[build_status_badge_if_any] [code_coverage_badge_if_any]
Replace this text with service detail description.
- What is the purpose of this service ?
- Background why this service is needed
Replace this text with service main features. Add
if any.
Replace this text with
Replace this text with
Make sure to include the version also.
Replace this with project folder structure. It would be great if you can share the description for each folder. e.g.
|- application.default.yml
|- src/
|- models
|- repositories
|- services
|- test
|- repositories
|- services
If the application has a database, it’s helpful to know the type of database, the server information as described above, the version, and if possible, the data model diagram or table information as below.
Key | Type | Description |
user_id | string | user_id is using uuid generated by the service |
Replace this text with detail step-by-step:
- what are pre-requisites needed to run this service e.g. install libraries, plugins, etc
- how to setup application config
- what mandatory keys should be changed to enable development
- how to run tests in this service
- how to do database migration (for dev-only)
Replace this text with detail step-by-step of service deployment.
- What are things that need to be done before deploying the service:
- cookbooks, contact infra team for create boxes, etc.
If the type of this service is
, then you can follow below format:
GET /something
Replace this text with API description. Flow chart: [flow_chart_link_if_any]
*** REQUEST ***
"Content-Type": "application/json"
"Authorization": "Bearer 960d1261-6009-4e86-8351-7f0e2d73cb68"
*** RESPONSE ***
"something_name": "something_value"
POST /create-something
Replace this text with API description. Flow chart: [flow_chart_link_if_any]
*** REQUEST ***
"Content-Type": "application/json"
"Authorization": "Bearer 960d1261-6009-4e86-8351-7f0e2d73cb68"
"something_name": "something_value"
[BODY / JSON] Use this format if need ...
"something_name": "something_value",
"something_reference": "something_value"
*** RESPONSE ***
[200 / JSON]
"something_name": "something_value"
[400 / JSON]
"something_name": "something_value"
[401 / JSON]
"something_name": "something_value"
If the type of this service is
, then you can follow below format:
rpc GetSomething (SomethingQuery) returns (SomethingResult)
Replace this text with API description. Flow chart: [flow_chart_link_if_any]
[REQUEST] SomethingQuery
Key | Type |
token | string |
wallet_id | string |
[RESPONSE] SomethingResult
Key | Type |
success | boolean |
Replace this text if you encountered any issue during development and know how to solve the issue.
- Link to external diagrams (if any)
- Other information related to this service