recall",
"Word ox Recall",
"Word of becall",
"Word of recalk",
"Word of refall",
"Word of rewall"
"Wrath of Nature": [
"writh of Nature",
"wroth of Nature",
"Wrath if Nature",
"Wrath Od Nature",
"Wrath od Nature",
"Wrath oe Nature",
"Wrath Og Nature",
"Wrath oh Nature",
"Wrath Ok Nature",
"Wrath om Nature",
"Wrath on Nature",
"Wrath or Nature",
"Wrath Os Nature",
"Wrath os Nature",
"Wrath ow Nature",
"Wrath ox Nature",
"Wrath of mature"
"Wrathful Smite": [
"wrothful Smite",
"Wrathful Saite",
"Wrathful skite",
"Wrathful slite",
"Wrathful smile",
"Wrathful smith",
"Wrathful smote",
"Wrathful snite",
"Wrathful spite",
"Wrathful stite",
"Wrathful suite"
"Zephyr Strike": [
"Zephyr scrike",
"Zephyr shrike",
"Zephyr skrike",
"Zephyr strake",
"Zephyr streke",
"Zephyr striae",
"Zephyr stride",
"Zephyr strife",
"Zephyr stripe",
"Zephyr strive",
"Zephyr stroke"
"Zone of Truth": [
"bone of Truth",
"cone of Truth",
"done of Truth",
"gone of Truth",
"hone of Truth",
"Ione of Truth",
"lone of Truth",
"mone of Truth",
"none of Truth",
"pone of Truth",
"rone of Truth",
"tone of Truth",
"wone of Truth",
"Zone if Truth",
"Zone Od Truth",
"Zone od Truth",
"Zone oe Truth",
"Zone Og Truth",
"Zone oh Truth",
"Zone Ok Truth",
"Zone om Truth",
"Zone on Truth",
"Zone or Truth",
"Zone Os Truth",
"Zone os Truth",
"Zone ow Truth",
"Zone ox Truth",
"Zone of cruth",
"Zone of troth",
"Zone of trush"
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