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Last active January 9, 2017 13:10
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Some notes on getting a chrome dev tools setup in a blink world.
This assumes osx. and that you have read
1. Easiest way to run a basic server is just to use python, you should already have that installed.
2. The docs say "Set up a local web server that would serve files from WebKit/Source/WebCore/inspector on some port (8090)" this is out of date.
the correct path is /path/to/checkedout/blink/Source/devtools run python -m SimpleHTTPServer in this directory. Starts on 8000 by default change with python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8090
3. Running chrome from the command line, you want to run something like
/Applications/Google\ Chrome\\ Chrome\ Canary --user-data-dir=/Users/wyles/blink/chromeServerProfile --remote-debugging-port=9222 --remote-debugging-frontend="http://localhost:8000/front_end/inspector.html"
Note - i found that paths are not expanded so use a full path not ~/ for your home directoy.
4. that is hard to remember, throw it into a shell script in your ~/bin (you have one right?).
5. Also add /Applications/Google\ Chrome\\ Chrome\ Canary --user-data-dir=/Users/wyles/blink/chromeclient
The rest of the doc is up to date. Most of it is html/css/js it does expose some helpful features through c++ but for ui only changes, all html/css/js.
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