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Last active January 26, 2021 01:24
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The core bits of the CaptionsGeneration sample project.
// …in ContentView.swift in the linked sample project.
struct State: Equatable {
var transcription = ""
var isFetchingTranscription = false
enum Action {
case onAppear
case setTranscriptionString(String)
case transcriptionResult(Result<String, NSError>)
case fetchTranscription
let transcriptionReducer = Reducer<State, Action, Void> { state, action, _ in
switch action {
case .onAppear: // (1)
return Effect.fireAndForget {
SFSpeechRecognizer.requestAuthorization { _ in }
case .fetchTranscription:
state.isFetchingTranscription = true
// (2)
return transcriptionEffect(Bundle.main.url(forResource: "sample", withExtension: "m4a")!)
.subscribe(on: .userInitiated))
.catchToEffect() // Converts an Effect<Output, Failure> to an Effect<Result<Output, Failure>, Never>.
// This is another form of [materialization](
.receive(on: DispatchQueue.main)
.map(Action.transcriptionResult) // Packs the result back into an action the reducer can handle.
case let .setTranscriptionString(transcription):
// …
case let .transcriptionResult(result):
// …
// …
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