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Created November 29, 2017 15:49
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Elixir Meetup - Slides - Jason Goodwin - Nov2017
# Functional Programming Paradigms In Elixir
- Objectives:
- Understand functional programming a bit better
- Categorize and understand approaches
- See which approaches fit which problems
- Map concepts and approaches from Scala/Haskell to elixir
# Jason Goodwin
- Scala guy
- Wrote books on FP, Actor Model, Distributed Systems (O'Reilly, Packt)
- Built some big scale things (mDialog, bought by Google)
^ akka is modelled after erlang
# We're Hiring
- Elixir/OTP, Scala, Akka, Kafka, Event Sourcing, CQRS...
# #1 Challenge In Programming
# Complexity
- Software gets more complex over time
- Functional programming can help us tackle the complexity
# Level-Set: Object Oriented
- brings data and logic together
class Lamp {
isOn = false // Data/state
def flickSwitch() { isOn = !isOn } // Behavior
^ A class should have related behavior and logic
^ Objects interact with each other encapsulating their state
^ (tell don't ask)
# Level-Set: Functional Programming
- separates data and logic
def flick_switch(lamp), do: {lamp | !lamp.is_on}
lamp = %Lamp{is_on: false}
new_lamp = flick_switch(lamp)
^ functions act on data
^ chain together functions to build complex applications
# Tools exist to help us manage the complexity!
# Algebraic Data Types
- A composite type formed by combining other types
- 'Algebraic' because it is a Sum of either `Type a | Type b`
- Can be used to express effects like nil and failure
- Can also describe a Product (eg tuples)
^ So remember these two categories of ADTs
^ They look different between scala and elixir
^ but express the same ideas
^ I'm not going to say "oh you should use this library or that library - we are focusing on core concepts here"
# Tagged Tuples
- A result:
- `{:ok, result}`
- `{:error, message}`
- ^ tagged!
# Variants
- `Try[T]`
- `Success[T]`
- `Failure[Exception]`
# List
# List
list match {
case head :: tail => println(s"cons cell with $head")
case Nil => println("end of list!")
case list do
[head | tail] -> IO.puts "cons cell with #{inspect head}"
[] -> IO.puts "end of list!"
^ Even though these are expressed differently, a List still consists of a cons cell or a nil/empty list in both languages
# Maybe/Option
^ Now this might look a bit strange to you if you're coming from ruby
^ Languages like java8, scala and haskell have this construct in their core
^ the idea is to create safety and eliminate null pointer exceptions
^ it moves the null effect to a type, and makes it explicit
^ you never actually return nil so there are no making mistakes
# Maybe/Option
Option(maybeNullFun()) match {
case Some(x) => println(s"got $x")
case None => println("nothing!")
case maybeNullFun() do
{:just, x} -> IO.puts "got #{inspect x}"
{:none} -> IO.puts "nothing!"
^ Instead of returning nil you could put the result in a record
^ It becomes explicit that it can return a null
# Try/Result
# Try/Result
Try(dangerousFun()) match {
case Success(x) => println(s"successfully got $x")
case Failure(t: Throwable) => println(s"failed with $t")
case dangerousFun() do
{:ok, x} -> IO.puts "successfully got #{inspect x}"
{:error, msg} -> IO.puts "failed with #{msg}"
^ This is a more common record in elixir
^ in elixir we can represent a result in the same way, and we do this all the time
# Data Pipelines are Assembly Lines
- input |> validate |> transform |> respond
# Data Pipelines are Assembly Lines
- input |> validate! |> transform! |> respond
# Pipes
- Assumes value in/value out
- Good for pure functions, or if throwing
- Doesn't work well with our tagged tuples
`input |> next_fun |> another_fun`
# Example of Pipe w/ ADTs
|> read_chunks()
|> wrap()
defp read_chunks({:ok, binary}) do
{:ok, :beam_lib.chunks(binary, :abstract_code)}
defp read_chunks(error), do: error
defp wrap({:ok, data}) do
{:ok, wrap(data)}
defp wrap(error), do: error
# Railway Oriented Programming
- Offers a solution to the previous example
- Expands macros to handle errors and pass them along
# Railway Oriented Programming
- Strings together a bunch of operations
- If an error is encountered, processing "switches tracks" and passes error along.
# Railway Oriented Programming
>>> DateTime.from_unix # {:ok, #DateTime<...>}
>>> Timex.format("{ISO:Extended}") # {:ok, "2016-02-29T12:30:30.120+00:00"}
>>> DateTime.from_iso8601 # {:error, :invalid_format}
>>> Whatever.function # ^^^ passed along
# Problem with Pipe and RoP
- Simple, easy to use and understand but...
- Limited to certain contracts
- Poor composability!!
# Composability: Consider...
- Building a bank account status page:
- Get user account from user id
- Get checking account
- Get savings account
![fit align left](
^ Go get one thing, then get two more things with the result, then return all three of the results
# Monads
> Monads have also been explained with a physical metaphor as assembly lines, where a conveyor belt transports data between functional units that transform it one step at a time.
-- Wikipedia
^ A category of a type
^ "higher kinded type"
^ User class is to User object, as Monad is to Try, Maybe, etc
# Monads in Pictures
- Google "monads in pictures",_applicatives,_and_monads_in_pictures.html
# Monads
- informally: category of a type which has "bind" aka "flatmap"
- flatmap can chain together a bunch of monads
- Like "RoP," will pass any "bad" result along
- ` => x+3)`
# What if map returns a wrapped value??
- ` => maybeHalf(x))`
# Flatmap in Monads
- Monads apply a function that returns a wrapped value to a wrapped value.
- maybeNumber.flatMap(x => maybeHalf(x)).flatMap(x => maybeHalf(x))
# Remember our earlier example?
![fit align left](
# (horrible) Try Monad in Scala
flatMap(user =>
flatMap(checkings =>
map(savings =>
makeOrder(user, checkings, savings))))
//Try[(User, Acct, Acct)]
^ We take user and flatmap will "unwrap it"
^ we can get a "wrapped" checkings account with the unwrapped user and put it off to the side for later
^ then use the user to get the savings account
^ then we can call make order which gives us another try
^ flat map will handle all unwrapping all of the containrs so we end up with our result in a one container
# Try in Scala rewritten with Comprehension
for {
user <- getUser(username)
checkings <- getCheckingAccount(
savings <- getSavingsAccount(
} yield makeOrder(user, checkings, savings)
# 'WITH' - NO 'M' WORD!
- Looks very similar to scala comprehensions of monads!
with {:ok, user} <- get_user(username),
{:ok, checkings} <- get_checking_account(,
{:ok, savings} <- get_savings_account(
{:ok, make_order(user, checkings, savings)}
{:error, _} -> {:error, "failed to build order!"}
^ handles :ok/:error in processing pipeline
^ passes errors through (good parts of RoP)
^ handles multiple response structures if needed
^ composability!
# Asynchronous Composition!
- account example expects synchronous responses
{:ok, user} <- get_user(username)
checking_task <- Task.async(fn -> get_checking_account( end)
savings_task <- Task.async(fn -> get_savings_account( end)
{:ok, checkings} <- Task.await checkings_task,
{:ok, savings} <- Task.await savings_task,
do: {:ok, make_order(user, checkings, savings)}
# A Linked List is an ADT
List("ok") match {
case x :: tail => println("cons cell")
case Nil => println("empty list")
# Equivalent in Elixir
``` elixir
def iterate([head | tail]), do: iterate tail
def iterate([]), do: # done!
case Repository.insert record do
{:ok, result} -> # happy path
{:error, msg} -> # error path
^ Pattern matching is a core language feature in all functional languages
^ Algebraic data types is just a term used to describe categories of types
^ In elixir this is usually represented as a tuple of :ok and :error
^ You could think of a list also being either a cons cell with a value and a reference to another list, or an empty list.
^ You could think of nil vs not nil as categories as well
^ Elixir doesn't have ADTs, but we can envision the same semantics
^ example ^ for example DateTime.from_unix(4) DateTime.from_iso8601("b")
# ADT Example
- Example of an ADT implemented in Elixir with `algae``
defmodule Maybe do
defsum do
defdata Nothing :: none()
defdata Just :: any()
#=> %Maybe.Nothing{}
^ Some people have tried to introduce ADTs into elixir
^ It's not impossible, but just not idiomatic
# Level Set: Immutability
``` elixir
x = 1
my_fn = fn() -> x end
x = 2
1 = my_fn.() # matches!
^ ^^ my_fn.() returns 1!
^ Elixir supports name rebinding but the original variable x is not mutated
^ This is a bit less important - going to talk a lot more about the ADTs or "categories" of things and how to compose them together in elixir
# Problem 1: Single Possibly Null Value
> I call it my billion-dollar mistake. [...] I was designing the first comprehensive type system for references in an object-oriented language. My goal was to ensure that all use of references should be absolutely safe, with checking performed automatically by the compiler. But I couldn’t resist the temptation to put in a null reference, simply because it was so easy to implement. This has led to innumerable errors which have probably caused a billion dollars of pain and damage in the last forty years.
– Tony Hoare, Inventor of ALGOL W.
^ You guys are used to seeing :ok and :error atoms so I'm going to demonstrate most of this processing with nil/not nil to get you to think more laterally about processing data
^ for example DateTime.from_unix(4) DateTime.from_iso8601("b")
# Option/Maybe and ADTs
- draw a picture here
# Option/Maybe in Scala
``` scala
val x = Option(maybeNull) // produces either Some(value) or None
.getOrElse(default) // returns the value in Some or default if None
- method declaration explicit about null return type
- expresses the null _effect_ as a type for safety
# Simple "Maybe" Idiom in Elixir
``` elixir
x = maybe_nil || default
- Rubyism - `"bob"` is not equivalent to `true` in most languages
- Works in elixir because nil is falsy and references are truthy
# Problem 2: Explicit Some/None Return Value from One Function
- or Success/Failure (:ok/:error)
- or whatever categories of result!
# Scala Option Result Type
def getUserFromDatabase(username: String): Option[User] = ???
getUserFromDatabase(username) match {
case Some(user) => user
case None => User(username)
- Explicit null possibility expressed in type signature
^ Probably looks familiar to you if you're working with elixir
^ Except you know with certainty that this can return a null
# Getting there With Elixir
- Earlier example is not enough `x = maybe_nil || default`
- Want to express "categories" of responses
# Simple Algebraic Data Types
- Express "categories" of types/responses
- eg. Some or None, Success or Failure
# How do we get there with Elixir?
- In elixir, common idiom is to use a tuple
- try/success/failure:
- `{:ok, result}`
- `{:error, error_message}`
- maybe/some/none:
- `{:ok, greater_than_five_message}`
- `{:none}`
^ I've already been hinting at this so this shouldn't be much of a suprise
^ But we're going to take this example a lot farther
# In Use
def get_user_from_database(username), do: ...
case get_user_from_database("bob") do
{:ok, user} -> user
{:none} -> %User{name: "bob"}
- You see this a lot with failures instead of raising exceptions
- `{:ok, result}` or `{:error, message}`
^ May be better than returning nil because it's very explicit that it can be null.
^ It's like raising vs responding with :ok
# The problem with that
- Lots of cognitive load
- How do you chain together a bunch of operations?
|> something_that_can_fail
|> something_else_that_can_fail
|> oh_snap
# Problem 3: Chaining Multiple Operations
- Nothing demonstrated has been expressive enough...
- We want to be able to chain, but gracefully handle multiple categories
``` elixir
res = input
|> something_that_can_fail
|> something_else_that_can_fail
case res do
{:ok, result} -> ...
{:error, msg} -> ...
{:none} -> ...
# "Railway Oriented Programming"
- Appropriated term...
# "Railway Oriented Programming"
- Once you "switch tracks" you don't go back
# Depends on those Algebraic Data Types
defmacro left >>> right do
quote do
(fn ->
case unquote(left) do
{:ok, x} -> x |> unquote(right)
{:error, _} = expr -> expr
# Railway Oriented Example
``` elixir
@doc "will return {:ok, notification} or {:error, error_msg}"
def email_notification(notification_id) do
get_notification_details notification_id
>>> validate_notification
>>> send_email
>>> mark_sent
- Better than pipes for error handling!
# Better... but...
# Where it falls over
- Cannot compose!
- To make `Order`, Amazon needs:
- `User`
- `Shopping Cart`
- `Shipping Address`
^ can you see the problem with this?
# Problem 4: Chain and Compose Results that can Fail
- Often can't just pipe output from one method into another
{:ok, user} = getUser(username)
{:ok, cart} = getCart(
{:ok, address} = getAddress(
{:ok, order} = createOrder(user, cart, address)
# Don't Fear the Monad...
> Monads have also been explained with a physical metaphor as assembly lines, where a conveyor belt transports data between functional units that transform it one step at a time.
-- Wikipedia
# Scala: Try Monad w/ Comprehension
- Looks like railway oriented programming
- But has more flexibility to compose results of operations
``` scala
def order(username: String): Try[Order] =
for {
user <- getUser(username)
cart <- getCart(
address <- maybeGetAddress(
} yield createOrder(user, card, address)
- returns `Success(order)` or `Failure(exception)`
# And Elixir...
@doc "returns {:ok, order} or {:error, msg}"
def create_order(username) do
with {:ok, user} <- get_user(username),
{:ok, cart} <- get_cart(,
{:ok, address} <- get_address(,
do: create_order(user, cart, address)
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