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Last active June 21, 2024 14:07
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Simple Huffman coding implementation
from queue import PriorityQueue
from collections import Counter
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Any
class Node:
count: int
value: Any=field(compare=False)
def huffman(symbol_list):
This function generates the huffman tree for the given input.
The input is a list of "symbols".
# figure out the frequency of each symbol
counts = Counter(symbol_list).most_common()
total = len(symbol_list)
if len(counts) < 2:
# 0 or 1 unique symbols, so no sense in performing huffman coding
queue = PriorityQueue()
for (val,count) in counts:
queue.put(Node(count=count, value=val))
# Create the huffman tree
largest_node_count = 0
while total != largest_node_count:
node1 = queue.get(False)
node2 = queue.get(False)
new_count = node1.count + node2.count
largest_node_count = new_count if new_count > largest_node_count else largest_node_count
queue.put(Node(count=new_count, value=(node1,node2)))
huffman_tree_root = queue.get(False)
# generate the symbol to huffman code mapping
lookup_table = huffman_tree_to_table(huffman_tree_root, "", {})
return lookup_table
def huffman_tree_to_table(root, prefix, lookup_table):
"""Converts the Huffman tree rooted at "root" to a lookup table"""
if type(root.value) != tuple:
# leaf node
lookup_table[root.value] = prefix
huffman_tree_to_table(root.value[0], prefix + "0", lookup_table)
huffman_tree_to_table(root.value[1], prefix + "1", lookup_table)
return lookup_table
def text_to_huffman_code(input_text):
"""Helper function to convert an input string into its huffman symbol table"""
return huffman([c for c in input_text])
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The code as presented will fail if there are two items that have the same number of counts; the underlying priority queue code will then attempt to compare the symbols or sub-trees, which will fail in the merge with
TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'tuple' and 'str'

The easiest way to fix that is to mix in the arrival time (a monotonically increasing counter) as a tie-breaker (beware, Python indent is lost).
queue = PriorityQueue()
arrival = 0
total = 0
for (val,count) in counts:
queue.put((count, arrival, val))
arrival += 1
total += count

That requires edits to huffman_tree_to_table and to the merging code. The main disadvantage of that strategy is that the table created is now dependent on the input data. A more principled solution would hash off the symbols or subtrees to get a stable tie breaker.

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