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Created January 29, 2016 02:00
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(defn code-mirror
"Create a code-mirror editor. The parameters:
value-atom (reagent atom)
when this changes, the editor will update to reflect it.
:style (reagent style map)
will be applied to the container element
options passed into the CodeMirror constructor
:on-cm-init (fn [cm] -> nil)
called with the CodeMirror instance, for whatever extra fiddling you want to do."
[value-atom {:keys [style
(let [cm (atom nil)]
(fn [this]
(let [el (r/dom-node this)
inst (js/CodeMirror.
{:lineNumbers false
:viewportMargin js/Infinity
:matchBrackets true
:autofocus true
:value @value-atom
:autoCloseBrackets true
:mode "clojure"}
(reset! cm inst)
(.on inst "change"
(fn []
(let [value (.getValue inst)]
(when-not (= value @value-atom)
(on-change value)))))
(when on-cm-init
(on-cm-init inst))
(fn [this old-argv]
(when-not (= @value-atom (.getValue @cm))
(.setValue @cm @value-atom)
;; reset the cursor to the end of the text, if the text was changed externally
(let [last-line (.lastLine @cm)
last-ch (count (.getLine @cm last-line))]
(.setCursor @cm last-line last-ch))))
(fn [_ _ _]
[:div {:style style}])})))
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Also, note that r/dom-node ( has moved from reagent.core to reagent.dom

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