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Created December 10, 2010 22:18
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Snippet from Zepto.js, translated to CoffeeScript.
var adjacencyOperators = {
append: 'beforeEnd',
prepend: 'afterBegin',
before: 'beforeBegin',
after: 'afterEnd'
for (key in adjacencyOperators)
$.fn[key] = (function(operator) {
return function(html){
return this.each(function(element){
element['insertAdjacent' + (html instanceof Element ? 'Element' : 'HTML')](operator, html);
adjacencyOperators =
append: 'beforeEnd'
prepend: 'afterBegin'
before: 'beforeBegin'
after: 'afterEnd'
for key of adjacencyOperators
$.fn[key] = (html) ->
@each (element) ->
element['insertAdjacent' + (if html instanceof Element then 'Element' else 'HTML')] operator, html
var adjacencyOperators, _fn;
adjacencyOperators = {
append: 'beforeEnd',
prepend: 'afterBegin',
before: 'beforeBegin',
after: 'afterEnd'
_fn = function(key) {
return $.fn[key] = function(html) {
return this.each(function(element) {
return element['insertAdjacent' + (html instanceof Element ? 'Element' : 'HTML')](operator, html);
for (key in adjacencyOperators) {
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