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Jason Brooks jasonbrooks

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jasonbrooks / index.js
Created February 9, 2013 17:06
voxel.js game
var createGame = require('voxel-engine')
function sphereWorld(x, y, z) {
// return the index of the material you want to show up
// 0 is air
if (x*x + y*y + z*z > 15*15) return 0
return 3
var game = createGame({
  1. git clone git://

  2. cd pelican

  3. python install

  4. pelican-import --wpfile -o ~/$output-location ~/Downloads/$wp-xml-file

  5. cd ~/$output-location

  6. for i in *.rst; do pandoc $i --no-wrap -f rst -t asciidoc post-content.html -o $i.adoc

  7. rename .rst.adoc .adoc *.rst.adoc

  8. use sed to cleanup [haven’t tested these sed bits myself yet]

jasonbrooks / soft-iwarp.adoc
Created June 20, 2013 10:53
Toward a method of testing Gluster RDMA with regular ethernet NICs, for the hardware-challenged. For now, I have the installing soft-iwarp on Fedora 18 part down (I think). Up next, the getting it to work with Gluster RDMA part...

Testing Gluster RDMA with Soft-iWARP

There’s a Gluster 3.4 RDMA test day right around the corner, and I want to join in on the fun. The trouble is, I don’t have any RDMA-capable hardware in my lab right now. Undaunted, I hit the Web in search of a software-based solution, one that would at least allow me to run through the tests.

I found a pair of promising-looking options:

The information out on the web about these projects is a bit thinner than I’d like, but I found a blog post howto on installing Soft-iWARP on Ubuntu 10.10 and another for Debian 6 and figured I’d try it out on Fedora 18.

jasonbrooks / up-and-running-ovirt33.adoc
Last active September 24, 2017 13:31
oVirt 3.3 All in One Howto

Up and Running with oVirt 3.3

The oVirt Project is now putting the finishing touches on version 3.3 of oVirt, the KVM-based virtualization management platform. The release will be feature-packed, including expanded support for Gluster storage, new integration points for OpenStack’s Neutron networking and Glance image services, and a raft of new extensibility and usability upgrades.

oVirt 3.3 also sports an overhauled All-in-One (AIO) setup plugin, which makes it easy to get up and running with oVirt on a single machine to see what oVirt can do for you.


  • Hardware: You’ll need a machine with at least 4GB RAM and processors with hardware virtualization extensions. A physical machine is best, but you can test oVirt effectively using nested KVM as well.

jasonbrooks / ovirt33-glusterized.adoc
Last active December 22, 2015 13:09
Glusterizing Your oVirt 3.3 AIO Install

Glusterizing Your All in One Install

The All-in-One install I’ve detailed above includes everything you need to run virtual machines and get a feel for what oVirt can do, but the downside of the local storage domain type is that it limits you to that single AIO node.

You can shift your AIO install to a shared storage configuration to invite additional nodes to the party, and oVirt has supported the usual shared storage suspects such as NFS and iSCSI since the beginning.

New in oVirt 3.3, however, is a storage domain type for GlusterFS that takes advantage of Gluster’s new libgfapi feature to boost performance compared to FUSE or NFS-based methods of accessing Gluster storage with oVirt.

With a GlusterFS data center in oVirt, you can distribute your storage resources right alongside your compute resources. As a new feature, GlusterFS domain support is rougher around the edges than more established parts of oVirt, but once you get it up and run

jasonbrooks / products.json
Last active August 29, 2015 13:59
products.json for project atomic fedora image
"comment": "Atomic Container Controller",
"osname": "project-atomic-controller",
"repo": "http://YOUR_REPO_SERVER_HERE/repo",
"architectures": ["x86_64"],
"releases": ["fc20"],
jasonbrooks / Dockerfile
Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
Dockerfile for Middleman
FROM centos:centos7
RUN yum upgrade -y && yum clean all
RUN yum install -y tar rubygems-devel rubygem-bundler ruby-devel git make gcc gcc-c++ patch curl-devel ImageMagick && yum clean all
ADD config.rb /tmp/config.rb
ADD data /tmp/data
ADD Gemfile /tmp/Gemfile
ADD Gemfile.lock /tmp/Gemfile.lock
ADD lib /tmp/lib
jasonbrooks /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:07


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Atomic Host Definition [Discussion Draft]

This document is meant to serve as a baseline definition for Project Atomic hosts, to be implemented from CentOS, Fedora, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).

The purpose of the document is not to restrict the packages or services offered with an Atomic host, but to ensure a baseline of functionality and working standard that each product team can implement before adding additional functionality.

The initial working draft is being taken from work going into RHEL Atomic, but it is expected that the CentOS Atomic SIG and Fedora Cloud Workgroup will provide input and direction to Project Atomic going forward. This is simply the first cut at a shared understanding that gives each team a basis for cooperation.

Atomic Host Definition

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  • I am jasonbrooks on github.
  • I am jasonbrooks ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is C7AB 6F73 5864 1B43 FBDB 407E E9AA C42C E8C9 644C

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