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Last active April 20, 2020 15:46
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`ReplaySubject` with `.send(completion:)`
final class ReplaySubject<Output, Failure: Error>: Subject {
typealias Output = Output
typealias Failure = Failure
private let bufferSize: Int
private var completion: Subscribers.Completion<Failure>? /// (1) We’ll need to hold onto any received completion event.
private var isActive: Bool { /// (2) Providing a more readable shim over `completion`, we can lean on this
/// computed property to bottom out any value or completion events sent after the first (since forwarding them
/// through would likely cause undefined behavior in the subscription graph).
completion == nil
private var subscriptions = [Subscription]() /// (3) Holding onto any existing subscriptions, so we can
/// forward completions their way.
init(bufferSize: Int) {
self.bufferSize = bufferSize
func send(subscription: Combine.Subscription) {
func send(completion: Subscribers.Completion<Failure>) {
guard isActive else { return } /// (4) Fence off any completions received after the first.
self.completion = completion
subscriptions.forEach { $0.forward(completion: completion) } /// (5) Forwarding completions. For now, let’s
/// add a placeholder `ReplaySubject.Subscription.forward(completion:)` method over at `(6)`.
func send(_ value: Output) { /* … */ }
func receive<Subscriber: Combine.Subscriber>(
subscriber: Subscriber
) where Failure == Subscriber.Failure, Output == Subscriber.Input { /* … */ }
extension ReplaySubject {
final class Subscription: Combine.Subscription {
func request(_ demand: Subscribers.Demand) { /* … */ }
func cancel() { /* … */ }
func forward(completion: Subscribers.Completion<Failure>) { /// (6) To be filled in, soon.
/* … */
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